
Monday, March 17, 2014

Blog 19

Not many elements of popular culture influence my identity. I try not to base my characteristics off of anyone and anything but certain people/ criteria does influence which makes me who I am today. One element that does influence me is music. Music is just a great way to get the mind off of anything, whether you happy or sad, and music can also have a strong message to it. Some people like Eminem write most if not all their music based on the struggles of their childhood/ life and this influences me because it almost makes me feel that no matter how tough life can be if you work hard for what you want and set your mind to it, you can be anything. From other music i have heard a lot of it has to do with these singers who seemed to be bullied or had a tough time in school and they talk about how they don't listen to any of them. They talk about how people judge but they don't care what they think. This in particular i have borrowed and it has made me a better person because now i don't care what anybody says about how i look or what i wear or even how bad I'm doing. I just have this personality to not care what people think of me or what they say because they're nobody to me. 

On the flip side i do reject a lot of trends in todays society. A good example would be fashion magazines. A lot of people dress according to these magazines and I'm one who doesn't agree with that. One should dress to their own style. Dress they way you want and how you want it. Another example would be basing who you are towards movies. To me, movies are not the best choice to borrow ideas towards your personality. I feel as though movies aren't real so in the real world, things might not work out the same as in the movie world. If anything i would say music is the strongest category in influencing people because of their message or lyrics in a song. 

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