
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blog 18 - Do You Compare?

DUE Friday, March 7,2014

Reflect on the following argument:

We cannot appreciate what we have for its own merit. We see ourselves as fortunate only when we have as much as, or more than, other people. Thus, our judgment of what represents an appropriate limit on anything—on wealth or status or possessions—is never arrived at independently. Instead, we compare ourselves to other people, always wondering if what we have is enough.

Assignment: Do people need to compare themselves with others in order to appreciate what they have? 

Plan and write a 2-paragraph response in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and specific examples taken from your readings, studies, or observations. As always, include a 2-3 sentence response to someone else's blog post--building upon it, disagreeing with it, or re-thinking it.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Blog 17 - What Law/Rule Would You Change?

All communities, rather large or small, have laws and expectations when it comes to the behavior of the members. Rules and laws are meant to keep order and peace in the community, and to ensure the safety of as many members as possible. Some countries have laws that promote equality of individuals while others purposely prefer a hierarchical structure where benefits depend on a person’s position and contribution to the community.

Think about the laws and rules we have in the United States and in Dunellen High School. If you could change or abolish a law/rule (either at the federal, state, or school level) what law/rule would it be? Make sure to provide an explanation of your choice (min of 2 paragraphs). How do you see the law/rule harming people? What would changing or abolishing this law/rule change about the community? How would we be better without this law/rule? What do you suggest as an alternative to this law/rule.
In addition to your own post, please reply to someone else's in a few sentences. Remember, do not repeat a rule someone has already mentioned (unless you have something significant to add)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Research for the Speech

Collect notes on your selected topic – make sure to be aware of the opposite side of the argument, in case someone brings up questions after your speech.

ALL of the notes need to have citations – copy the link for all of your information.

Only allowed 2 sentences of direct quote per paragraph – everything else MUST BE PARAPHRASED, meaning in your own words.

NEED at least 3 reasons – with explanations and stories to make your speech interesting. Each one of your reasons (body paragraphs) needs an example of ETHOS, LOGOS, and PATHOS (so in all you need 3 of each).

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blog 16: Is College Worth It?

DUE ON Monday FEBRUARY 17, 2014
A Sundance Film Festival documentary, Ivory Tower, delves into the topic of the value of college education, asking questions such as: "Is college worth it, when it comes with crushing debt?" Those interviewed fall on both sides of the issue.

"I think I understood that higher education was in a difficult place," says Rossi, "But once you start to grapple with the volume of data about tuition rates going up over 1,000% since 1978; state funding going down nationally since 1980 by 40%; and 68% of students in public colleges not graduating in four years -- those kind of numbers, when I saw them, I was shocked."

Some college presidents in the documentary argue that "those who discard higher learning and succeed wildly without a degree -- like college dropout and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg -- are exceptions to the rule. Meanwhile, Generation Y takes on a reputation as "entitled" even though millions face sharp increases in interest on student loans."

For your response, think about the pitfalls and benefits of a college education. Consider careers and future options with and without a degree. Also, consider how easy or difficult it is to be successful without an education. Are we entitled to a good career after high school? How about after college? Make sure to respond to the topic (either choose a side or discuss both) with specific examples - no hypothetical or made up situations, actual facts and experiences of real people - in at least 2 paragraphs. YOU MAY NOT USE THE SAME EXAMPLES AS OTHERS.