
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I hate my phone -_-'

Giving kids rewards for doing good in school has its ups and downs. In my opinion giving kids rewards should come into action once and while. If you give your child a reward for doing something they are supposed to do, then they will not learn much. They will do their work, but not because they are intrigued as so much for the reward in the end. Kids would feel that if they do their work and study, whether they understand it or not, they should get a reward. Back then it wasn't like that. Kids did their work because they new they had to. Im sure here and there they got a reward, but not all the time. Therefore, kids should get rewards, but not so often

By you giving a child a reward for doing something they are supposed to do, is pretty much like giving them money for doing chores. Chores are something you should do around the house to help your parents. Same goes for school in a way. You should study for your benefit in the future. You shouldn't get reward for something that is for your good being. If you give kids rewards, then in the future when they are older they will feel they should get a reward for something they are supposed to do

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