
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blog 7: Prompts from the Future.

How would people in the Middle Ages respond to a television? What would someone from the 1700s think of a helicopter? What would a person from the early 1900s think of a computer, or more specifically, the Internet?

They would think these things were magical–either illusions or genuine supernatural occurrences. They might even believe the persons yielding the magical objects were witches, wizards, or gods.

But you and I both know that’s not the case. Televisions, helicopters, and computers are all very real, and thanks to modern technology, most of us have access to them.

We humans have a tendency to believe that we are at the apex of knowledge; that right now, we know as much as we ever will. As much as we love stories that depict the future (sci-fi or fantasy), we tend to think of them as fanciful. Sure, a great writer or a skilled filmmaker can help us suspend our disbelief for the duration of a book or a film, but sitting in your living room on an ordinary day, it all seems rather unlikely, doesn’t it? People bouncing around in time? Fighting intergalactic wars in outer space? Come on.

For this blog choose one of the following. The style could be explanatory or creative, it is up to you. A minimum of 2 paragraphs (if the blog will not let you post a longer piece, separate into two reply comments):

·         You must write a creative prompt from EITHER the point of view of someone in the past seeing our future (their interpretations of the item/event, their theories on it, reaction, what they think the item/event means).

·         OR write about the future – what do you think future (fill in the blank) will be like (medicine, travel, government, technology, world).


  1. Blog 7
    Marcus Caldwell
    In the future or the present because future became the present and that became the past, and what I just wrote became the past and so on. Well, let’s get back to the distant future, a place where it is like a utopia. A place of peace and prosperity, no violets between countries, and the world is a better place to be in. People back then thought that we would have flying cars by 2012 but we don’t, thanks “Back to the Future” for getting our hopes up. But, from what I can see the future to be like is there is no sickness, there is a cure for everything and there are no side effects. There are flying cars I would think we have robots too, just robots that help around the house, and walk your dog, that sort of thing. But, here’s the bad thing about the future, you ready for this. WE DON’T KNOW. Yeah that’s right we don’t know what could happen I could be totally wrong but we just have to wait a find out.
    Here is my idea of a bad future, a corrupted government, cities under poverty, possible cities going under martial law. There could be a zombie invasion for all we know, that is what scary about the future. Also, as I said before we don’t know, that is the scariest part it can go either way, bad or good. Also that is the definition of fear, not knowing the outcome of the actions one can do that will affect the future. Well kind of off topic here but, I also think that there is one country that will rule the world, become the king of the world and the world is dying. Or maybe there will be no earth, maybe something like a meteor or a black hole destroys the earth and it is the end of the world. All we can do is wait and see what the future has in store for us, I only hope it’s a good future to live in

  2. As a child, I used to believe that the future would be filled with flying cars, time machines, and teleportation. Honestly, that’s what everyone thought, even in the past. But seriously, let’s think realistically. Flying cars are from today’s standard, especially due to the fact of mass production of normal cars. However, electrical powered ones are starting to become a reality. As time progresses, technology will also become more advanced. So let’s say we go 100 years into the future. New diseases have been discovered, but at the same time, cures are being found. Cancer and AIDS have been cured, and there are hovering cars powered by electricity. It seems America is still in debt. Somehow, pollution has been lowered, and Earth is healthier than it was before. Mankind has developed further, and the population has grown to eight million. It’s only a matter of time before Earth becomes too crowded.
    Now, let’s go even farther, say 500 years from the present. Flying cars are now a reality, and they fill the sky. We have found cures for almost all known diseases, and America is slowly paying off its debt. The government has fortunately shut down again and the world population has shrunk to six million thanks to the meteor that decimated China. Time travel has been created, but is used only by the government. However, teleportation and advanced laptops are allowed for public use. We have made contact with other life forms, and all government officials are now required to learn all alien languages. Mankind has developed even further, yet we still are selfish. Finally, let’s go into the far reaches of the future. How about five million years from today? Humans have established a new home in a planet in the Andromeda galaxy. They live alongside other life forms, living out life to the fullest. Humans have now bred with other aliens, and so there are no pure humans. It was necessary though, in order to create peace with other aliens. The government consists of all life, old and new, and makes sure the peace is kept. Disease still plagues everyone, but all of them are treatable thanks to the cat people. The Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy is about to explode and obliterate the Earth and other planets. But a few famous life forms are aboard a spaceship near the Earth, waiting to witness the planet meet its demise.
    It truly is amazing, what the future hold for us. Though whether what I’ve said is right or not it’s always nice to think about what will happen. Maybe humans will still live on, or perhaps they will meet the same, horrible faith the Earth will meet. If this does happen, then what will become of the universe? Is there really other life out there? I think there is, and we will meet soon enough. But what do I know? Some of this response was based off of Doctor Who, a very popular British TV show. But that strays from what this response is about. Really, the future can be anything, and as they say, “blind chance rules”.

    1. Ha. The cat people are tricky though....don't trust the cat people. Hopefully we'll have someone like the Doctor to fix our future catastrophes.

  3. Blog 7
    Tyler Medina

    To me, I think that the future has a lot in store for us. New things like medicine, technology, and new ideas for new everything, even the littlest of things. I personally look forward to the entertainment they have in their time. Maybe with all the advanced technology, the special affects will be so unbelievably beautiful and realistic it will look as if it were actually documented from an actual camera. Also, I would like to see what kind of medications they have made in the future, and if severe diseases now will be forgotten and cease to exist in the future.
    In addition, I would like to see how the economy will be in the future. Hopefully people made up their minds and came to a conclusion and hopefully fixed many economical situations we struggle with today. I also want to see some attractive hot spots for travel such as water parks or beaches, maybe they will make very extreme but safe and fantastic rides to go on. Instead of going through some tube, maybe there will be rockets of water that shoot us into the air and make us land into a giant pool. Also, maybe the world will be in better shape, meaning no global warming caused by pollution.

  4. In the past people have been paranoid about the future. They planned the end of the world date, what types of cars we would be driving and colonizing other far away planets. People thought that by now we would have holograms, teleportation, and flying cars. Today, we are nowhere near some of those things. If people from the past came to present time they may be disappointed with our achievements and customs.

    If people from medieval times came to the present day they may think that everything is blaspheme, they also may think that we are gods because we know so much. They may also think that we are all demons because we do such ungodly things. Also these medieval people television may be witchcraft, also phones, iPads and Tablets, and game devices. These people may also think our government is much more fair and just than theirs. The men of the past may not like that women have most the same rights as women do. But most of all the rich people wouldn't like to be at the same level as poor people. And the fact that slaves are now illegal may strike them as odd. The fact that not a lot of people still go to church may cause them to panic because they are weakening their relationship with god.
    People from the renaissance may be surprised that we use a lot of their ideas and styles of art. For example, we still admire works like the Marble David and the Mona Lisa. The mutant ninja turtles are named after the great men of the renaissance, if one of these men came to now they probably would be proud to be in a show. Also, all the religions might surprise the past people. They also may question the clothing style and the morals of us. Throughout time we have made great improvements to what we have. These changes would be new and foreign to the people from the past. To them these new phenomenons would be unexplainable, they may think of it as witchcraft or an illusion. They may prey to an iPhone or a iPad because of its knowledge. These may be some of the interpretations of the present from people from the past.

  5. I am writing about what the future holds. Now-a-day technologists are always making improvements to modern day society. They are coming up with better ways to live and access the needs of life we so valuably pleasure. But, what can the future hold? The future holds in my prospect way better standards of life. Modern day candy contains almost nothing but corn. People today tend to be on the obese side and because of how fattening our unnatural sweeteners in food and candy are that adds to obesity. In the future I think food and candy will be healthier and be better towards the promotion of brain function. Technology will differ from current day principles significantly. We will have the widest variety of technology you can think of in the future. Phones will be unbelievably smart if they even still exist. If there are smart phones in the current there will be genius phones in the future. There will transporters that can transport you and anything you want to the destined location. The speed of light which regulates time will be evidently broken. I am sure all disease that exists today will be curable, except new diseases will emerge in the future. Phobias will probably be considered a disease and scientists will try to come up with a cure for a variety of phobias. Government systems will differ so remarkably they would never believe how people today managed to not blow up because of the government. I am not saying our government today is bad I am saying that in the future modifications will occur and they will be wondering how we managed. The world will differ immensely in the future. People will have different greetings, different food, clothing, technology, schooling system. In the future I am sure schools will allow technology such as typing on the desk instead of writing on it.

  6. He awoke in a large bed, swallowed in comfortable fabrics, unlike the harsh wool he had known for so long. He read a chorus of noises beside him, alien to his ears. He looked around, and was aghast at his surroundings. He was in a lightly colored room, painted white, and a lightly colored shade of blue he had never seen before. He looked to his side, and there stood a monstrosity. Next to him, was some sort of device, it was stark white, like the room, it was elevated on a shiny metal pole, and had wheels on the bottom. On the main body, it contained many small glass panes, with glowing numbers and many buttons. Coming from it was a chorus of beeps that frightened him to the core. Worst of all, from the machine, hung bags that contained strange liquids. From the bags, ran a tube that was injected into his arm. He panicked. Hysterical, he swung the covers off of him, and found himself in a very exposing, this robe. He ripped the tube from his arm, and cried out in pain from the action. He burst through the door of the room, and ran through the alien hallways. He sprinted past dozens of confused people, all wearing very odd clothes. He tore open a door when the hall ended, and bounded down a staircase. He was relieved to finally find something familiar to him.

    When he exited the door at the bottom of the staircase, he marveled at what he saw. He was exposed to a completely new world, he gazed at the gargantuan skyscrapers, lined with exquisite stone, and glass that would put cathedrals to shame. He gazed at the building he exited, and read the large words above what appeared to be the ntrance: “New York University Hospital”. He turned, and lowered his gaze. The sheer number of people. thousands of people, streaming down the side of the roads, all in what appeared to be an organized chaos. Then he saw them. On the roads, in the place of chariots he saw people sitting in giant, metal boxes. He people sitting in all shapes and colors of this new vehicle. However, it appeared the most popular among these were yellow, although he hadn’t the foggiest idea why. He gaze down the road, and saw brilliant signs that shone with such color not even Da Vinci himself could capture! He gasped. the man felt something inside of him, and it felt… wrong. He collapsed on the ground and began to convulse, coughing and coughing until blood was thrown out of his mouth, coughing until it hurt to take in breath. Suddenly, a pair of men burst through the entrance.
    “There he is!,” one of them said. “ This is the one with the freak immune system, he’ll never survive unless we can get him back in the room!” The two loaded him on to some sort of stretcher, and rushed hi into the building. “It’s as if he’s never been to exposed a virus past the 1700’s!” the man exclaimed. As the pair carried him through the building, the man began to long for his old home, to be able to walk the plains, and to hold his beloved wife again. He hoped that his wish would be granted, as he slowly crept into a long, dark sleep.

    1. Excellent work - love that you made this a story. The pacing and tone capture the wonder and fear that the character himself is feeling.

  7. Anthony Cifuentes
    Period 9

    I feel like the future holds a lot of exciting and interesting things for us humans. Just thinking about it, our world has improved a lot! Especially in our lifetimes. To start with, I feel like medicine will be a lot more improved. More cures to diseases will end up being discovered. We really need more of these types of discoveries, some people more than others. Will Cancer and AIDS be cured? Possibly. At today's rate, researchers, doctors, and scientists spend vast moments of their lives trying to find some type of solution that will change mankind forever. Next, is the amazing technology. I personally am amazed just looking at what we have right now. Different tablets, phones, computers, televisions, cameras, etc. The list is endless! Now, lets just imagine the future. In a few years, most phones will probably all be indestructible. In 100 years, phones will be absolutely incredible! They will have some new and cool design with basically genius abilities! Thats if we don’t believe that some new amazing communication device is invented by then (there's a big possibility of that happening.)
    To add on, there's transportation. We can honestly say that our transportation currently is pretty enhanced compared to hundreds of years back. In the future, I think we’ll have some type of teleporter machine that at an instant can send a person to a completely new location. I’m talking many many years in the future. Our time has many inventions that are mind blowing, but we’re far from teleporters. But, I believe that one day it will happen, eventually. Our world will be very different from what we live in now. Most fro the better we hope. Whether it be 5 years or 500 years, our average human life will be transformed and bring new things.

    1. How do you think scientists will cure the diseases? What do you think future phones will be capable of? Give some imaginative details.

  8. Edwin Unsihuay

    The future has yet to come but we all can predict on how it will turn out to be I’ll give you my prediction. What I predict the future will be like is by the year 2017 I think we will find a cure for Cancer. If this will happen it will be outstanding and a huge help to the world. It really is depressing to lose loved ones but we will have to wait for the outcome of the future to find a cure for this deadly disease. Travel will also change as our cars will have to refill fuel in about a month and before we can get into our car a little message from a voice in the car will say “Don’t text and drive”. As always, never text and drive it can lead to disasters such as ending one’s own life and possibly life in prison.
    Government I predict will play a huge role in the future as the president’s of the future will decide to enforce a law for extreme secure protection in schools after what happened in that horrifying shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. December 14 marked this horrific day and if only those kids were still with us today it would be an awesome feeling. Technology will definitely advance, as Apple won’t be Apple anymore possibly there could such thing as Cherry or Orange. Computers and laptops will be able to text message and won’t be damaged by water anymore because some special screen will cover it. The world is probably the hardest to predict but I predict that the world by the next 9 years will finally be done with war and if possible encounter Bigfoot. For now lets concentrate on the present and remind ourselves that the future is full of dreams and hopes.

    1. How do you think cancer will be cured? I like your predictions for technology.

  9. The Television
    I slowly swifter out from the pebbled stoned ground into the machine that is promptly two inches away from me. I can barely fit my oversized skirt that flows over my knees down into the opening of the vivid and brightly colored box that was made out of a metal. The man who introduced to machine to everyone who seemed to have a sleeping ferret above his upper lip follows Pete, peppy, and myself into the box causing everyone to have a sudden urge of claustrophobia.
    "Is everyone ready?" The man with the mustache questions.
    We all nod in assurance as a lever that is placed precisely in the direct center of the machine falls at a 80 degree turn causing blinding lights to flutter all over the place, blinding everyone and causing a sudden urge of hesitation. Within about five seconds the shaking and the eye piercing lights came to a full stop.
    "We are here now. Now everyone remember to stay together as this is just a tour. Do not touch or fool around. Listen and pay attention." We all peered around at the area and nodded in agreement that we would follow our rules.
    The tour began as everyone began to walk and follow each other in a straight orderly fashion.
    Everything was so contradictory from what we had known. However, one thing in particular had caught my eye.
    There was a rectangular object that was big and bulky hanging on the wall by what seemed to be an invisible thread. "Television," is was the note below the object had read.
    Soon, the leader had spotted me glancing at this unfamiliar object.
    "Watch this.." He said with a smirk. Then and there in the blink of an eye the black face of the object blinked with light. Sounds of voices and faces of random people appeared to be shown on the face of the television.
    "But .. How ?! What ?! Why?!"
    "This is the new generation's way of entertainment." He stated.
    I stared in awe as I watched the show that was on until the tour was over. The television never left my brain as I began to wonder of magic. However then and there, I paused in fear. Why was the future so smart? So, robotic? What would happen ?! I questioned many other thoughts as I began to panic.
    "We have to get back now." The man stated. However, I didn't want to leave. I needed to know more, I needed to know what would happen to our world.
    About two minutes later I heard a loud, high pitched squeal as I turned to face the obscure machine. It was gone, and there I was left alone with nothing, with no one... Besides for a world that I was unfamiliar with... With the television... The television .

    1. Very nice! The beginning reminded me of a short story by Ray Bradbury titled "The Sound of Thunder" - with the tour in a time machine aspect. I enjoyed the creepy ending.

  10. sydney white

    People in the middle ages would probably view the television as a positive thing. They would probably be thankful for something useful to use, but they probably would not have a way to use it because they didn’t have cable, but they would probably throw it at each other. The television now is viewed as something most people use every day and find very useful, but back in the middle ages a television would be useless to everyone. Also, people in the middle ages wouldn’t know how to set up a television so they might not find one anywhere, or they can’t afford it
    In the year 2075 the world will be completely different from the way it is now. For example, in the year 2075 I think everything will run off of technology. For instance I think that there will be a way to pick up all of the garbage with the click of one button. Also, there will be smart everything, including roads, streets, sign, .schools, etc. The world will become one technology based planet and everything will be on tablets, laptops, phones, and many other sources. Hand writing will not exist and you will be able to just have a certain type of goggles that saves everything. The world will become something it shouldn’t.

  11. I think future technology will be perfected. I say this because technology is rapidly getting more complex and is improving every year. For example about a year ago the Iphone 5 came out. It was the best phone in the Apple branded technology. Apple keeps on making their technology more complex year after year. They have now made the iPhone 5s. The iPhone 5s now has a fingerprint optional pass code. You basically put you finger on the home button. The iPhone will then read your fingerprint and if it isn't your fingerprint it will deny you from getting into it.
    My imagination on the future technology will be like robots. I think robots will be doing all the work and you wont even have to broom your house, clean your room because the robot will be there for you. The robot will save us a lot of time. The robot would act like our slaves and call us master. I believe this because of the speed that technology is rapidly growing at. Imagination if the robot cooked your food, cleaned your room, and did all your chores. You would feel like its heaven. This is why I believe technology is rapidly getting better.

  12. I don’t know where I stood or where I was. Maybe those aren’t the questions I should be asking. Maybe I should be asking when. My surroundings look familiar to the place where I grew up and where I called home but, there was a different feel to it. I was standing on a sidewalk but, it was completely wrecked with gaps and wholes scattered in it. I looked up to the clear blue sky, startled by a sound, only to see something that I never thought would happen but, there were cars flying overhead. I could immediately tell that even though this was my home, I didn’t fit in anymore. I began to run, trying to avoid the cracks. I passed all the familiar houses that looked abandoned. I didn’t know where. I didn’t know why. I was probably going to have a panic attack pretty soon.
    Next thing I know, my feet carried me all the way to what I knew as the way to the center of town but, I don’t know what “they” call it. “They” being the people of this weird place I concluded as the future but, hoping I was dreaming or that I’m crazy and should be on medication. I began to walk down the sidewalk, pass several clothing stores which were very ridiculous. I mean who would wear orange and turquoise stripped pants with black spikes. What has happened to mankind?! The clothes were being modeled by very realistic holograms with strange hair such as hair that looked like one of those swirly ice creams, instead of the mannequins I was used to. As I was walking down the line of family businesses, cafés and restaurants, I peered through the window of the diner I used to work at and like everywhere else it was different. The diner was definitely reformed with leather seats, marble floors and all different kind of material that were much higher end. All the people at the diner portrayed the outlandish clothes of the clothing stores hologram-mannequin things except they were socializing and being served by…robots? I stared in awe at a place I used to work at or used to. I don’t know anymore. The mechanical men and women looked so realistic with the faces of people but, it was stuck on one expression and I could see the hands made out of metal. As I stared at disbelief, I saw people turn their heads at me. They looked at me like I was crazy but, I couldn’t help myself. This was all strange. Well, to them it is completely normal but, to me…I took a step back and walked away from the diner with a fast pace. I didn’t look back.
    There was a difference between were my journey began and to the center of town which I looked upon. Right now, I was trying to keep a low profile because I didn’t need anyone looking at me like I was crazy. I kept my head down, standing close to the building on the sidewalk. That was a difference. The sidewalk here in the center of town looked clean and new. It was definitely in better condition then to the one I saw earlier. Everthing in the center of town looked so different from where all the houses where I started. Building literally touched the sky. I had been to the Empire State Building before and these buildings made it look like nothing. The town I had lived in was now a city with an ocean of people milling around, cars flying overhead, shining buildings made out of a grey metal and huge holographic screens that seemed to build boards. They advertised things such as a doctor at a hospital who could cure cancer. That was the one that caught my attention since my aunt died of cancer only a couple months ago. Or years. This is just mind blowing. How was this all possible? I used think about flying cars when I was smaller but, I thought that I would never see it since it would take a lot of work so that everything was safe and fool proof. Either a plan was figured out or maybe people had changed for the better. Things have seemed to change. I mean curing cancer is huge. Maybe a cure was finally discovered or advanced technology helped. I don’t know anymore. I know this was far into the future for all this to happen. It seemed frightening to see all the change but, I guess it gives hope at the same time.

    1. Very creative - loved the creepy robot waitress with permanent expressions. Great descriptive details.

  13. Option #2
    My my I say this is some freaky stuff. I have found what is called a computer that allows you to find information of anything you want to find out. It is a screen with color in it and has these letters scrambled all over it; apparently this is called a keyboard. I tell you, the names to such a device make no sense. It also has a noise maker, called a speaker, which plays a tone called “music”. This is the most bizarre thing I have seen in my life time. It also has other buttons on it that aren’t even a word in the English language. It says “alt, fn, ctrl, esc, and f1-f12”. This is such a weird piece of equipment.
    I also say a chamber that is called “bathroom”. In the chamber there is a bowl like table called a “sink” connected to the wall with metal tubes under it. It has two knobs and a pipe in this weird bowl. One knob represents cold water and the other hot water and the open pipe in the middle of the knobs is an opening for the water to come out. Another weird object in the chamber is what seems to be a larger “sink” but you put your body in it and you wash your body. One last extraordinary sight I saw was a solid chair with a bowl like seat. In the middle of the bowl like seat is a hole and in that hole is little water. This is called a “toilet”. Apparently, you do your business in it and you push down on a knob and is washes your business away.

  14. I feel that a lot of things are going to be different in the future, such as weapons, cars and appliances. I think that in the future we are going to make technology so small that something the size of an iphone could hold the technology that would be in a desktop computer. As time goes on it seems technology gets smaller and more powerful. Weapons keep advancing as time goes on also, before it was lucky it hit someone 50 feet away with a musket, now the longest shot to hit someone was from 2,707 yards away. That's more than a mile and a half away, in ten years the longest shot will probably be about a 5 mile shot. Also we have had a weapon for a while now than can shoot around corners with a fairly accurate shot. It is hard to comprehend how fast weaponry and technology advances.
    It is said that soon cars are going to be able to fly. I can't believe that, that could happen in my lifetime, it's shocking. It is also said that gas is supposed to run out and we can't use gas cars after that. we already have electric cars now so it'll will be cool to se how that technology advances. we have so many convenient appliances now and they will change to be even better in our lifetime. I think that fridges will be upgraded in our lifetime, I don't know what it will be but I can guess. Maybe it'll take down what we have in the fridge and how much we have of it. Maybe it'll tell us how much money on food we are using when we take food out of the fridge. Very likely there will be separate sections in the fridge for different types of food. There is limitless upgrades that we can make on what we have already and I think it's amazing.

    1. Excellent analysis of weapons history. Well done.

  15. Alex Montoya
    Blog 7

    The future, what can we expect from it? Well we know that it’s going to build off of the modern science and technology that we use today. In today’s world technology is already growing at an amazing rate. Back it 2003 I’m sure no one thought about having a five inch touchscreen, over two gigabytes of RAM, or quad-core processor phone in our pockets. We wouldn’t have thought that we could have made thin televisions. It’s amazing how a new smart T.V. today could do so many things that only a computer could do ten years ago, even more in fact!

    Back in 2009 phones were almost half an inch thick, now their only about a third of an inch thick. That’s only 4 years of rapid evolution for mobile technology. The future is coming and coming quick, for an example the Samsung Galaxy Gear. How long have we been waiting for a smart watch, a watch where we can take pictures and make phone calls? The way that technology is advancing is amazing; even I can’t believe it at times. It the next ten or so years we can expect thinner phones with bigger screens and a processor to make your gaming computer whimper in the corner and cry in fear. No matter how much I love technology I know it will be the downfall of human society and how we interact with each other. It’s simple, technology gets better and we, as people, become worse.

  16. We have just recently built a working time machine. Therefore we have brought someone from B.C.E. However he has no idea where or when he is at. These are some of the things he saw different and what he thought was the work of aliens. Also the work of the devil in some parts.
    He was taken to NYC where he first noticed the car a way of transport besides foot. Then he saw the tall skyscrapers where he had no idea how those could be built. Afterward he was walking through the crowded streets and saw the people talking on a strange device that is a cell phone. Furthermore it sounds strange but things to drink with different flavors. This is a couple of hundreds of different things that is new to him.

  17. I think the future is going to be an insane and wild environment than it is now. At the same time, there will be good things to look forward to. For example, medicine will be so much better. Now a days, scientists are making new discoveries. Maybe those discoveries will be huge life savers or changes! For instance, more cures for deadly diseases and illnesses will be able to be put to a stop because of new medications. Besides, newer technology and tools are coming out every day so that’ll help scientist improve in the medical field. For all you know, we could be closer to saving a lot more people that have cancer! That would make a huge difference in people’s lives and I’m sure the future will be a better place when it comes to medicines.
    Another thing will probably be a huge difference and improvement is transportation. Recently, I found out that a flying car will be available next year! That is absolutely crazy. Just months from now, we will have a car that flies. I wouldn’t think that flying cars would be invented so soon. I always discovered that there is a car that can drive under water. Just think of the transportation that’ll be around in two years. I am already speechless with these inventions, I’m sure I will mind blown with those future inventions. Again, technically will be advanced plus new cars are constantly being upgraded. But unfortunately, the environment may be in more danger than it is now. The air might be more toxic than it is now and that won’t be a positive outcome, but we will definitely have more exciting things to look forward to.

    1. OOO. I want a car that flies (and one that goes under water).

  18. Even though scientists may have already made a hypothesis of what earth will be in the future I would like to point out my version of future earth. Future earth I see it as the same earth in the movie “Wall-E”. If you have not seen the movie or can’t remember what it looks like, it’s trashed. Earth has been coated in all of our wastes from food wrappers to broken toys throughout the decades. Then all humans evacuates earth on ginormous space ships to cruise through space living extremely fat on levitating chairs that assist us as we get fatter and fatter. Different robots on the ship serve us through the years.
    Back on earth there are special robots cleaning up the trash as we just eat and sleep in space. Each robot has a job. For instance, EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator), a sleek robot probe whose objective is to locate vegetation on Earth and verify habitability and M-O a floor polisher that detects a dirty floor and can resist to clean it perfectly. Us in the space ship you know all fat and stuff, we are never sick always eat fattening food and drinks and are carried by our levitating helper lounge chairs with TV screens, cup holders, tables and a controller to where to go. Every day is the same routine. Plant and animal life are extinct form earth from our destruction of wastes that even drove us away.

    1. This is very depressing, but unfortunately we are a wasteful species.

  19. For all those of the past were to see current things in today's society, they would probably believe they are dreaming. They would not understand our technology that we have. They would think everything probably supernatural. I feel like we don't realize how special things are in which what we have in today's world due to use being raised in this time era. We are lucky enough to know things are able to work. We can do simple things like heat some food up or even take a shower and it could look nearly instant to those of yesterday's world. If we were able to enter into tomorrow's world, we wouldn't understand the technology. The technology in 60 years from now would be so advanced we would think everything is magic.
    By the year 2150, we will be so intelligent that the normal human at that time will probably understand more than intelligent geniuses of today's time. We will have classes that we would not understand, History classes would probably be speaking about today's world like 9/11. Thinking about the future would probably answer all of today's questions. I believe everything at that time would be electric powered which is incredible. Travel would be instant in quick cars that get to location rather quick. There would be cures to diseases that we think are permanent in today's world. The world would be so futuristic and glassy. We would most likely begin learning more information about distant planets in a search of life on other planets.

  20. Many people from the past always thought about how the future will be. For example, will there be better transportation then us? Are they going to have electricity? They questioned many things what would happen in the future. Even us today we
    Questioned about the future. Many people just heard that they made the first flying car. So the flying cars are going to be a massive change to our life. There might be more flying cars then cars with wheels. But there are still more things that are comic ahead to the future.

    I am questioning many things about the future. Will there be better transportation, are we really going to have flying cars, and will there be cure for cancer? The future will change our life a lot because there will be better things for us, such as communication, medicine, and transportation. things are changing rapidly around the world and I wonder if we are ready for these changes?

    1. Avoid questions - it is your job to provide answers to my questions, not ask your own. Give detailed answers and descriptions of what you imagine the future to be instead.

  21. The future is the indefinite time period after the present. Now a days the modern world is so advanced with technology i can’t even begin to comprehend that I can’t imagine a future that would make this technology look pathetic. Technology, I imagine will grant people some sort of simpler transportation in the future. The future will most likely be more dangerous. It is a fact that the crime rate is increasing as the years pass by. With advances in technology there will come an advance in modern weapons. With this technology more creative murders and tragedies might occur.

    Over time more advanced illnesses will appear which will require advancements in medication. I predict there will be a cure for some forms of cancer which would save millions of lives. Also, I predict that scientists will find the cure for the common cold. I also have hope that soon nobody will see the head of office as the first woman president or black president. Soon enough all people will be treated as equals and the first latino president wouldn’t be a big deal. I hope the future is better than the world I reside in in hope for a better life for my children.

    1. Dangerous how? What sort of transportation? You need descriptive details - too short.

  22. I don't know were I was at or when.I new the place I was in sounded like the whole world was alive. It seemed like I was standing in the middle of a billion castles put together. When I saw the pictures on the buildings moving I screamed witch craft. Then when I saw people talking and taping on these hand held devices I thought they were crazy. When i got closer I realized they were communicating with someone else in the world.
    When someone gave me there communication devices I discovered this thing called the internet. Apparently you only type in some words and you get all the information you want. My mind was blown with all this futuristic technology. The internet apparently has 68,000,000,000 websites from food to whats the weather going to be like tomorrow. In my opinion the internet is a alien technology that I find fascinating. The future is so much different from the 1600s I never want to leave this technology thriving era and go back to my horrible life as a pesent.

  23. Landin Morris
    Blog #7

    It is true that modern technology has blessed us as a human society with incredible abilities. Why just years ago, when someone thought of flying machines, he was looked at as a crazy person for believing that such technology would ever exist. Now look at us, we have all sorts of air craft and many other ways of transportation. I do think that as time goes on, technology will do nothing but advance more and more. I don’t think that there is a end to improving technology due to the fact everyone wants it, it improves life, makes things simple, allows everyone to communicate and share info, and it is a money making business and also companies are always competitive with one another and are always trying to invent something that will bring them new customers. Technology currently is just the beginning of what I believe is the beginning of the journey of technology development.
    With that being said, I can only imagine what the technology in the future is going to be like. I truly do think that technology in the future is going to be extremely rich, and that it is going to be to the point where everyone has some sort of technological device, even the homeless. I also believe that all the undeveloped countries will be developed in the future, they will slowly make their way to becoming up to date to all the current developed countries. One of the benefits of all this technology is communication. People will be able to stay in touch from man y different points on the globe. Also I believe with new technology new discoveries for illnesses will be discovered, and not just for extremely bad illnesses, but for extremely bad diseases, such as varies types of cancer, and dementia. Also I believe that jobs will be easier.
    I believe that most people won’t even have to leave their house in order to go to work, or school. Everything will be on a computer, or some newly made device that maybe teaches students. With all the new advance technology, I think it will be a bittersweet moment for the world, due to the fact that all the cisterns will be happy with the changes, but now everyone is competition for it, which causes problems I know for a fact that the government will have something is even more advance than the cisterns, they will have more control due to the fact that everyone is relying on one main source, it will be easier for the government to gain control of people though that. But I know for a fact, that the future technology will be more advanced than today’s technology.

  24. Jonathan Meyer
    Blog 7
    “All right Frank, are you ready?” asked my colleague Phil.
    “Yeah. We will finally be able to observe the incredible future and what wonders have been created. I bet they have flying cars and hover boards and shoes that automatically tie themselves!” I exclaimed excitedly.
    “Have you been watching Back to the Future again?” Phil questioned.
    “Maybe a little,” I replied as I stepped into the tight and cramped time machine.
    “Alright. Departure in 3… 2… 1…”
    I felt my stomach fly into my mouth. My whole body was stuck to itself and the machines belly. I could see only a bright white as my head and body spun rapidly. I went from the basement of my laboratory in 2013, to what I hoped would be my laboratory in 300 in years future, 2313.
    As the machine made an abrupt stop, I was flung out of the machine onto hard rock and Earth. I felt better for about half a second, before immediately realizing something was wrong. As I tried regaining my breath, I couldn’t. I clasped my throat and dropped to the ground. I struggled to gulp the air that simply wasn’t there. As I lay on the ground I slowly lost strength. As my eyes slowly closed shut I could see a figure in a yellow suit with an oxygen tank, but before he reached me, I was unconscious.
    I awoke panting, it seemed as though my body had been put on paused and when the pay button was pressed, it resumed from the where it was stopped at. After I finally gained my breath I looked around and saw a bunch of white objects, most of which looked medical, and two figures in yellow suits. The closed a door and took of their suits and oxygen tanks revealing a middle aged blond woman and a 30 or so year old male with brown hair.
    “What where you doing on Earth?” the man asked with an angry tone.
    What do you mean, it’s our home planet. Where are we now?” I asked in a slight daze.
    “You’re in a high speed transport vehicle. Earth has not been habituated by humans since 2225. We moved to Saturn’s move, Titan. Earth is now a baron wasteland,” the woman responded.
    “How did this happen? When did we get the technology to get to Titan? Why is everything barren? What is happening?” I started freaking out and hyperventilating.

    1. “In 2220 the Ozone layer was reported to have a rupture in it. We knew that the air supply would run out rapidly and at the same time the pollution had become so severe that everyone needed masks to go outside. All of the world leaders came together and decided to attempt flight to Triton. America had already created the technology to make space ships that could carry thousands of people and Russia had the technology to travel at the speed of light. Our scientists teamed up with Russia’s to be able to create ten huge ships to carry ¾ of the Earth’s population to Titan on a 10 year trip. How do you not know of this, it’s part of international education curriculums? And how are you on Earth?” the man responded.
      “I was just in 2013 and my partner and I had just finished a time machine. I traveled to this point in time and was transported exactly where I was in 2013 in 2313. You’re saying Earth is a relic? Why were you two there?” I stammered trying to transmit my jumbled and confused thoughts to the two people in front of me.
      “I am an environmentalist and she is a doctor,” the man explained. “People like us are sent here every six months to observe Earth and see if the Ozone layer has been fixed or if there is any sign of life. We basically come here to see if Earth has become habitable, which we doubt it will ever be. You were in luck we were sent here two weeks ago and today was our last day, and you just so happened to be where we were.” The man slowly informed me, allowing me to process the extreme chance and luck that had led to my survival.
      “Now lay down on your bed and relax, we need to scan for any diseases you may have,” the woman directed me. She took out a small device that was only as big as a calculator, and started aiming it at me. A wave of light was made by the device and she made it scan all of my body. When she was finished scanning me, she looked at the device and her face dropped. “Looks like you have cancerous tumors forming from the radiation and your brain cells are deteriorating,” she said, too calmly for my liking.
      “Am I going to die?” I exclaimed.
      “No.” she responded cheerfully. She told me to stand up and go into a cylindrical machine. I did as she dictated and when I was in she pressed some noisy buttons and the machine sprayed a mist of chemicals all over me. “All right you are perfectly healthy now. We invented a machine that can heal any illness, even cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Oh and you should know, on Titan there is no crime whatsoever because we now have a world President who strictly dictates all of the moon. Also, we use hydrogen powered floating, not flying, cars to be eco-friendly. And we all live in enclosed houses with airlock, since Titan has no atmosphere.” She continued informing me about what life was like now, but my head became fuzzy and I was lulled into a daze. So much had changed in just 300 years, and not much of it was positive.

  25. If someone were to go back in time with technology from our time, one of two things would happen. One option is that they would be looked at as a god, the other option would be the people of that time believing that person was a witch, or some other type of demonic being. If the time traveler was lucky, then they would be looked at as a god. They would be praised by everyone and be considered the ultimate source of knowledge.The time traveler would be looked at as a person who is above all other beings and would go on to live the most lavish life imaginable. They would not have to worry about a single thing, meanwhile everyone would be trying to figure out how to use the new technology, looking towards the time traveler for wisdom. There is a very good chance though that the time traveler would try to showcase the technology that they brought back in time with them, and be accused of being a witch. They would be looked at as this ultimate evil. The technology that they brought with them would surely be destroyed and the time traveler would be locked away in some jail, if not worse. They may even be burned at the stake if they are captured. These two options are polar opposites, but if it were to happen there would be no middle ground. The people of the past would never have seen anything like what the time traveler brought with them before. It would be amazing to them. There would be a huge reaction and it is hard to tell whether it would be a good or bad reaction.

  26. I woke up in the bedroom of my apartment. The bright sun shined on my face through the transparent glass window. I got out of bed and put on fuzzy, white, woolen, slippers. I got ready for work and headed out the door.
    I stepped out onto the clean white side walk and headed towards my car. The solar panels glimmered against the sun. I hopped in and floated my way to work. The world was so much cleaner after 2025. The president made the world better and fixed any problems we ever had. It basically became perfect. Everything shines, nothing is ever dirty. But somehow, I think the past was a better place.

  27. A bright light flashed at me. The brightest light I have ever seen has just hit me from this box. It was giving me a headache. The flashes of color and sound were almost blinding me with a force stronger than I ever have felt. I look down and there a board of push able letters, numbers, and symbols. Symbols I have never even seen like ]]=-@#$@$%$%$#<><?/;:; or `~!*%#. Also I can write words on this board and they will show up on the box and I can click things with a so called “mouse.”
    Then I pulled up something called the internet. It was just as flashy as the box. It had access to all the information ever known. It was like a philosophers brain just spilled out on to a screen. Then there was the stupidest contraption ever built. Facebook an “online” program that lets teens and adults put whatever they want on this box. Is this what our future holds? Then I’d rather not live to see the future.

  28. Creative prompt:
    As I awoke from the drowsy and unknown I had taken, I heard the dash of cars exceeding faster than usual, and horns louder than ever. It was weird, and it felt as if even the air I breathed in was odd and ominous. I was surrounded by trees and walking to the sound of civilization, unaware of the surprised I would be greeted with. Out of the blue, I heard a gigantic flying vehicle that roared in the sky as it traveled in such a remarkable speed and contained such a striking thin design. I continued walking to the sound of these horns shouting, unwillingly able to stop, nearly making go insane. But as I soon reached the so called “road” I discovered a completely different world. At first I thought I was dreaming, but then a strange black and white car with flashy blue & red lights glimmered as it approached me.
    “Sir put your hand behind your back!” yelled the man inside the vehicle.
    “Who do you think you are? Trying to demand commands to an innocent man! I did no wrongs that I am concerned of!” I retaliated. The man got off the vehicle, pointed a bizarre black object that looked like a futuristic version of the single pipe shotgun the British had used to terrorize the colony militias. I obeyed and got down on my knees and was offered a so called “lawyer” and rights to remain silent. I had never heard of such foolish sayings. As I arrived to the metallic looking building, surrounded by men, and get this, women! Were also in this building, which were responsible for keeping the people safe.
    “That is no job for a women.” I laughed as I passed by her. I was quickly then strangled into a complicated position in which I was unable to release myself from.
    “Is it now Sir?” the young women stated. I was then escorted a small room where many questions were asked. How I got here, who am I, where did I come from, etc. In the end I was put in a white building, and asked to record all my adventures and feelings with a so called “Pen” which is absolutely amazing, it seems as if it will never run out of ink!

  29. Blog 7
    Prompts from the future
    Destiny Lightfoot
    Period 3
    I think that the future will be way more advanced than it is today. I think this because each and every day right now technology, medicine, and travel is becoming more and more advanced each day. For example, the technology today is amazing , but it’ll be great and useful one week and then a week later scientists find a different way to take a picture on your iphone for instance. Also, medicines have become a lot more involved. For instance, doctors and scientists find new and improved treatments for different diseases, such as cancer, they haven’t exactly found a complete cure for it but they do discover different ways to help it get better.
    Second of all, travel will become more advanced in the future. Scientists are already working on a way to allow cars to drive you places and you don’t have to drive to your destination, the car just takes you there and you can sit back and relax. For example, scientists are also working on flying cars. Which means that we won’t have to drive and possibly not get into an accident on the road if we’re flying in the sky. Also, scientists are making more advanced computers and TVs where you can talk to them, such as if you wanted to look something up on the computer you say what it is and it would go straight to it. Also, when you want to watch something and can’t find it, and just don’t want to look through all the channels then you just say the show and it’ll tell you when it is coming on or if it is on it’ll go to the show.

  30. ahead of me i saw a light. a swirling vortex that seemed to go into infinite. the year was 1873, i was just walking down a path in the woods when i had spotted this wired a mysterious event. so i assumed it was something sacred and holy. so i walked closer and closer. only now do i regret it. “my lord!” i cried for that is all i knew or thought it could be about, god. so as i stepped closer and closer i felt more and more drawn into it. soon i was merely inches away from the huge mass of swirling air and energy. then i touched it.
    all of my surroundings changed everything including time was moving faster and faster in the distance i saw huge structures that looked different from anything i had ever seen. now do i know they were skyscrapers. so then it stopped. “hello?” i cried into the smoggy woods. “who needs to know?” said a grungy voice of a peasant from the bushes. “where am i?” i asked the voice. “Central park where else.” he replied. from there the conversation took a dive for the worse. including a little work from police and mental health institutes. but soon it was discovered who i was and when i was from. but it was all still strange to me.especially the horseless carriages.
