
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blog 8: "The Machine"

DUE Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Bill Gates stated, “I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.” Why might one argue that a machine can be life-changing?Using examples from literature, history, science, or observation, write a 2 paragraph response about how a “machine”/”technology” can change the way of life. Make sure to be specific and detailed in your reasons and explanations.
Please read other posts before writing. A response that merely restates another blogger’s response will receive no credit. Think about both positive and negative changes when it comes to technology.


  1. In my opinion technology is the best thing coming to us as people. Since we are in a modern society I feel that most people would not be able to live without it. However I feel it is going to be our demise. This is because people in this world are not all mentally right which could lead to our worlds end.
    For example some people take the internet/ computer to the next level so they just stay home doing nothing which leave them not knowing about the outside. Another is technology in the case of war weapons. In the times of before talk of a gun was crazy who ever had them was the most powerful. Imagine nuclear weapons can lead to the worlds end by killing each other. Last is that there are mean people out there so they cyber bully others so it can that can take it to people committing suicide.

  2. Landin Morris
    I do think that technology is one of our achievements in our society. It has blessed all of us in areas such as communication, transportation, discovering cures to disease+ medicine, and last but not least but in education. But even thought technology does help the citizens of today’s society, I do worry about all of its negative effects on the country, and the overall effects of it on the planet. I feel like with no one putting boundaries on the advancement of technology, one day, it is going to cause more harm than good.
    I think that one day technology will change life for us (the human race, animals, plants, the planet) the worse because of education. I do think that technology has blessed us to have information anywhere at any time. If students need to know something about a historical person, they search it up on a computer or even their cell phones. But have you ever thought that even though we are benefiting from this, we are also using our brains less. Let’s take it back the 1800-1900’s. Do you think they had calculators and computers? No they didn’t, and when they needed to find any source of information they had to go to the library, when they had to solve math problems they would have to do it themselves. Even though this was a pain to them it was benefiting them. The fact that they didn’t rely on technology to do a humans job, made them smarter. This means that they where exercising their brains, making themselves stronger by doing work just a hard as we do now, just without all the gadgets to help them. We don’t do that now and days, we take the easy way, and it’s because of that we weren’t as smart as our ancestors. A myth says that we only use 10 percent of our brain. Is that true? I guess if technology continues to advance then we will find out, wont we?
    Another reason why I do think that technology will change our lives for the worse is because it is addicting. With all the new video games, and music, and computers people tend to latch onto this stuff because they fascinated by it. Then they start doing whatever they can to be with it, or interact with it. I had this issue when I got my Placation 3. The Placation 3 is a game system that allows you to play a variety of games, and interact with your other friends by playing with them, or playing online, and meeting other people. I thought it was incredible that I could meet new people without even leaving my room, and I could show them my best side, my gamer side. I got addicted to the gaming system and the games, and put it in front of my sleep, social life, education, and my responbilites. It wasn’t until I looked at what the addicting was doing to myself and everything around me, I caught myself, and got back on the right track. But sadly that isn’t the case for everyone. Some people end up staying home for long periods of time, playing video games, and that acts as a distraction to the things you are supposed to do. Another example is physical activity. I think many people aren’t going out and playing and exercising, because they rather stay inside and play video games, or use their phones and computers. If this doesn’t stop soon, I believe it will get worse, and just the thought of what that could do to us as a nation, and to the planet. Boundaries should be put on the advancement of technology, if not, I think it will do more harm than good.

    1. Love the second paragraph - you bring up some great examples. Also, I completely agree with the addiction fear - I have plenty of friends who are addicted to games and choose their consoles over human interaction.

  3. Bill Gates stated, “I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.” I agree with Bill Gates statement. I believe that technology including computers have been the most empowering toll we’ve ever created. For instance, computers have been extremely helpful in our human lives. Computers help in very intelligent ways like creativity and self-expression in music, art, gaming and other hobbies. Education for school like in homework, projects and help from online teachers/ tutors. They also help with giving directions to a new place you’ve never been to, online stores to get a loved one a gift, and information for research on diseases to find out how to help them or what causes it. Computers give us entertainment more than anything else. Most importantly, computers give us the opportunity to communicate with others. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter let us talk to our friends and family that live far away. Gets rid our loneliness, takes away boredom and increase emotions. And since a computer in now portable we can take it anywhere with us and enjoying it everywhere you go through out earth.
    Although I love computers and using them they can also be bad for us humans. In other words they can harm us in certain ways. Computer can break easily and once it’s broken, the memory is to all your hard work out the door. Your school work did not save properly and also delete everything. In addition, when you ask a question the answer can be wrong. Copy and paste is considered plagiarism which gas a punishment if done. Other people can be hackers and ruin your computer and other important things and inappropriateness goes on in the computer world. The computer can also develop viruses, they take your money, and the user receives verbal pain. The directions that you need can send you to the wrong places. Understanding can be difficult. And finally, Cyberbullying. Criticism. Pain. Threats. Loner maker. Suicide helper. Computer can’t save your life it can only make it worse and kill you more as you damage your eyes, brain, thoughts, knowledge and life ending.

    1. The paragraph on the down side to technology has a plethora of fantastic examples and frustrations.

  4. Edwin Unsihuay

    Technology has transformed into something that we never knew would be developed. Take a closer look; computers have made life easier for us meaning technology has changed the way of life. Computers now allow us to have programs such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel making typing and projects much easier for school. Maybe there weren’t any type of Microsoft program somewhere around the 1980’s we all are gracious for having these type of programs. Laptops such as the MacBook Pro is a device that has helped us succeed as it is easy to use with many valuable resources such as programs, ITunes to download music, the App store for fun, FaceTime seeing each other face to face, etc. The positive changes have been talked about and now it’s time for the negative changes such as not relying so much on technology. You don’t want to rely that much on technology because hard work comes from the effort that we put in life not from the Internet. Technology is a gift sent to Earth it should be appreciated but don’t rely on it that much it is why we use our inner knowledge.
    Machines such as bomb detectors have made it easier to track threats or mysterious packages on the streets of the Earth to prevent harm. Nowadays these types of machines (bomb detectors) are needed because you never know what’s going to happen changing the way of life to precaution and awareness when out on the streets. Scans going on in hospitals are types of machines that have checked us for any type of disease being formed. Scans such as these are finding diseases such as Cancer, Arthritis, and anything that you would like checked out and to be evaluated. Life around the world has changed due to these types of disease that can be very deadly and even yet fatal. Since life has change over the years due to technology and machines being recently explained we should all know that life is still growing as we speak of right now.

    1. I like that you point out the positives when it comes to social well being and health when using technology. Creative.

  5. Technology has made us more advanced in which there are things that couldn't effect us and technology and the things we have in the present protect us from things that humans can not protect. Over the years we have made things more advanced and we have more knowledge and we are aware of things that lets say we weren't aware of 20 years ago. People have to put thought and appreciate the things that they have technology wise and see that all of this gives us more information about the world and all of this can be life changing for people because we have technology for things like cancers and diseases that help us solve what we are trying to figure out and we need to thank the people with the brilliant minds to give us all of this because with out this type of technology we wouldn't be as knowledgeable and aware of things that we are today.

  6. Technology changed the way we live on earth. Everything will no longer be difficult for us since we found a way for us to make everything much simpler. I believe that we will no longer live in a world that everything takes time to do. Everything will go much faster from here on out. I think that communication is only going to end up getting rather fast as well as transportation. If people in the past were to see who everything is changing with computers and such advanced technology, they would believe that we are living in some type of community ruled by god. They would think that God is granting us with everything that makes life so much better. Computers make us much more educated as well. It helps us out by giving us information that someone else in the world knows. We have instant access to knowledge of the whole world on Google which enables us to find pieces of information from different websites.
    Sometimes technology becomes something negative by making us rely on it always. Most people need technology in order to survive in the world. Some people cannot live without their phones or computers. I feel like we need to be the type of people that need to live life sometimes without technology which kind of sounds impossible now. We need technology in order to get everything done. We need it in order to get to places or to communicate with others around the world. Without technology we wouldn't know what would be going on in other countries around the world. Technology may have made life easier but we relied on it to the point that we can longer survive without. I can only imagine how much worse it will be later on in the future.

    1. Good, but try to include technology other than computers and cell phones.


  7. I think technology is the greatest thing we have ever made because it helps us with communication and weaponry. But, there is always down sides to technology; technology can be used against us like on a computer. Most computers get viruses or people can hack into them and get all the information that the owner of that computer has. Or weapons such as the atomic bomb that are so deadly that the world has a law not to use them, also with a flame thrower. The world seems like a better place with technology and it is but we can’t always rely on technology to help us.
    What if the whole world had a black out and the technology we had just shut down and wouldn’t work anymore? Could you survive? I doubt many teens would because their phones are like their own child to them but, I’m sure adults would. They lived in a time where they didn’t have the technology we had so most of them would have gotten used to it. Not saying that only adults will be fine I’m sure some kids will be fine too, but there will be a lot of drama of how everything used to be better. Imagine the world without guns, probably be safer right? Wrong, humans will always find a way to threaten someone for what they want like a knife or crossbow, we humans are relentless to stuff we want whether it is by force or not.

    1. We do rely on our technology a significant amount.

  8. Thanks to technology we humans have advanced to whole new level. From cellphones to smartphones and from video game consoles to hand-held video games, a lot has changed over the past 15 years. Overall, technology has helped us out a lot and so we have been able to create all types of new machinery. If a student is doing a research paper, he/she can look up information about the topic within seconds. Calculators have made mathematics much simpler and smartphones can send messages to people all over the world within seconds. Without technology, we wouldn’t have what we have today. So, why not give technology a round of applause... or maybe not? Technology still has its downsides whether it’s realistically or fictionally.
    In "Doctor Who", there are these life forms called Cyberman. They have a human brain, but skin made of metal. As John Lumic (Creator of Cyberman in parallel Earth) puts it, they are the greatest upgrade humans can achieve. The point of Cyberman are to save the most important part of a human, the brain. John wants the Cyberman to take over Earth and make all humans Cyberman. In a way, Cyberman are machines, since the only thing “human” about them is fact that they have a human brain. This is a perfect example that machinery can have a negative effect on humans. By turning humans into Cyberman, they lose their identity as a human.
    What’s even worse are the Daleks. The Daleks are Kaleds that have been turned into cyborgs. The Kaleds themselves are encased within polycarbide armor. There genes are mutated so that they have no emotions except hate and so now have the urge to exterminate everything that isn’t them. As they are cyborgs, they are machinery, and the worst of its kind. They have force fields that protect them as well as having lasers that can kill anything with one shot. With this kind of power, an entire species can be wiped out. (The Cybermen learned this the hard way!)
    So, let’s go back to the real world, where Daleks and Cyberman don’t exist. There are still problems with technology. Cyberbullying has been become a major problem in the world. In can happen anywhere at any time. By posting just one thing on the internet, you can potentially ruin your life. That picture/message is now available to anyone in the world, and considering there are over 7 million people on Earth, you better be careful what you post on the internet. Really, it’s ironic. Technology was supposed to help us out with our daily. Yet, here I am, discussing all the ways technology has burdened mankind. Perhaps it’s time we go back to a simpler time and “EXTERMINATE!” all modern technology. Well, either that or humans can finally stop being ignorant and actually make sure they are aware of what the consequences are when using technology.

    1. Haha. I truly get a giggle out of all of your "Doctor Who" references. A+ forever. (But honestly, well done - there is a danger with too many "upgrades," such as losing our ability to think critically and problem solve since we rely so heavily on machines in today's society.)

  9. Where would we be without the Internet? Seriously, where? I know where I would be, doing this assignment at the library, speed writing to finish all my homework before it closes for the night. Society gained a lot from technology, not just the Internet, but in every invention. I mean, if you think about it, how insignificant is the new iPhone compared to the wheel? Technology aided humans in our quest to spread across the planet. To do this, we invented. We kept thinking of new ways to make things better, and so we did. Probably one of the most significant jumps of improvement was the Industrial Revolution. In a few years, we went from a wooden cart drawn by a horse to an automobile! A sleek, metal machine that changed the shape of the world. And that one innovation paved the way for more inventions, more improvements, and more progress in society.
    However, this does come at a cost. As soon as someone makes something nice, the other guy has to come and ruin. With the coming of ways to make things easier, many people used this to their own, self seeking, advantage. Such as, when the new, then lightning fast Fords came off the assembly line, gangsters such as Baby Face Nelson used these (along with tommy guns) to evade the police. More notably in this age, technology has been used to corrupt. With access to a world stage, people come to others online, and try to get them to meet him or her, while we all know who is behind the screen, waiting to snatch up that child at a moment's notice.

  10. Blog 8
    Tyler Medina

    Technology can definitely change the way that people live. People without a doubt become addicted to and can't really live without technology. Whether it be a phone, an x-box, ps3, Ipad, or a television, people sometimes spend 24 hours straight on those machines. I have literally seen people with their faces just about two inches away from their phone, and it wasn't because they were reading really small text size, it was because they are just so brain-washed into their phone and into what they are doing. It's almost as if they are drawn to the phone like a proton to a neutron.
    But technology can actually change peoples life in a good way. People with disabilities can most definitely use technology to their use. If a person served in the military and his leg or arm was blown off by an accident, they will be able to receive a prosthetic limb to substitute their missing limbs. Also, people use technology to make a living. Designing and creating new ways to do things, inventing new items to help other people accomplish goals. It's imperative that we have technology for some uses in the world, without it, we wouldn't have medicine to help people, and we wouldn't have the technology to build safety tools and systems.

  11. Bill Gates once stated that "I think its fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created, they're tools of commmunication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by there user." I do agree with Bill Gates's statment. I think technology including computers have been the most empowering tool to our society. Computers have been helping humans in almost every aspect of todays society. For example they let us us express our emotions through highly inteligent ways such as music and online drawing programes. They also help students academically if a student for gets there text book in school they can use the online text book. If a student forgets a homework sheat of paper in there looker they can print it of line. Computers also give human highly inteligent answers for example you type in "when did the world war 2 specifically start and the answer pops right up" 1941. Computers also give humans instructions on how to build things, also computers give you directions if you need to know how to go somewere and you dont know how to get there. They also provid a way for kids to communicat with there friends some times they canbe all over the world. You can do this online web sites like facebook,instagram, twitter,myspace.
    Although computers do all these great things for us they can also be be a bad thing sometimes. For example on these online communication web sites you might think your talking with a child the same age as you and they can be a adult that is 60-70 year old. We call these people online preditors they pray on yung children. Also computes can give you false information for exampl your trying to do a report for school on thomas Jefferson and you look up some information you write it down on your report. When you give it to the teacher you get a horrible grade thanks to false information online. Computers also can give out wrong directions you may want to go to New York City and you print directions you may end up in Jersey City or even Washington DC. In conclusion computers can be a big help to the human society,but computers can also be harmful to it as well.

    1. I like your examples in the first paragraph. The dangers of technology are well explained.

  12. Technology has advanced so much in the past five years with new phones, new computers, gaming systems and iPods. Technology just doesn’t stop expanding in its wide range of variety. Someone can in fact be impacted by technology in both positive and negative ways. One positive ways that someone can be impacted by technology is machinery. Artificial legs and arms make some people’s lives easier. For people who are immobile they can use a phone to call someone if they are in need of support. If one source of technology is sublimated somehow, other technology can interfere in its place. Say, your television’s power source is knocked out; to get the latest news updates you can call a friend. Also, a technological device can play with one’s brain patterns for the better. Someone can gain hand-eye coordination from playing a video game. Someone can experience real life crisis from a computer or video game generated scenario, or can experience some of life’s specialties such as mining or flying in a helicopter. If a person is immobile they can see a computer generated landscaping of underneath the crust of the earth. Still, generated synopses of such scenarios of life are not the same thing but they can sure as anything put a smile on one’s face.
    However, technology can be for the worse. People can get tangled up in the technology current day life possesses. A person can be manipulated, addicted or overly discombobulated because of technology as to what comes first and foremost in life. One might feel a generated family; on say one of the Sims games it is more important to take care of the video game family than your own. Also, some distorted minds may get confused with the realities of life verses pressing the replay button. Not everything technology supplies lies in the depths or real humanistic activities. Arguments that are generated may not even exist in real life crisis basics. Technology can make people lazy because it supplies them with all the knowledgeable amenities that living requires. Such as if one has the urge to possess the skillful knowledge of something that confuses them, a computer or phone can readily supply them with all the knowledge they need to know. The other option is finding that information the old-fashioned way by reading, or talking to an expert. Back then do you think people searched on Google how to make pumpkin pie? Of course not, the people back then may as well of have made up their own recipes. It is in fact a benefit to easily search information using technology but it can also make people lazier. I feel that because of technology people are obese. Not only because technology makes people lazy but also because of how food companies use technology to cut us short from nutrients in food. Factories can use machinery to produce the food we eat, right? Because of technology factories can supply our food with fattening supplements such as high fructose corn syrup. Food companies use technology made plant protectants to protect the food they than process into as pertain and high fructose corn syrup using technology. Plant protectants such as Bug-Off are made from machinery and that Bug-Off can is used on the food we eat today, which is unhealthy and toxic. Some business corporations are cheap with the nutrients supplied in their food and use technology to make unhealthy contents we eat. As you can see here, technology can be used in positive and negative aspects it all depends on the beholder.

  13. Bill Gates stated, “I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.” Technology has several advantages which help people in many different ways. For example, the Internet brings people together with websites such as YouTube. We are able to see different aspects of the world on our screen in our homes. The Internet is also a great search engine in which people can find infinite amount of information just by typing on a keyboard. Computers are also very useful when it comes to school work because it allows us to write a five page report without hurting out hand. With both computers and televisions, everybody has access to the news immediately instead of waiting for the newspaper. (Go Green!) In modern day, we also have several types of transportation such as cars, planes, trains and so much more. It helps us get to our destination which s also very helpful in case someone needs to be somewhere immediately. It definitely saves time. We also have cell phones which are great way of communication than writing letters. One of the most important things technology has done is find cures for so many illnesses. Without technology, people could die of simple things such as the common cold. Technology does have its advantages with making our lives much easier.
    With all positive things, there are also the negatives. Technology is not only beneficial but, it can also harm our society. For example, texting, Skype and such is ruining how people interact with one another. People are used to staring at a screen and they are unaware of their surroundings. Our society may end up like the movie WALL-E in where people are communicating by just staring a screen. People are also taking out their cell phones to film something but, they won’t really savor the moment. There is also the issue that people are texting and driving at the same time. If people are not paying attention to the road, there will a car accident. That is another problem with technology. There are so many people who are reckless drivers. It is because of them that they are endangering people when driving. Our transportation is also very harmful because of the gas it lets out into the environment. It hurts both the environment and people’s health. In China, there is so much pollution that when you look at a photo, you are not able to see anything but, smoke. Just imagine breathing that it in. Technology does have its perks but, it also does have its disadvantages.

  14. Jonathan Meyer
    Blog 8
    Technology has had an immense impact on our society. Some argue it has helped humans while others argue it has harmed humans, when in reality it does both. Technology is like a medicine, it can help you when you are struggling and is very useful, but there are side effects that come in different severities, some more detrimental than helpful. I prefer to think that technology helps people more than harm. When most people think of technology usually it’s the thought of electronics like phones and computers. These devices are very useful because phones allow people to get in contact with others fast and easily with contact to most of the world and computers allow information to be passed around and they have helpful programs like Microsoft and Google. As a kid in school computers are a necessity because they help with essays and homework and overall learning. Other technology that is much more important is medical technology. The technology that is being created of new medicines and new ways to research diseases id extremely helpful. When new medicines are found they can cure otherwise doomed people and are helpful in keeping people alive and increasing the lifespan of humans. Medical technology in specific can be life changing because one new technology of medicine could meant eh difference between life and death for hundreds of people. There are so many technologies that have changed society and people lives. Computers can help a designer make new and interesting logos, making them famous, a voice box can help mute people talk and communicate with others, phones can make calls that can save a person’s life, medicine can heal a fatally ill person; all of these various technologies today are incredible.
    Although helpful, technology can impact a person’s life very negatively as well. For some people technology is their life and human interaction is an uncommon occurrence for them. People become so consumed by their technologies such as computers or gaming consoles, such as the Xbox or PlayStation, and especially phones. So much today people are obsessed with their cell phones. Some people cannot even take a step without them, as if that is a key that is the only way to get through the steel door leading to the world. At dinner they don’t talk only texting, in school texting friends instead of paying attention, at home playing games instead of being productive. The worst part id when these people have to be social they get anxiety had have a hard time even looking at the person as if it is an incredible and horrific thing to talk to someone… in person! Phones can literally ruin a person’s whole life because they like to take selfies and tweet and Instagram and all other forms of social networks, instead of being social, #mainstream! Just kidding I despise hashtags, I remember when it used to mean pound or number. Also computers can do the same thing although they have an even wider range of causing a person to have “no life”. As technology advances it helps humans in so many ways. But are the side effects more deadly than the actual medicine. The world may never know, until it’s too late.

  15. Technology has changed the lives of everyone. For the most part, technology has improved the lives of those who use it. One example of technology changing lives is cell phones. Back in the 1980’s people could only contact their friends if they were home. If they wanted to meet up with someone and they were not home, then they were out of luck, Worst of all, if a guy wanted to call a girl he liked, there was a solid chance that her dad would answer, and that is an awkward conversation that nobody wants to have. Now though, you can call anyone, no matter where they are.
    Another way technology has changed us is by making information more accessible. Before the internet became so widespread, in order to do essay or some other research, you would have to go to the library and use the limited resources they had. Now though instead of going and taking out a book, you can go online and pick from the limitless resources it has to offer. It not only saves time, but it offers more information. It is important though, to make sure that the information is accurate.

    1. Ha. Cell phones were used as an example above, though I do like your scenario. Also, many people mentioned the internet - can't repeat examples.

  16. technology is growing very rapidly and it's changing our life really fast. Scientist predicted that maybe in a 100 years their will be robots just like us living in our world. They made the first biotic man.That is a big thing because how advanced the technology is we are having to machines that can walk, talk, sleep, eat, and live their daily life like us. Also the new technologies are coming out can help us a lot. Back in the old days people had to do the hard way. If they wanted to search something up they had to go to the library and get a book. But now we have computers and we can search things really fast.

    Sometimes these technologies can harm is because too many kids can be addicted to the iPads , iPods, or iPhone and those can mess up the child's brain. Also if we do have robots and they go work they can take people's jobs. Then other people won't have a job anymore. Technology can be a good thing and a bad thing.

    1. Proofread - explain more about the bionic man. You also repeated some of the examples used above. Make sure to read other responses before constructing yours.

  17. sorry this is late, my laptop crashed while doing this yesterday.

    Sydney white

    Technology has become a huge part of our world today. For example, computers, tablets, iPhones, iPods, television, etc. Some positive things about technology are phones. Phones are good to have in case of an emergency, or just to contact your family members. Also iPods are nice to have because music helps people through a lot, so it’s good to have a nice tune playing. Computers are very helpful to people who work, and they keep all of their documents on their laptop.
    Technology may seem like a great thing, but sometimes people take it for granted. For example, it’s not good to stop hanging out with your friends, and not going out just because you want to sit inside and be on your laptop. Technology can ruin friendships because people choose their IPhone or laptop over their friends. For instance, I used to have a friend who would always sit inside on their IPod and every time my other friends and I asked her to hangout she would always say “ no, I’m bust on my IPod sorry. “ Technology didn’t ruin our friendship but now that she has the new IPod, she never doesn’t anything but sit inside and tweet, and text. This is how technology can be great and bad at the same time.

    1. You repeated some of the examples used above. Make sure to read other responses before constructing yours.

  18. Machines and technology can gravely change the lives of people. They can help people find jobs, create new opportunities for people, and help people achieve success and improve society. 7.1% of americans are unemployed, or about 11.3 million ( Technology has opened a new window of jobs and job searching for people, which means that without technology the amount unemployment would be much greater. Technology has also helped people achieve success. For example, without technology Mark Zuckerberg wouldn't have created facebook, and many businesses would be undiscovered and struggling because of the lack of advertisement. Lastly, society has improved because of technology and machines. People no longer need to knit a blanket for winter of sow clothing for their kids. Machines can create clothing and make blankets for you. Also the standards of living have increased because of all the wonderful machines.
    Technology and machines could also have a negative effect on life. They pollute the atmosphere, create the loss of jobs in factories, and consume someones life. Pollution affects over 100 million people ( Machines create this pollution and it destroys the atmosphere more and more everyday. In factories machines are replacing the jobs of people. This is a global affair, families all around the world are out of jobs and cannot afford food necessities. Finally, technology can consume the lives of people. Kids, teenagers and adult lives are filled with the use of technology. Kids enjoy playing on their DS, gaming systems and computers, they would much rather be online that be outside. Teenagers are constantly on their cell phones and computers checking out the latest social networking sites. I've seen teenagers in restaurants texting or looking at their “feed” instead of talking with family. Adults are no better than them, my mom and dad are constantly on the phone with people and are constantly texting. My mom and dad are obsessed or addicted to a game called candy crush and to them it is like a drug, once they tried it they couldnt stop. As you can see technology and machinery have their positive and negative effects on the world and the lives of people.

  19. Sorry it was late....

    Bill Gates stated, “I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.” I agree with Mr. Gates to a certain extent. After the cell phone a personal computer or laptop is the most purchased gadget today. Technology is like a companion that never leaves your side or ignores you. Technology can bring people together with social media such as Facebook, Skype, or Oovoo. Also, technology can pull relatives closer to their roots with websites like a website that tracks a families entire documented history. Technology isn’t just computers, cell phones or television sets, no technology is all around us in this new day and age technology will become an even bigger part of our lives than we can imagine.
    Technology may be a big part of the world today however it should not take over all other priorities. The childhood obesity rate for American children is at an alltime high and technology has a “huge” part in that. I believe children should become adapt to today's technology but not to the extent that takes away time for physical activity. Children should take 60 minutes out of their days solely for exercise. A new study shows that kids ages 0-8 spend an average of two hours a day with screen media like smartphones, video games, computers, or television.( This shows that even little children are seduced by games and television other electronics that take away from crucial learning time. Technology is unlimited and universal but should be used in moderation.

  20. Micaellah P. Acosta
    Understanding Writing
    Blog 8
    November 1, 2013

    Bill Gates stated, “I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.” I completely agree with this statement. Computers have become such a easy, and helpful tool that many people use. Technology, such as iPods, cell phones and computers help make life much easier. For example, business workers use it to reach their employers, or to read emails. Not only does it make it helpful for work, but it is entertaining as well. Not just iPods, and iPads are entertaining but so is television, kids and adults use it for their own personal amusement.
    Technology can be amusing, and helpful but it can also turn bad as well. It has “become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created” Gates stated and it is very true. Technology is practically conquering the nation! All these electronical uses like, iPads, iPods, iPhones, etc. are becoming addicting. Many people are becoming mentally addicted to them that people claim and say “I cannot live without my phone!” I’m a victim as well, because I have said that too. Technology has been becoming more advanced that even two year olds are able to use iPads, and iPods! It also helps kids procrastinate when it comes to school work, its becoming a huge distraction to school works.

    1. Repeats some of the above examples. Make sure to read the posts above yours so that doesn't happen.

  21. Technology has now become the burden of human kind. Although it has provided with many helpful inventions, many new faster and better efficient ways to problem solve, it is the biggest burden we carry now. If technology doesn’t progress in the rate it is now, or faster, then the people of this earth will go ape and in a state of emergency. Now days all I see on TV are the new IPhone or Ipad or how Microsoft’s new laptops weigh less than a pound. Or the new Dr. Dre beats have the best quality and base feeling compared to any other headphones in the market. I am no hypocrite, and the truth is I love and want all these new inventions. As long as they make me complete tasks faster and quicker and make me look like I’m up to date with society than I will approve all of this.
    Machines/Technology has provided us with better efficient methods to overcome the obstacles in life. For example, Ipads provide as portable textbooks. MacBook’s are very efficient for movie effects, and editing photos and video clips. Microsoft laptops are efficient for gaming, and IPhones provide quick access to the internet, a calculator, a method of communicating, and a map of the world. Technology has made us come to faster results, and better methods in doing things that 100 years ago, we wouldn’t have ever thought of! All in technology is Humankind’s wonderful burden.

    1. The first paragraph seems contradictory - explain how technology is a burden? You only give positive examples in the paragraph.

  22. I believe machinery and/ or technology can change the way of life. Technology and machinery has become a huge part of our lives and I don’t think people can live with it because we are all so immune to it being there for us. We rely on technology so much. Machinery and technology definitely changed the way of life for us. For instance, people are lazy and spoiled with the advantage of having a source so advanced available to them whenever. If someone needs to know a definition or needs an answer to a question someone around them wouldn’t possibly know, then they have their technology. Or maybe if someone wants to heat up their left over Chinese food, they can pop it right into the microwave which is machinery.
    Furthermore, technology and machinery changes our way of living for another example, bullying. People use the opportunity to type and send whatever they want to another person or post stuff that they wouldn’t usually say. They have the guts to send a text message stating something that they most likely wouldn’t say in person to somebody. There is no communication what so ever between people as much as there used to be because they are used to using their technology. We had recently had an assembly about this topic and it stood in my mind. I’ve noticed this too. People act all big and say whatever that comes to their mind online or through a texting app. But, in reality they most likely can’t say it without hesitation or being nervous.

    1. Some of your examples repeat those of other posts. Make sure to read the ones above yours so that doesn't happen in the future.

  23. Machines and technology can change life in many ways. One way is if a person lost a body part in an accident. Say someone got there arm bit off by a shark and they lose it. Thanks to technology there are artificial body parts that one has access to. These artificial limbs are in most cases able to move and work like real life limbs. These can change people’s lives from bad to good in a matter of hours.
    Another way technology and machines can change lives are they change the way we learn. Before, teaching and learning only happened in books. Now we can learn and teach through computers and the internet. This makes learning more efficient and faster. It now lets people with no chance of ever having education to have a good education. While learning new knowledge we change our own lives and others.

  24. Destiny Lightfoot
    Understanding Writing
    Blog 8
    Bill Gates stated, “I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.” I absolutely agree with this statement. One might argue that a machine can be life- changing because we can do many things with technology these days as you can see. For example, with ipads and iphones you can look up pretty much anything and also take pictures and send them to your friends and family. Also, with a computer we can also look up anything really and we can type things easily just like how I wrote this. Back then they didn’t have phones and computers to look up things, they had to go the library and look things up in books, but now we just go to our phones and type in anything we want to look up. My mom always says “you guys have a beautiful sitting in the living room to look things up, back then we didn’t have a computer and we would have killed to be able to use one.” This is true, I believe that computers, phones, ipads, all technology is amazing, it really is.
    Furthermore, machines/ technology really are life- changing. I know that if I didn’t have my phone, ipad, or computer to look up anything or use it to type things up, I don’t know what I would do. Yes, I would go to the library to look up things, but I don’t know how I would stay in contact with friends after school or with my parents unless I used the house phone if that’s all I had. Technology is a magnificent thing, like my mom always says “use your sources that you have, your ipad, phone, that wonderful computer sitting in the living room.” She says this to me all the time and I really don’t know what I would do without technology, it truly is life-changing especially to those who didn’t have technology back then.

    1. You repeated examples from previous posts. Read others before constructing yours so that doesn't happen.

  25. One may argue that a machine can be life-changing for many reasons. Two ways a machine may be life-changing is less work for humans and it is sometimes dependent. I say it is dependent because it may help with something like the government but the government needs to check. It may not be very reliable because it may have an error. Another reason why I think it is life-changing it because some machines operate themselves. Us humans have been able to make machines that can do things themselves. For example, factories have machines that can make things themselves. Machines are going to continue getting more complex and will soon be self operable
    Steven Montoya.

    1. Incomplete - not 2 paragraphs. Give more specific details to explain what you mean.

  26. with technology, like the internet, life was altered drastically. one example is that of how the internet is the main way everyone talks. through Facebook, twitter, instagram, ext.. another example is that of cell phones people now just text to each other if they arent near a computer yet they could be two feet from the person they are talking too.

  27. There are positives and negatives to technology, most technology is helpful but that helpful technology can be harmful. Phones are a very important part of people life in todays world, and if they lose it then they are devastated.But phones can be very harmful also, they can make someone very anti-social . The positive side of phones are that you can stay in touch with people that you want to talk to. It's amazing that now if your in the U.S you can call someone that is in china. Another good thing is having entertainment, there are so many apps today made for entertainment it's insane. I find it awesome that I pretty much have a mini computer in my pocket most of the time.
    A bad thing about technology is that people can get to into it and become very anti-social. I personally know people who are pretty much addicted to the internet and I don't think that, that is a good thing. I think that technology is very entertaining and can be very addicting but it shouldn't be the biggest part of your life. Another bad thing for some people but good for others is that machines are now taking peoples jobs. So it's definitely a bad thing for the person getting fired but it's a good thing for that corporation. I think that technology is better than worse overall by a long shot.
