
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blog 12: Bucket List

Create a list of all of the things you want to do before you die. No less than 50, but of course there is no maximum number. If you already have a "bucket list," revise it and check off the items you've completed, adding new ones to the list. For each item, try to give a reason. For example: "I want to visit London so that I can experience a Shakespeare play at The Globe."

If your post is too long to fit in one post, split it up into two (reply to yourself).


  1. Blog 12
    Tyler Medina
    Bucket List part 1

    1. I would like to meet Chuck Norris, because he is known as pretty much the most hardcore man in the world.
    2. I would like to kiss a dolphin, because I did it once and it was nice so I would like to do it again.
    3. I would like to go out on a with Ariana Grande because she is literally the most gorgeous person I have ever seen.
    4. I would like to go to space but be one hundred percent safe, because I want to.
    5. I would want to have a wolf as a pet because wolves are my favorite animal.
    6. I would to fight alongside Batman because I am also known as Batman and having two Batmans fighting together would sound pretty cool.
    7. I would want to be able to fly because I have in my dreams and its so amazing.

  2. Blog 12
    Tyler Medina
    Bucket List part 2

    8. I would like to skydive because I have always wanted to.
    9. I would like to meet Sylvester Stalone and have a boxing match with him to see how good he is.
    10. I would like to fight a shark with no teeth, because I don't think thay are so tough without no teeth.
    11. I would want to get a triskele tattoo because it has a special meaning to me.
    12. I want to dig up Hitler so I lay out his skeleton and pee in his mouth.

  3. Blog 12
    Tyler Medina
    Bucket List part 3

    13. I wish I had telekinesis so I could make a good living off of magic shows.
    14. I wish I found true love at the right time.
    15. I would like to get A-B honor roll so I could make myself and my parents proud.
    16. I wish I had printer paper so I could finish the project that's due on Monday.
    17. I would like to get a job that pays me 100,000 dollars a year because that's a good days pay.
    18. I would like to eat a banana right now because it's been a while since I've eaten one.
    19. I would like to have a small monkey as a pet because that sounds so amazing.
    20. I would want to make a million dollars in one week just by selling lemonade because that wouldn't be much work.
    21. I would like to have super strength so I could do things normal people can't
    22. I would like to have spaghetti right now because I am hungry.
    23. I wish I had three wishes because I would fix this world.
    24. I wish I could hang out with one of my friends today because they never answer their damn phone.
    25. I wish I had a ps4 because it would make it easier to write the article due tomorrow.
    26. I wish I had a ps4 because it looks like fun.
    27. I wish I had one extra finger on each hand so I could freak people out.
    28. I wish I had a table cloth because my table is getting really dirty and scratched.
    29. I would like to meet Kate Upton because she is so gorgeous.
    30. I wish I had better headphones because mine are starting to not work.
    31. I wish my parents got a new computer so I could play Minecraft again.
    32. I wish Teen Wolf came back on television because the new season looks fantastic.
    33. I would like to go outside and make a snowman because I haven't made one is years.
    34. I wish I could finish all my work so I can go outside and hang out with my friends.
    35. I wish I had a better blanket because I'm cold at night.
    36. I would like to adopt another shark because sharks are cool.
    37. I would like to smack one of those people that go around saying swag, and think they are some type of thug.
    38. I would like to go hunting with Robert because he keeps inviting me but I never can.
    39. I wish the new Avengers movie came out already because I want to see Hulk again.
    40. I would like to do track this year because I think I'd do okay in some areas.
    41. I would like to eat an alligator because I've heard it tastes great.
    42. I would like to be able to ride a horse because I am allergic and therefore I am unable to.
    43. I wish I could think of more things to complete this assignment.
    44. I wish my phone didn't die so quickly so I could use it longer.
    45. I wish my phone would be fully charged and stay that way.
    46. I wish I had the ability to complete any assignment just by thinking of it being done, because that would make work easier.
    47. I wish I had the ability to charge my phone with my mind so I wouldn't have to wait for it on some outlet.
    48. I wish I got all A's on my report card, because I have never done that.
    49. I wish I had more things I wanted to do before I die, so I could finish this assignment.
    50. I wish this took less time so I could go outside and play in the snow.

    1. I like number 23 - overall, a quirky and original compilation. You should always take time to play in the snow (and enjoy life in general). Lots of personality in this, which I enjoyed, but I can sense the frustration at the end.
      P.S. My PS4 is arriving tomorrow.


  4. 1.Sky diving because it is daring.

    2.Bungee jumping because I love an adrenaline rush.

    3.Water skiing because I've never tried it.

    4.Hand gliding so I can see what the earth looks like from high above.

    5.Learn how to Surf so I can ride a wave in.

    6.Blow something up because that is just awesome.

    7.Learn how to play guitar so I can play my favorite song.

    8.Visit the tower Pisa because it is very old and I love old things

    9.Visit Big Ben so i can see the architecture.

    10.Ride a whale because how many people can say that.

    11.Eat a truffle (mushroom) because they are very expensive and rare.

    12.Drive a 18 wheeler because they are massive.

    13.Drive a race car because they are extremely fast.

    14.Drive a plane so i can soar above houses.

    15.Swim with a dolphin to feel what its like to glide through the water.

    16.Learn how to dance so i don't look stupid at dances.

    17.Ride a horse so i can feel what its like.

    18.Eat a Krabby Pattie, its always been a dream of mine.

    19.See a shark close up through a shark cage so i can see its feature in person.

    20.Catch swordfish so i can see its “sword”.

    21.Kill a deer so i can experience hunting.

    22.Kill a bear so i can get it taxidermied so i can hang it on a wall.

    23.See the colosseum, because they are one of the seven wonders.

    24.Use a hovercraft so i can float over the ground.

    25.Learn how to speak arabic so i can talk to some of my family member.

    26.Learn how to speak polish so i can talk in a different language to my great grandma.

    27.Find the main drain so i can pull the plug.

    28.Drive a snowmobile so i can drive really fast over snow.

    29.Go on vacation for a month straight so i can enjoy my time and not have to worry about anything.

    30.Watch my favorite team win the super bowl in person because i would be extremely happy.

    31.Build a staircase to heaven.

    32.Climb Mt.Everest because it the highest mountain in the world.

    33.Circumnavigate the world by ship to be able to say i did it.

    34.Swim across the English Channel because it is a very long distance.

    35.See the pyramids of Giza because they are one of the 7 wonders of the world.

    36.Find sunken treasure because it could make me rich.

    37.Go into outer space so i can see what it looks like.

    38.Run with the bulls in pamplona spain.

    39.Visit pompey so i can see the destruction and the ancient artifacts.

    40.Be in a movie so I can tell everyone i was in one and point myself out.

    41.Dive the great barrier reef so i can see the amazing habitats and wildlife.

    42.Open my own successful business so i can make a lot of money.

    43.Invent a billion dollar idea so i can make a lot of money and go down in history.

    44.Write my own book so i can say i wrote one.

    45.Go to mardi gras so i can see the festival.

    46.Ride an elephant so i can see what it feels like.

    47.Walk along the great wall of china to experience its massive length.

    48.See the lighthouse of Alexandria so i can look at the architecture.

    49.Go see the auroras so i can see the beautiful lights.

    50.Visit Machu Picchu because it would be pretty cool to see the buildings.

    1. I laughed at 16: I've done 15, 17, and a9 (very awesome). While I personally do not agree with hunting, many of your adventures are on my list as well - especially all of the travel related ones.
      P.S. I can teach you some Polish.

  5. 1. Run a marathon because that implies I'd be in good enough shape to run a marathon
    2. Take a trip to the Grand Canyon because it is majestic and awesome
    3. Be friends with Chris Pratt because he seems like a cool guy
    4. Go to the Olympics because my best friend will be winning a gold medal
    5. Go to every continent except for the really cold ones
    6. Look like I'm taking steroids without actually having to take them because I don''t want to die of a heart attack at 40
    7. Win the Nathan'shot dog eating championship, for the glory
    8. Get kicked out of a buffet because I want to find out if it's really all you can eat
    9. Learn 3-4 languages, not just to expand the range of girls I can talk to, but to eavesdrop on people who don't think I speak their llanguage
    10. Get to a point where I have enough money not to worry about it and still young enough to enjoy it
    11. Be able to dunk for bragging rights
    12. Move somewhere where it's nice all year, and I'm close to the beach
    13.Pay someone to do all my work to make it easier on myself
    14. Stop being so lazy because it is not my favorite quality
    15. Watch all my favorite shows without moving for a week straight without being judged just because
    16. Sleep for so long that I am not quite sure what day it is, because sleep is a beautiful thing
    17. Learn how to be able to fix things, so I know it gets done right
    18. Have a short lived, but amazing drag race career, disappear and be an enigma in the racing community
    19. Get in a tv style bar fight with my friends by my side, win and tell the story for the rest of our lives
    20. Advance underwater breathing technology 1000 years, so I can live underwater for a brief while
    21. Live out the events of my favorite 80's movies or 2010's tv shows because they know how to live
    22. Meet Santa, because despite popular opinion, he is real
    23. Be able to master a few instruments to show off
    24. Take a sketchy possibly illegal diet pill, because it would allow me to eat unlimited food without gaining weight
    25. Open a psychic detective agency, because Shawn Spencer seems to have fun doing it
    26. Have a voice that can sing any song without falter because then I would never be bored
    27. Not have to talk to anyone for a week straight, because solitude can be beautiful
    28. Star in an action film and have a memorable shouting line like "Wolverines!", "For Narnia!", or "Goose!", because who doesnt
    29. Be more creative, so this wouldn't take so long
    30. Be recruited for something unexpectedly, for my ego's sake. Ex. The Replacements.
    31. Do a cool motorcycle jump, because Evil Knievel was the coolest human being alive
    32. Win the lottery so I never have to work again
    33. Time travel, and meet my parents when they were teens to see what they were like
    35. Change 50 to mean 35 so I would be done
    36. Hold $1000 for the pure joy
    37. I'd like to not have to worry about grades, because its too much stress
    38. Have super speed just to have some fun
    39. Recreate Shazam with Shaq and get it right this time
    40. Live by the Ron Swanson Pyramid of Greatness for obvious reasons
    41. Get a scholarship to college to save money
    42. Do something memorable so that I won't be forgotten
    43. Own a wolf because it's my spirit animal
    44. Be one of the people who swims with the dolphins and get thrown in the air by them in Sea World
    45. Spend some time with Nick Kroll to decide whether I like him or not
    46. Create a slang word that will catch on because its a cool idea
    47. Have a special skill that nobody else has for bragging rights
    48. Beat my friend Taylor in a game of 1 on 1 to shut him up
    49. Have a trampoline room because trampolines are fun
    50. Enjoy life because there's no point if you don't

    1. Ha - a very entertaining list. Shows your personality. Number 20 sounds awesome - let me know when it happens so that I can live under the water too. I love watching those Animal Planet shows about marine life but am afraid of drowning. I have done 44 though.

  6. Bucket List
    • 1. Visit California- I would like to see palm trees and how California differs from where I grew up (NJ)
    • 2. Visit Italy- I have relatives I have never met before who live in Italy
    • 3. Visit London- to see how it differs from the United States
    • 4. Live in Japan- I have always wanted to live in Japan because I love their customs/traditions and I find them interesting people
    • 5. Skydive- I want to see how it feels to free fall
    • 6. Make all A’s every marking period all throughout high school
    • 7. Graduate high school
    • 8. I want to be a CEO- one day in the future I would like to start my own company
    • 9. I want to maintain a residual income- in the near future since I will start my own company I would love to have a residual income
    • 10. Publish my own books and become a famous author
    • 11. Scuba dive- sea life is gorgeous and I would like to see it up close
    • 12. Own my own mansion
    • 13. Own a German Shepard as a pet- my mother loves this dog and so do I
    • 14. Direct a movie- with my own plot line and details all created by me
    • 15. Expand my room- so that I can fit more things into it
    • 16. Document high school- throughout high school I would like to write down how my school day went so that I have something to put on my resume
    • 17. Start my own fashion line
    • 18. Complete my new year’s resolution
    • 19. Read a ton of books throughout ninth grade
    • 20. Star on television- on a television show would be nice
    • 21. Own a scrap book of high school
    • 22. Visit my grandmother in Florida
    • 23. Master the language of Japanese- I love this language!
    • 24. Master the language of Italian- to be able to speak to relatives
    • 25. Master the language of Spanish- it is a popular language and is good to know
    • 26. Master the language of French- I already know some French and would love to master it completely
    • 27. Get married
    • 28. Become a mother
    • 29. Ride a gondola in Italy
    • 30. Earn One million dollars
    • 31. Travel around the world
    • 32. Send a message in a bottle
    • 33. Own a pet snake- I have always been fascinated by snakes
    • 34. Own a pet tarantula- Just because
    • 35. I want to have my own fish tank- full of saltwater fish because I love sea life
    • 36. Gat a tattoo
    • 37. Get a piercing
    • 38. Learn how to type without looking at the keyboard
    • 39. Visit the Eiffel Tower
    • 40. Visit the Statue of Liberty but actually see what it looks like from the inside
    • 41. Experience the serene wildlife of Africa
    • 42. See the Northern Lights
    • 43. Visit a rainforest and stay in it for a few months to enjoy the beauty and to connect with nature
    • 44. Run a marathon- one that is at least over a mile
    • 45. Learn how to make things from wood- like statues, furniture
    • 46. Create my own website
    • 47. Become financially literate
    • 48. Own a beach house- along a California coast
    • 49. Find inner peace
    • 50. Learn to meditate
    • 51. Learn how to not procrastinate
    • 52. Go to Times Square on New Year’s Eve
    • 53. Visit the White House
    • 54. Own my own pond filled with koi fish
    • 55. Own my own sauna- for relaxation purposes
    • 56. Go whale watching- Whales are ginormous and it would be awesome to see them up close
    • 57. Go bird watching- to see what different types of birds there are
    • 58. Own and learn to fly my own private jet

    1. London is one of my favorite cities (actually trying to plan another trip there in the near future). Scuba diving, while amazing, gave me the only panic attack in my life. I highly recommend it if you don't have a fear of open water.

  7. 1.Go to paris to see the eiffel tower.
    2.Become an civil enginer because its my dream job.
    3.Get married so I can have a family.
    4.Have children so I can be a father.
    5.Go to all 50states including puerto rico,so i can say i been to all of them.
    6.Go to the Olympics and see the differ5ent athlets compete,I've always watched the olimpics it would be cool to see it in person.
    7.Swim with the dolphins I did when i was a kid it would be alsome to do it again.
    8.Go to the superbowl because I've always wanted to.
    9.Go skydiving becuase I'm endrenalin seeker.
    10.Learn how to speak russian because I am russian.
    11.Learn how to speak german because my hole family does.
    12.Learn how to speak french because most my family does and I want to understand what there saying.
    13.Go to england and see my relatives mansion becuase there 15 in line for the thrown.
    14.Go to scotland again and see stone heng.
    15.Go to Ireland again but on St. Patrick day to see how crazy it gets.
    16.Go to Germany see ww2 sites, because I love history.
    17.Go to China and see great wall its always been a dream of mine.
    18.Walk the great wall to say Ive done it.
    19.Get a 67 shellby mustange as a car its my dream car.
    20.Go to college at Rutgers like the rest of my family.
    21.Have my own private libary for all my history books because right now i share it with the rest of my family.
    22.Finish my karate training and become a karate master so I can say I am.
    23.See an active volcano with lava I always wanted to see one.
    24.Become a great athlete and learn all I can.
    25.Witniss a great blizzard because I love the snow.
    26.Become a great singer because I love singing.
    27.Hold a million dollares just for the fun.
    28.Get a mansion to live in to brag.
    29.Become a better artist so I can say I am a artist.
    30.Fly on a jetpack for the fun of it.
    31.Win the most house with christmas lights at christmas time in the world wrekered book so I can have the title.
    32.Go to pearl harbor and respect the men that lost there lives in the attack because my grand father new alot of the men.
    33.Travel to the the 1930-1950 because I want to see what the world was like.
    34.Go out with the girl that I like.
    35.Own two german shepards because they are the best dog to own.
    36.Have a great arm to throw a football because I want to be a great football player.
    37.Own a diamond watch because I want to.
    38.Become an NBA player because it would be cool.
    39.Have the worlds biggest movie collection because its a dream.
    40.Meet Tom Hanks because he's one of worlds greatest actors.
    41.Meet clint east wood another great actor.
    42.Own a collection of superbowl rings I always wanted to own one.
    43.Go to Australia and see sydney harbor because its the most biseouse port in the world.
    44.Become an eagle scout I always wanted to be one.
    45.Own my own shouting range to be able to shot guns and notworry.
    46.Be alowed to go into beverly hills and see all the movie star houses.
    47.Go to the fefa world cup in the future because I always wanted to.
    48.Drive a tank becausealways dreamed of driving one.
    49.Own a beach house that way I can wake up to the sun rise and go to bed with the sunset.
    50.Enjoy life because there's no point if you don't enjoy it.

    1. Scotland is amazing - however, Stone Henge is technically in England (both part of Great Britain though). It is an interesting place; from what I understand they no longer allow people to ge wandering through it, though when I was there you could still go amongst the stones and touch everything.

    2. Thats to bad i always wanted to touch those rocks and see what it would be like in between those rocks.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 21. Learn to speak more Italian because you can get a good job if you speak more than one language and so I can communicate with my great grandma because I can only understand it.
      22. Got to time square on new year’s eve to see the ball drop
      23. Go to a jersey boy concert because my great uncle is one of the original jersey boys
      24. Go to the mall of America because its huge and very nice
      25. Go on a spiny ride and conquer my fear because I WILL NOT go on anything that spins.
      26. Try nandos with niall horan because he eats them and it will happen
      27. Save someone’s life because I want my name to be remembered for a good reason
      28. Go in a haunted house on Halloween with my best friends because it would be funny to see their reactions

    2. 29. Go zip lining because it seems fun
      30. swim with dolphins because they are adorable
      31. visit Poland because my grandpa is polish
      32. ride the biggest roller-coaster in the world
      33. go to Hawaii because it’s beautiful
      34. sit front row at a concert because then you have a better chance of being noticed
      35. go to college to get a good job/education
      36. be a guest star in my favorite TV show
      37. meet Ariana Grande because she’s gorgeous
      38. meet Miley Cyrus because I love her
      39. wish on a shooting star and have it come true
      40. attach a lock to a love bridge
      41. have a sweet 16 because it would be nice
      42. go to the beach with my best friends
      43. ride an elephant in India because that’s where they come from
      44. meet Macklemore because he’s amazing and inspirational
      45. visit Paris to see what it’s like
      46. Build a tree house because I’ve always wanted one
      47. Go to magcon to see all of my favorite youtubers
      48. Find the end of a rainbow to see if there really is a pot of gold their
      49. Ride in a hot air balloon just for fun
      50. Tie a note onto a balloon and let it go to see who finds it.

      btw everyone should go watch this video because its amazing just saying !

    3. Elephants are my third favorite animal, I've always wanted to go to India so that I can ride one. I've been to the Mall of America - it is quite intimidating. No.28 should be a yearly tradition. Interested to see where no. 9 lands you.

  9. 1. 1. I wanna be a millionaire so very bad
    2. 2. Be part of the walking dead because who wouldn’t it must pay a lot
    3. 3. Swim with sharks and make an army of sharks to attack people
    4. 4. Have my own wolf pack me as the alpha male
    5. 5. Go to Italy to see my heritage
    6. 6. Go to the north pole and claim it as my own
    7. 7. Have a liger as a pet
    8. 8. Have background music as I walk into a room
    9. 9. Have infinity wishes
    10. 10. Go to the moon and be the first person to live on the moon
    11. 11. Make a time machine out of a DeLorean
    12. 12. Let loose 3 chicken number them 1,2, and 4 then watch the hunt for number 3
    13. 13. Drive a motorcycle across a pool and see if I make it to the other side
    14. 14. Kill a fox and see what does the fox says
    15. 15. Watch panic break loose as I say the world will end next year
    16. 16. Go to the Bermuda triangle and leave like nothing happen
    17. 17. Replace a skydivers parachute with a regular backpack
    18. 18. Breed all the dogs in the world and see what do I get
    19. 19. Have my own movie
    20. 20. Drive a plane through the highway
    21. 21. Destroy wifi see what will happen next
    22. 22. Fake my death and have a different life just for fun
    23. 23. Get a military trained dog and see what will happen if I say “bring the tango down”
    24. 24. Unite the continents under one flag and see how long it will last
    25. 25. Try to break a nokia phone
    26. 26. Dig a hole through the earth
    27. 27. Turn into a werewolf and use my animal instincts to save the world
    28. 28. Name a dog Sparta and every time someone ask for his name I will say “ THIS IS SPARTA”
    29. 29. Meet chuck Norris
    30. 30. Pretend to chop my own hand off and watch the reaction of my parents
    31. 31. Find the lost city of Atlantis
    32. 32. Be a pirate
    33. 33. Find the cure for cancer
    34. 34. Trans mutate a dog with a cat to see if I get a catdog
    35. 35. Make a sword out of diamonds
    36. 36. Make a shield out of gold
    37. 37. Make armor out of diamonds
    38. 38. Meet pewdiepie
    39. 39. Make frosty the snowman
    40. 40. Make friends with gorillas and become Tarzan
    41. 41. Make the next call of duty and make it the best call of duty anyone has played before
    42. 42. Kill every insect in the world except for bees I like bees
    43. 43. Have powers to bend time
    44. 44. Break Google by Google searching Google
    45. 45. Make my own language
    46. 46. Be the first person to step foot on Venus
    47. 47. Discover an alien race
    48. 48. Meet Robert Downy JR.
    49. 49. Have a son and name him Luke only to say “Luke….. I am your father”
    50. 50. Snow board down MT. Everest

    1. I do not approve of the animal hurting ones - sad. No. 28 is great! We have a dog named Winter, and everytime we take him to visit people we say "Winter is coming..." (Any "Game of Thrones" fans out there?)

  10. 1. Go skydiving because I want to feel the rush.
    2. I want to circumnavigate the world twice in 80 days because I want to be in future history books.
    3. I want to get a pet monkey because they seem exciting.
    4. I want to own more than 2 houses at once because I want to feel cool.
    5. I want to run across the field during a live soccer game because I want to take all the attention for myself.
    6. I want to watch the World Cup final live because its a historic thing.
    7. I want watch a Yankees vs Red Sox game at Yankees Stadium while wearing Red Sox gear in the Yankees supporters section because I want to get everybody else mad.
    8. I want to invent something amazing because everybody will praise me.
    9. I want to meet Deron Williams because he is my favorite NBA player.
    10. I want to meet Sergio Ramos, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Mesut Ozil because they are my favorite soccer players.
    11. I want to visit Europe because it seems like an interesting place to learn about.
    12. I want to go help out in the less-fortunate parts of Africa.
    13. I want to see the Brooklyn Nets win the NBA championship because they are my favorite team.
    14. I want to see Real Madrid or Manchester United win the UEFA Champions League because it would a dream come true.
    15. I want to become an amazingly talented golf player and refuse to play for the rest of my life because I hate golf but wish to be good at it.
    16. I want to release a mixtape because I wish to make my underground rapper debut.
    17. Go out to eat with Jay Z because I want a really expensive meal.
    18. I want to learn how to surf because it seems like something that interests me.
    19. I want to stop a fire because I want to be heroic.
    20. I want to see my son grow up one day because it would be really special.
    21. I want to create a television show because it would be cool to see my own show on TV.
    22. I want to swim across an entire ocean because I want to prove everybody wrong.
    23. I want to ride a giraffe because I’ll be really high up in the air.
    24. I want to get Shaq to fight Yao Ming because it would be a good fight.
    25. I want to watch the ball drop in NYC on New Years at midnight.

  11. 26. I want to learn how to play the guitar because its always been a dream.
    27. I want to learn how to play the piano because it could sound really nice if you know how t play it right.
    28. I want to be the only person in the whole state for a day because I want to see how different life would be.
    29. I want to create my own line of shoes because they would look good.
    30. I want to hold the English Premier League trophy because its been held by many legends.
    31. I want to eat Nutella because I always feel like an outcast since I don't eat it.
    32. I want to finally become a fan of the Walking Dead because I’ve heard many good things about it.
    33. I want to see the New York Red Bulls finally win the MLS Cup.
    34. I want to see an NBA game live.
    35. I want to watch a whole game of baseball without getting bored.
    36. I want to finally get a new phone because it seems like I will never replace my broken one.
    37. I want see the Guatemala national team finally qualify for a World Cup.
    38. I want to be able to dunk a basketball because of the enjoyment I would get.
    39. I want to meet an alien because I know that they exist.
    40. I want to catch Bigfoot because I could be on the news.
    41. I want to be interviewed on the news because I want to be on TV.
    42. I want to be interviewed on a documentary because I could look very professional.
    43. I want to graduate from college because it would be a lot of pride for me.
    44. I want to open a donut shop because nobody would expect that to be on this list.
    45. I want to win the lottery because its almost impossible to win it.
    46. I want to feature on a Lupe Fiasco song because that's the only way that he could make a comeback and finally sell records.
    47. I want to be on the cover of a cereal box.
    48. I want to invent a new letter because I want to change mankind.
    49. Become a YouTube sensation in less than a month because I want to be on Tosh.0
    50. I want to finally finish this list which I just did

    1. Mmm, Nutella is yummy. And if you ever decide to try "The Walking Dead," the first season is sort of slow, but it improves with time. I like the donut shop idea, it's just as silly as my wanting to open a coffee shop.

  12. Live beyond 21, because I want to live long.
    Have complete movement in my left hand, because I can’t do it now.
    Go to Colombia again, to see my family.
    Go to Africa, to see a real African Elephant.
    Read a book more than 400 pages, to say I read a book that is over 400 pages.
    Make a snowman bigger than me, to look at it until it melts.
    Go skydiving, to do something new.
    Drive a boat, to say I drove a boat.
    Buy a car, to drive around in
    Get a driving license, to have a license.
    Fly an airplane, to fly around the world.
    Buy an airplane, to fly it.
    Have a pet dog, to play with it.
    Have a pet parrot, to talk to.
    Have a wife, to be happy.
    Have 3 kids, to pass down my genes to further generations.
    Go to college, so I can get a job.
    Get a job, so I can make money.
    Become a doctor, to help people.
    Become one of the best doctors, to be one of the best doctors.
    Play football in highschool, because I love football.
    Join a flag football league, to play flag football.
    Play football in college, to play college football.
    Watch a world cup match, because I like soccer.
    Go to watch a super bowl, to experience it.
    Become the worlds richest man, to be rich.
    Retire at 40, to relax until I die.
    Learn to play the piano, to know how to play the piano.
    See my grandchildren, to see the next generations.
    See my great grandchildren, to see future generations.
    Get a pet lion, to protect me.
    Get a pet wolf, to protect my lion.
    Get a pet tiger, to protect my wolf.
    Start a pack of wolves, to make money.
    Buy a house, to live in.
    Buy 30 cats, to get rid of the mice in my house.
    Buy 30 dogs, to get rid of the cats in my house.
    Get a pet hawk, to look over my house.
    Get a pet falcon, to look over my hawk.
    Get a pet eagle, to look over my falcon.
    Race at a nascar stadium, to feel the adrenaline.
    Buy a Ps4, to get an upgrade, I have a Ps2.
    Play catch with Eli Manning, because he is the best.
    Escape the grasp of bear, to say I did.
    Be the strongest man in the world, to build self confidence.
    Go to the great wall of china, to see the other side of china.
    Stand with one foot in one state and the other in another.
    Go to space, to be the first Diaz in space.
    Host the Oscars, to have fun.
    Make everything on this list true.

    1. If you were to read a 400 page book now, which one would it be? You would need quite the extensive animal sanctuary in order to be able to house all of those wild animals you plan on having. It is possible, just need a ton of space. I'm curious how the pack of wolves would make you money?

  13. Landin Morris
    Blog 12
    My Bucklist
    1. I would like to become the richest man in the world, and then use my money to help the unfortunate.
    2. I would love to become a famous math teacher or one of the greatest man teachers ever because math is one of my biggest obstacles and I want to conquer and help others wh don’t understand math,
    3. Have a farm, and have horses.
    4. Be a horse breeder of some of the most pure bred breeds of horses, and have them as a family member and as pets, not to show off or for money.
    5. I would change my appearance get pricings
    6. I would cut m afro, and dye it brown and curl it
    7. I would be who I want to be, and fix the flaws that drag me down.
    8. Buy a big house to full with my items and such
    9. Buy a waterbed, I have always wanted one of those.
    10. Make myself good at sports
    11. Make myself even more independent than I’m because I like to be solitary
    12. Learn karate because I have always liked that type of art
    13. Learn how to sing, and rap
    14. Become a famous singer/ rapper
    15. Meet the famous rapper Drizzy Drake because he is one of the greatest rappers I know
    16. Get Drakes autograph
    17. Send thousands of dollars back to Dunellen High school to make it more modern and better for both the students and the facility.
    18. Swim with dolphins at sea world because I enjoy interacting with animals and marine life.
    19. Swim with orcas as well
    20. Play with lion, tiger, wolf, and bear cubs all at the same time. They are amazing when they are little.
    21. Learn to read music
    22. Learn to write music from reading it
    23. Become a better than I am now
    25. Go mountain climbing to see the views and how life is up there
    26. Start a new culture and way to people because I would love to represent something to people
    27. Make songs with famous people such as Drake or Jay Z
    28. I my own clothing line because I think people would enjoy my idea of style and clothes
    29. Have the world’s largest swimming pool to practice swimming in
    30. Throw a huge pool party in the pool
    31. Throw a house party in a mansion because I love house parties
    32. Walk on the red carpet with Beyonce because she is gorgeous
    33. Make my own cell phone designed personally for me, and for me only
    34. Have really good friends who I can trust and build strong friendships with
    35. Create an amazing video game that combines the greatness of grand theft auto and call of duty to make a beast game
    36. Make a new game system that sells out and I become a millionaire off of
    37. Write a book explaining my ideas and theories so that other people heard about my ideas and branch off of them
    38. Make a social network better than instagram, facebook, vine, twitter, and oovoo combined, this way I can become rich off of that
    39. Get my degree from college to become a doctor
    40. Raise chickens because I like chicks
    41. Become a dog trainer and have a pack of dogs that I raised myself from puppies to adults because I enjoy animal companionship
    42. Become a turtle breeder ( I think this one is about to come true) because I like having exotic pets.
    43. Have a whole bunch of clothes so I be stylish to myself and myself only
    44. Make a one of best movies of all time, and be the main actor in my movie
    45. Have my own sneaker line
    46. Become a chief because I like to cook
    47. Discover new types of food and recipes to present to the world
    48. Being a help to others when they need me
    49. Be the richest man alive
    50. Make a difference in the world because I want to make the world a better place.

    1. I would totally buy a horse from you (or one of those adorable shaggy ponies). I think you would be great as a dog trainer - you show true compassion toward animals, and people.


  14. Before I die I want to…

    1. Do something special to make myself and my parents proud

    2. Go to college

    3. Become known to most of America

    4. Get at least 6 feet tall

    5. Finally be able to dunk in a game of basketball

    6. Get a sign from God to know that i’m doing good things

    7. Save someones life

    8. Get married to a great person

    9. Have kids that respect and love me

    10. Retire at a satisfying age

    11. Meet Cam Newton because he’s a cool quarterback

    12. Play basketball with JR Smith

    13. Become great at all the sports I enjoy playing

    14. Win the lottery a few times

    15. Send my parents on an expensive cruise

    16. Buy my parents a huge house wherever they want

    17. Have a shoe brand so I can be rich quickly

    18. Be on television, again

    19. Breed a wolf dog and raise it because it seems awesome

    20. Skydive for the rush of the experience

    21. Travel to Nigeria and learn Igbo

    22. Stop someone from ruining a life

    23. Give good, helpful advice

    24. Impress a rich man and make him envy me for the pride that comes with it

    25. Start a big family that depends on me

    26. Achieve complete happiness

    27. Make someone smile everyday

    28. Make someone laugh so hard they pee

    29. Make someone miss/notice me when i’m gone

    30. Learn how to moonwalk just for fun

    31. Drop an album to see if anyone else likes my singing

    32. Broaden my vocabulary so I don’t sound dumb

    33. Innovate some new form of technology that will help people

    34. Be in the olympics

    35. Be on a cereal box because ill be that famous

    36. Go in an no gravity simulator

    37. Run as fast as the women in the olympics

    38. Be the center of attention for once

    39. Have a nice birthday for once

    40. Apologize to everyone who i’ve hurt

    41. Learn how to play the piano because its a beautiful instrument

    42. Learn to play the guitar and Ukulele

    43. Learn how to ride a motorcycle

    44. Ride a horse for fun

    45. Ride the fastest rollercoaster in the world

    46. Finish this bucket list

    47. Live in a nice retirement home where I have no worries

    48. Confess my feelings to someone

    49. Grow old with someone
    50. Live

    1. These are very profound and worthy goals - some really mature choices here, Chucky, as well as some character and humor. Well done.

  15. 1. Fly to Japan and propose to my future girlfriend in Tokyo.
    2. Go indoor skydiving because I've always wanted to as a little kid.
    3. Ride in a hot air balloon for the experience.
    4. Do a back flip on a trampoline because I've never done a back flip.
    5. Swim with a school of fish to feel like a fish like the younger me wanted.
    6. Watch turtles hatch and run for the ocean to witness the circle of life.
    7. Ride an elephant because ever since I've seen Steve-O ride one on jackass.
    8. Swim with turtles. Childhood dream.
    9. Kiss in the rain.
    10. Feed a crocodile because the best way to overcome fear is to face it.
    11. Bring baked goods to a neighbor because making people smile makes me feel great.
    12. Play matchmaker when one of the two is a friend or family member.
    13. Get the life stories of my grandparents to know my family history.
    14. Cover the bed in rose petals . . . . . . Do I need to explain this one?
    15. Donate toys during the holidays because making people smile makes me smile.
    16. Plant a tree to see it grow at my final days and remember the evolution of my life as the tree grows.
    17. Design a website because from a young age it amazed me how beautiful some websites are.
    18. Create a family logo and hope that the name makes it big.
    19. Get a degree before the age of 25 as a life achievement.
    20. Learn to jump start a car because I'll never know if I forgot my keys.
    21. Take a mud bath because I always thought it was relaxing.
    22. Play the stock market.
    23. Blow a lot of money gambling for the experience.
    24. Drink Milk from a fresh Coconut because I love coconuts.
    25. Create my own cocktail and name it after myself.
    26 Eat a meal cooked by a famous chef.
    27. Be on a TV show for the fame.
    28. Throw beads at Mardi Gras because . . . . well . . . . you know.
    29. Set a Guinness Book of World Record and get my 15 seconds of fame.
    30. Smoke a fine cigar.
    31. Own an original piece of artwork so when I sell it, it's worth millions.
    32. Blow smoke rings because I've always been amazed how people can do it.
    33. Spin a basketball on my finger. Another childhood dream.
    34. Explore a rain forest in Brazil for the adventure.
    35. Step foot on all 7 continents.
    36. Go parasailing.
    37. Build a tree house.
    38. Watch the sunset at the beach.
    39. Have a kiss under said sunset.
    40. Spend a whole day out on the water.
    41. Own countless pairs of shoes.
    42. Be retweeted by someone famous on twitter.
    43. Win the lottery so my mom has no worries about retirement.
    44. Hold up a "free hugs" sign.
    45. Have a paint fight in white clothing.
    46. Sleep under the stars.
    47. Go on a road trip from New York to California with good friends.
    48. Spend an entire day watching Disney movies.
    49. Ride a dolphin.
    50. Kiss under a mistletoe.

    1. I've seen a video on the Animal Planet on turtles hatching (it is adorable and sad at the same time, since some of them don't make it). No. 34 and 35 are also on my list. Out of all of the "win the lottery" entries I read so far, yours has the best reason. Well done - some of these are quite funny in their (lack of) explanation.

  16. 1) Go to Manchester, England and watch both Manchester United and Manchester City games
    2) Sing in front of crowd bigger than 1000 people because I want to feel the rush
    3) Do boxing training so I can say I learn how to fight better
    4) Go to a Jay-Z concert because he is my favorite rapper
    5) Do track before I graduate High school because I never was in the Track team
    6) Win the lottery so I can get rich
    7) Watch the Fast and the Furious 7 if it ends up coming out since its a great trilogy
    8) Meet Dwayne Johnson because he is my favorite actor
    9) Listen to Beyonce sing in person because she is phenomenal
    10) Learn how to draw since I actually suck at that
    11) Meet Cristiano Ronaldo because he is the best soccer player in the world
    12) Meet Neymar Jr. because he is the future best soccer player
    13) Get better at writing because I believe my future will consist of it
    14) Be in a commercial so I can see myself on tv
    15) Own a boxer dog or husky because they are really fresh dogs
    16) Go to Madison Square Garden and see a game or concert
    17) Go to the Caribbean because I prefer tropical weather over everything else
    18) See Dwyane Wade play basketball live since he is rather talented and fast
    19) Go to Dubai because It seems like one of the most interesting places on earth
    20) Go to the top of Burj Khalifa because its the biggest skyscraper ever created
    21) Own an Ipad because they look so professional to own
    22) Own a private Jet so I can go anywhere I want to
    23) Play against Michael Jordan and see if he is still skillful
    24) Play guitar and piano because I always wanted to be able to do such things
    25) Move to a bigger town for one year and experience going to a giant school filled with many students
    26) Move to San Diego when i'm much older because of its climate.
    27) Sing in a professional studio so I can experience how everything works
    28) Get tattoos on my shoulder, chest, and back because I always wanted them
    29) Ride in a race car and experience the rush of going fast
    30) Go to the rockefeller center with someone special in the future because it seems like a nice site
    31) Go to Niagara Falls because I have never been there before
    32) Ride on King Da Ka because It seems like something I will eventually have to do
    33) Do MMA so I can get physically stronger quicker
    34) Get a quicker 100 meter time so I can benefit in Track
    35) Go Skydiving because its in everyone's bucket list
    36) Learn how to type faster so I can benefit and finish my homework much faster
    37) Go to Barclay’s Center because its a unique place with a rusty look in the outside
    38) Own an Audi R8 because its a quality fast car
    39) Visit my entire family because I don’t mostly anyone from my family
    40) Own a maybach exelero because it looks like a car a pimp would own
    41) Learn how to cook since I suck at cooking
    42) Learn how to shoot from distance in soccer better because it can make me a better player
    43) Join Jacquees’ crew FYB because they look like they always have fun
    44) Learn how to dance like Chris Brown because my dance skills are terrible
    45) Be able to bench more than 230 lb because I want to get stronger
    46) visit google offices because every office looks like a theme park more than an office
    47) Learn how to speak a third language because It would be great saying that you speak three languages
    48) Prove everyone wrong on achieving a dream of mine so I can see their faces while I make money
    49) Write Music with a famous songwriter because writing music is what I'm passionate for
    50) Do a drive thru prank on someone and record their reaction because I think its hilarious seeing their reactions

    1. If you ever want feedback on your writing, or just someone to read it over, I'd be glad to help. I like that you picked Dubai as one of the places to visit - rather original. Ha - no.44 (I've seen you in the musical, give yourself more credit).

  17. 1. Visit the U.K. I like the British and want to travel.
    2. Start a family. Self-explanatory.
    3. Become a Pokémon master. Pokémon will always be part of my life, so I might as well be the very best.
    4. Meet a celebrity. I can brag about it to all my friends.
    5. Go to college. Knowledge is power.
    6. Write a story that becomes popular. I like writing and want to do something with it.
    7. Visit France. I want to go to Paris. Besides, I speak French so I might as well use it in real life.
    8. Create Dalekanium. It’s a bit far it, but anything for Doctor Who!
    9. Create a computer game. Computers all really interesting and I want to learn more about them.
    10. Paint a painting. Art is a great way to express yourself. But I just can’t seem to find the time to make one on my own.
    11. Finish a 1000-piece puzzle. Just for the fun of it.
    12. Learn to play the piano. I should have done this a long time ago.
    13. Become rich and successful. I have a lot of opportunity ahead of me, so I should use it.
    14. Go see the super bowl. I don’t really like football, but it still sounds amazing.
    15. Skydiving. Feel the rush!!!
    16. Go scuba diving. What’s actually under the sea?
    17. Start a YouTube channel. A guy can dream, can’t he?
    18. Write a 100 page essay. I will write an essay that is longer than Mrs. Ell’s!
    19. Answer the hardest math problem. Math rocks!
    20. Tell philosophers that a tree does make a sound when it falls and no one is around!
    21. Master time management. It will really help in the future.
    22. Make a new emoticon. Just for fun, really.
    23. Master whistling and snapping. Why I don’t know how to do this, I have no idea.
    24. Finish my list of books I have to read before I die. It grows as time goes on, so I should get ahead of it.
    25. Fly in a helicopter. Who needs airplanes?
    26. Hunting. Something that interests me.
    27. Fishing. It will help me become patient.
    28. Archery. It just sounds really fun to do.
    29. Watch the Godfather Part I and II. Might as well see why everyone says it’s amazing.
    30. Make a new word. Might as well be famous for something.
    31. Write a song. Probably with the piano.
    32. Live to the year 2100. That way, I can say I lived through three centuries.
    33. Gamble and win. Hopefully I don’t get greedy!
    34. Learn to cook. I need to feed myself!
    35. Lecture someone about bad grammar. A pet peeve.
    36. Break the 4th wall. Who needs reality?
    37. See the northern lights. They are truly a beautiful sight.
    38. Invent a number. Forget infinity!
    39. Copyright something. No one plagiarizes me!
    40. See all Seven Wonders of the World.
    41. Eat a whole pizza by myself. It’s been a dream of my mine.
    42. Visit other planets. I want to know what is out in the universe.
    43. Learn how to dance. It bugs me that I can’t.
    44. Master public speaking. It’s something that can really help in the future.
    45. Write a creepypasta. It sounds fun.
    46. Discover the meaning of life. I do believe there is a meaning.
    47. Sleep for a day so I won’t be so mentally exhausted.
    48. Create a perfect line without a compass.
    49. Solve the Rubix Cube. I just want to be able to say I did it.
    50. Read the entire Bible. Religion is important to me, so might as well read up on it.
    51. Finish this bucket list.

    1. you dont have a reason for the last one

    2. Not all of them need a reason. Besides, the last is pretty much self-explanatory

    3. I am also a fan of the British. For no.35, you can always dabble in teaching English - that's what I do to combat my pet peeve of bad grammar. For no. 4, if you could meet a celebrity, which one would be on the top of your list? (I've met several, but not necessarily ones I was looking to meet). I challenge you to complete no18! GO! By the way, my list of projects, art, books, etc. grows as I get older too - I think it's just a result of my many discombabulated interests.

    4. PS - In reference to no. 36: reality is highly over-rated, which is why I prefer a good fiction any day to, say, the news, reality tv, or other such frivolities.

  18. My Bucket List

    1. Go and visit the Mayan Pyramids because I want to see how it feels to be in such an ancient place.
    2. I want to learn how to speak German because I plan on visiting Germany one day to experience it’s culture.
    3. Go to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade because I want to see the balloons up close as they’re up in the air.
    4. I want to visit London, England to go to Wembley Stadium, which is one of the best soccer stadiums in the world in my opinion.
    5. I want to get married because it is a major step in life that I look forward to.
    6. I want to be a father so that I can be the happiest man in the world.
    7. Discover a fossil of a dinosaur to give it to a museum.
    8. Win the lottery because then I’ll live life to it’s fullest.
    9. Go camping in a tent because I never had before.
    10. Get all A+’s in my report card because it will complete part of my life.
    11. Learn how to speak Japanese because it is an amazing language.
    12. Get rid of Cancer once and for all because it is so sad to see people suffering from Cancer.
    13. I want to go fishing in the middle of an ocean to see how many fish I can catch.
    14. Learn how to play the guitar because it has a nice tune that comes from it.
    15. When I’m old I want to attend a bingo night game with many other people to experience how it feels to play bingo with other old people.
    16. Visit the Amazon Jungle to take pictures of the animals that live in the forest.
    17. Go to Niagara Falls because I have always wanted to.
    18. Be the one to capture Bigfoot because I believe he does exist.
    19. Climb to the top of the Grand Canyon to test out what I can see from far away.
    20. Visit the White House to shake hands with the president.
    21. Create a YouTube Channel to see how many subscribers I would get.
    22. Make a viral video on YouTube to see how many views I can get.
    23. Create a world that is full of peace and Happiness.
    24. Meet Lionel Messi in person and tell him that he’s been such an inspiration to me and tell him that his legacy will forever be in the history of soccer.
    25. Visit the Lincoln Memorial because it is a historical monument in history.
    26. Create an app so that many people will purchase it at the app store.
    27. Get an autograph from Michael Jordan because to me he is the best basketball player in history.
    28. Learn how to do the moonwalk by Michael Jackson because I would do it in memory of him.
    29. Visit Martin Luther King’s grave because he was just such a legendary figure in history.
    30. Go on a cruise to Barcelona, Spain because that would be fascinating.
    31. Attend a basketball game because I have always wanted to.
    32. Visit Disney World because it is a place where dreams come true.
    33. See Peru qualify for the world cup and win it because it would be a dream come true for me.

  19. 34. Buy a mansion so that I can feel how it is to be rich.
    35. Dig a hole to China for easy access.
    36. Walk on the moon to feel gravity.
    37. Prove that life does exist on Mars to tell NASA “I told you so”.
    38. I would like to watch a Barcelona vs. Real Madrid game up close at the Camp Nou (Stadium of FC Barcelona) in the front row so that I can believe that dreams really do come true.
    39. Own a Ferrari to surprise my friends.
    40. Be on the cover of the New York Times because I would like that.
    41. Get into an excellent college to prove to myself that all that hard work from school really does pay off.
    42. Own my own private jet to travel to countries I always wanted to visit.
    43. Visit Japan for its popular cities and anime.
    44. Run in a marathon that would benefit for charity.
    45. Be in a commercial to keep it as a memory.
    46. Go to Italy to visit the Colosseum so that I can feel how it is from the inside.
    47. Have a job in which I earn a huge salary to provide to my future family.
    48. Invent an invention made by me because I would feel proud of my success.
    49. Create a new word for Webster’s Dictionary so that many people will use it when they’re in a conversation.
    50. Go to Las Vegas to play in a casino after all “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”.

    1. The pyramids at Chichen Itza are astoundingly fascinating (and the tour guides have some appropriately gruesome tales to tell about the Mayan culture - both fact and fiction). I like all of your traveling goals - and the reasons for them, especially no. 32 (nice use of the slogan). I would love to see the proof for life on other planets, let me know when you find it. No. 43 is also on my list (similar reasons actually).

  20. Tiahna Moya
    Bucket List

    1. Go skydiving because I love heights.
    2. Ride a horse because I have a fear of them.
    3. Hold a tarantula because I have a huge phobia of them.
    4. Visit Japan because of its amazing anime, architecture, and food.
    5. Complete the Spartan sprint because then I know that I could accomplish anything when I set my mind to it.
    6. Take flyboarding lessons because since I love to skateboard, why not do it on water.

    1. Nothing in this world could make me hold a tarantula.

  21. For my bucket list I am basing it on the future which would be about 10 years from now so that for my bucket goals I would actually be able to do my desires before I die.

    Get a tattoo:

    to remember a special time in my life

    Have my own movie theater in my own house:

    because i am a movie buff

    Have a beach house for the summer:

    my family and i can spend some time together

    Go to Australia:

    relatives to visit and because it is my dream vacation

    Be an expert guitarist:

    because i want to use my guitar

    Improve my singing voice:

    to use with my guitar skills

    Go to college and be roommates with one of my best friends from high school:

    so i don't feel alone

    swim with a dolphin:

    because its not your regular every day pet

    Go on a no-budget shopping spree in LA:

    so i don't have to pay for a new expensive look

    Jump off a waterfall:

    to conquer my fear of heights

    Go to Italy to eat pizza:

    i love pizza and i would like to go to italy to have the best

    Go to Carlo’s bake shop from the show cake boss:

    i believe the way carlo makes his cakes is like art

    See every movie on my movie list:

    i love movies

    Be on a show:

    i took acting class and i would like to put it to good use

    Sell my art:

    to make an impact on the world

    Go on a tour in jail:

    to be informed

    Have a birthday party in Las Vegas:

    just for the experience

    Get a matching tattoo with my mom and best friend:

    to celebrate my relationship with my loved ones
    Not be afraid of being honest:

    to speak my mind

    Be with the person I will love forever:

    for my own long lasting happiness

    Experience paradise:

    personal enjoyment

    Go to the top of all the famous landmarks:

    for the never forgetting experience

    Be the only one to shop on black Friday:

    to make a good experience out of a normally bad one

    Put soap in a public fountain:

    to see the people’s reactions

    Throw a penny in a well and have my wish come true:

    to know that wishes do come true

    Wish on a shooting star:

    to remain hopeful

    Learn how to dance:

    to be able to have fun with my friends at dances and parties

    Spend the night on a beach:

    to experience a very different night

    Put a lock on the love lock bridge in Paris:

    to know that love just doesn't go away it stays with you forever

    Meet all the famous people I love and adore:

    to know that they are actually real in this messed up world

    Go to a concert with all my best friends:

    for the memories

    Have a walk in closet:

    to have my dream closet where i have room

    Work at a haunted house:

    i enjoy scary things and to do what i love

    Have my 11:11 wish come true: to stay hopeful

    Go on a road trip from New York to California:

    to have the full experience of change

    Give people a reason to remember my name:

    so i don't die a nobody

    Live in a Victorian house:

    to live in a big, old and useful house

    Kiss under fireworks:

    to make sparks fly

    Make graffiti art in a public area:

    for my skills to be appreciated

    Own a red jeep wrangler to go on the trip #35:

    to have the same car my mom did

    Cut my hair short:

    just for the ending of annoyance of long hair

    burn all my school stuff in a bonfire:

    to end school the best way possible
    have a paint fight:

    to enjoy war and art
    ride my horse on the beach:

    to ride somewhere different
    coated in chocolate :

    i love chocolate
    go to a neon/blacklight party:

    the best party to go to at night
    be a healthy weight:

    to be comfortable in my own body
    climb a water tower:

    to be like them from “that 70’s show”
    tie die with my best friend:

    to have fun with artistic clothing
    feel comfortable in my own skin:

    to love life more

    1. The shop from "Cake Boss' does make some amazing edible art. I've driven past it, but have never gone in. The soap in the fountain one sounds funny, and I would love to see some of your art sometime. Victorian houses are the best - why is it that horror movies always have the most gorgeous houses? I want one. And I recommend working at a haunted house - much hilarity will ensue.

  22. 7. Learn how to play the guitar and piano - I want to get better at it.
    8. Attend a masquerade - it looks fun from what I've seen in my favorite play.
    9. Learn dance from a professional - to get better and for the experience.
    10. Visit Chelsea Hotel - I love the sex pistols
    11. Stand on top of a mountain - it feel extremely tall, and see nature from a different point of view
    12. Own a vintage car - in my opinion they are better than todays models
    13. Have my own personal library - I enjoy reading as much possible
    14. Ride a Gondola in Venice - looks like fun and different
    15. Float in the dead sea - I want to know if its actually see and see for myself
    16. Sleep in an overnight train - for the experience
    17. Walk on the Great Wall of China - for the memories and the knowing that I accomplished the walk
    18.Learn and be fluent in at least 9 different languages - I want to be able to order Chinese food in Chinese and see their reaction
    19. Travel to all 7 continents - I want to see the world

    1. I've always wanted to take a ride on the Transatlantic Railroad through Russia and China - ever since I saw a horror film about it. Wait...

  23. 1. I want to become a journalist because that is what I aspire to do as my career.
    2. I want to swim with dolphins because dolphins are awesome.
    3. I want to ride the world’s largest rollercoaster because I love the thrilling feeling when I ride rollercoasters.
    4. I want to travel across Europe because I always wanted to go to Europe to see and try different things.
    5. I want to graduate high school.
    6. I want to go to college.
    7. I want to graduate college.
    8. I want to go scuba diving because I love marine life.
    9. I want to go skydiving because I would love the thrilling feeling.
    10. I want to get my braces off because they are annoying.
    11. I want to be an extra in a movie because it would be amazing to see myself on a movie screen.
    12. I want to go to Mardi Gras because my family in Louisiana thinks it is amazing.
    13. I want to go bungee jumping because; well at this point you can tell I want to do thrilling things.
    14. I want to live in England because I think it would be interesting to have a change of scenery.
    15. I want to go horseback riding because I think horses are cool.
    16. I want to learn archery because two of my favorite book characters are amazing in archery.
    17. I want to learn more about my ancestry because it would be interesting to see my origins.
    18. I want to meet a celebrity because then I get bragging rights.
    19. I want to eat real pizza from Italy to see the difference between pizza from Italy and the United States.
    20. I want to go zip lining because the first time I did, I didn’t enjoy since I was screaming.
    21. I want to get all A’s on my report card throughout my high school career.
    22. I want to go see the World Premier of the movie “Mockingjay: Part 1” because I love the Hunger Games.
    23. I want to go see the World Premier of the movie ‘Divergent” because I love the book series.
    24. I want to finish Allegiant because I want to know how it ends.
    25. I want to learn to play the guitar because I think it would be fun to learn an instrument.
    26. I want to see the Eiffel Tower because it is famous landmark.
    27. I want to see the Roman Coliseum because it is cool to see history.
    28. I want to see Big Ben because of the architecture.
    29. I want to get my driver’s license so I can have more freedom.
    30. I want to meet some of my favorite You Tubers because I find them hilarious.
    31. I want to go back to Flores, Guatemala because that is one of my favorite places.
    32. I want to learn to cook because I can’t.
    33. I want to go to Hawaii because I think it would be cool.
    34. I want to learn to surf so that I can surf in Hawaii.
    35. I want to win ten million dollars because who wouldn’t.
    36. I want to go to Venice, Italy so I can ride a gondola.
    37. I want to ride a hot air balloon because I think it would be amazing.
    38. I want to have a family.
    39. I want to have a Golden Retriever because they are great dogs.
    40. I want to go fishing.
    41. I want to work in the New York Times because it would be amazing to be a journalist for them.
    42. I want to have a road trip across America with some close friends.
    43. I want to visit the Grand Canyon because I think it is very cool.
    44. I want to see the Northern Lights because they are supposed to be beautiful.
    45. I want to live a long life.
    46. I want to go to a One Direction concert.
    47. I want to solve a Rubix Cube in less than five minutes because they are hard to solve.
    48. I want to spend a day watching all the Harry Potter movies back-to-back.
    49. I want to learn to speak French fluently.
    50. I want to accomplish everything on this bucket list.

    1. Archery would be super fun (at least according to books and movies). I imagine one of the characters is Katniss, who is the other? I want to solve a Rubix Cube, period, since I've never done it without cheating and pulling the stickers off.

  24. Go skydiving.
    Go hunting in Africa.
    Go on the biggest roller coaster in the world.
    Go hunting in Alaska.
    Go hunting in Oregon.
    Go hunting in Montana.
    Go hunting in Ohio.
    Eat alligator.
    Start a fire with nothing but rocks and sticks.
    Catch an alligator with nothing but my hands.
    Live in Alaska.
    Be stranded in the wilderness.
    Get my own survivor show.
    Do nothing but play games for 24 hours straight.
    Stay awake for 24 hours straight.
    Have a record for the biggest deer in NJ.
    Find my true love.
    Drag race.
    Own a 69 Mustang.
    Own a 69 Camaro
    Win a Million Dollars
    Get a big truck.
    Drive a tank.
    Rob the tank.
    Become a fish and game warden.
    Do something with my life.
    Go hunting in Arizona.
    Bust out of prison with a spoon.
    Join the army.
    Have kids.
    Live a Grand Theft Auto IV Life.
    Hold a bald eagle.
    Take a bald eagle.
    Own a boat house.
    Have boats in the boat house.
    Have my life to be like a Fast and the Furious movie.
    Meet Vin Diesel.
    Have my life to be like a country music video.
    Live to be a Hundred.
    Invent something new.
    Meet all the voice actors for Grand Theft Auto IV.
    Rob a gun store with a knife.
    Do a backflip on a dirt bike.
    Drive my atv till I collapse.
    Own a mechanic shop.
    Do 100 mph in a minnie van.
    Go hunting in Colorido.
    Meet Florida Georgia Line.
    Dont rush life.
    Dont die.

    1. This definitely has your personality written all over it (though I can't say I enjoy all the hunting items on the list).

  25. Travel to Colombia. I have heritage there, and it’s important to know your roots.
    Act in a Broadway play. I love to act, especially on stage.
    Be in a movie. Once again, I love to act, and movies are a whole other world.
    Get married. I want to find the person I love, and then hopefully marry that girl.
    Have a family. I want to have the joy of kids, and be able to experience the joy of little feet running all over the house.
    Direct a play. I want to create a something that audiences would enjoy.
    Direct a movie. Once again, but movies would reach a wider audience.
    Write a song. Rather than enjoy music, I want to be able to create it.
    Write a book. T put my imagination to work, I want to challenge myself with writing.
    Skydive. It looks exciting.
    Cross country trip. I want to see the US, one piece at a time.
    See Freddie Mercury’s statue. He is one of my music idols.
    Meet Pewdiepie. He is a great guy, and I want to thank him for all the joy he’s brougght me through his videos.
    Meet the Achievement Hunter Crew. They’re all funny, great guys, who’d I want to meet, and play games with for the lols.
    Become a professional actor I love acting, and I want to show my syuff to the world, and see if they do or don’t like it.
    Jump off a cliff. It’s extreme, dangerous, what’s not to love?
    Meet Bryan Cranston. He’s an impeccable actor, funny guy, and I want to get tips from him
    Scuba dive. I want to explore the vast ocean.
    Go to space. I want to push the boundaries of man.
    Give blood. I want to help people, and this is one of the best ways to do it.
    Perform 100.000 acts of kindness. It’s necessary to help as many people as possible.
    Raise a dog. I want to have a best furry friend to do everything with.
    Get a massage. I sometimes feel tense, and I’ve never had a relaxing massage.
    Make a million dollars. Money makes everything easier, especially if it.s for your family.
    See an opera. I want to experience all the arts, and operas would be going old-school.
    See my kids get married. I want to see the most important things in my life start a new chapter in their life.

  26. Part II
    Live to the year 3000. I want to be a 3 century man, and have bragging rights.
    Live to be over 100. I want to be able to see how much the world has changed in a century.
    Play with a band. Music is great, especially if you’re jamming with a garage group.
    Learn the guitar, It’s such a versatile instrument, great for anything.
    Invent something. I want to leave a mark on the world through innovation.
    Learn to play the piano. Another beautiful, practical instrument.
    Discover something. I want to be the first to lay eyes on something completely new.
    Ride a camel. I want to go through the desert screaming: “HUMP DAY! YEAH!”
    Go back in time. Hey, maybe. But i want to be able to know the feeling of the past.
    Live as any character in a book, TV show, or movie. I want to live a more exciting reality.
    Ride a Segway. Segway’s are pretty funny, and I want to be able to ride around like an idiot, and have people laugh at me.
    Attempt rapping. I admit, it’s music, and I would like to see my “flow”, I guess that’s what it’s called.
    Step on another planet. Being to be able to see another planet’s surface is amazing.
    Win the lottery. I want to be able to beat the immense odds.
    Get hypnotized. I want to know if that is actually possible, and it would be fun to make a fool of myself.
    Hypnotize someone. One word: servant.
    Make ice cream. I want to enjoy the greatest dessert ever that I made.
    Play The Doctor. To be able to act on TV is awesome, but to act as one the small screens most interesting character’s is a dream come true.
    Wear a kilt. I’ve been told the freedom is glorious.
    Track my family tree. I want to know the history of both my family ties.
    Learn a new Spanish. The greatest gift of the new age is communication, and I want to be apart of that .
    Plant a tree. I want to make something that will benefit someone hundreds of years from now.
    Become a one hit wonder. I want to be the guy who makes an amazing song, then never shows up again.
    Discover the meaning of life. Self explanatory.

    1. Ooo! I love Broadway - I'd totally buy tickets to see you in a show. Opera is definitely an acquired taste, and as someone with no musical talent whatsoever my first opera viewing was a bit rough. It's something to try at least once though.
      I also want to play the Doctor - alas, I have two strikes against me: not British, not male (though they may have a female Doctor at some point).
      P.S. When my dad was living in Turkey, he has a camel as a mode of transportation, instead of a car. Hilarious pictures.

  27. Things I would Like to do before I die:

    1. Go to a Drake concert and take a picture with him because he is my idol.
    2. Sit courtside at a Miami Heat game and have a conversation with anyone of the players.
    3. Make the WNBA (womenNBA) and become the best women basketball player ever.
    4. Meet Muhammad Ali before he dies.
    5. Fly on a hot air balloon near Switzerland’s mountains.
    6. Get married with the perfect guy and create a family together.
    7. Learn Arabic because one day I plan to move to Egypt.
    8. Go shopping in Europe because it’s the fashion continent of the world.
    9. Save a starving child because children should not starve.
    10. Start my own clothing line and have it be successful.
    11. Get locked in a mall with two friends and play hide and seek.
    12. Get stuck on the top of a Ferris wheel with my crush
    13. Learn yoga and then become a master at it.
    14. Swim with dolphins because they are one of the smartest animals in the world.
    15. See a platypus because I thought they didn’t exist.
    16. See a narwhal because I though they didn’t exist as well.
    17. Own a beach house in Turks and Caicos to bring my family there every winter and not suffer the horrible cold.
    18. Start a worldwide fundraiser for charity. Self-Explanatory.
    19. Meet the Pope because he is a great man/person.
    20. See the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco because it’s nice in pictures.
    21. Win a $5,000 shopping spree to Forever 21 in New York.
    22. Own the largest number of Jordan Sneakers so I can be happy.
    23. Go skiing in Aspen, Colorado because it’s beautiful there.
    24. Own the car of my dreams, the BMW i8.
    25. Be on the cover of ‘Vogue’ because it’s my favorite magazine.
    26. Learn Archery so I can be like Katniss from The Hunger Games.
    27. Make someone’s day.
    28. Discover something and win a Nobel Prize.
    29. Donate money to a group home of mentally challenged adults so that they may go somewhere on vacation they have never been before.
    30. Get accepted to Harvard University because only the best go there.
    31. Dive in a submarine.
    32. Become a Petroleum Engineer and make a lot of money.
    33. Be the most successful person at my high school reunion.
    34. Do something extra special for my family because I want to make them proud.
    35. Sing the National Anthem at The Super bowl.
    36. Go to a World Cup, all expenses paid.
    37. Jump off a cliff in too deep water because it would be so cool.
    38. Join the 50 states Marathon Club and run a marathon in all 50 states.
    39. Give somebody my autograph so I could feel special.
    40. See the Radio City Christmas Spectacular because I heard it’s so nice.
    41. Go drag racing with my friends and beat them.
    42. Go to a spa with my mom because we never spend quality time together.
    43. Go to Las Vegas with $500 and come back with $5,000.
    44. Get better at my basketball skills and maybe one day become as good as Candace Parker.
    45. Go shopping on rodeo drive in Beverly Hills
    46. Look like my favorite model, Candice Swanpoel.
    47. Go Ski diving because I’m scared to.
    48. Go to the Great Wall of China.
    49. Be someone’s hero because that would be amazing.
    50. Save a person’s life.
    51. Complete each and everything on this list.

    1. No. 11 sounds fun - I always wanted to do that in an aquarium or zoo or museum. No.15 and 16 made me laugh - they are both such silly animals and seemingly evolutionarily impossible. I like your list. Cute.

  28. Destiny Lightfoot
    Understanding Writing
    Blog 12
    Bucket List

    1. I really want to go to New York City for Christmas.
    2. I wish I knew what to get my grandma and cousin’s girlfriend for Christmas.
    3. I want to get my driver’s license when I turn 17 because I want to feel what it’s like to drive and also to feel more grown up.
    4. I want to learn how to sew because I want to become a fashion designer when I grow up and I want to create my own clothes.
    5. I want to graduate high school with a scholarship because I want to get into a great college that I like.
    6. I want to graduate college with a Masters and possibly a Bachelor’s degree because I want to get my dream career.
    7. I want to get married and have a family of four to five kids, at least one girl because I really want to have a daughter.
    8. I want to be the best parent to my children because I want to be a parent.
    9. I want to visit Europe because I like all the architecture that’s there, also because my mom and aunt have gone there and they really like it.
    10. I really would like to go water skiing because I want to face my fear.
    11. I want to jump off a high cliff because I once again want to face my fear.
    12. I want to go hiking because I didn’t get to really experience it the first time because I was young.
    13. I want to try an eggroll because I hear they’re really good.
    14. I want to sky dive because I want to feel the rush of flying down fast in the sky.

    1. 15. I want to go to a concert because I never went to one.
      16. I want to meet at least one celebrity and take a picture with them because I’ll remember it forever.
      17. I want to go to Disney World because I’ve always wanted to go since I was 5 and I’m a huge Disney fan.
      18. I want to live with my best friend because she’s like a sister to me.
      19. I want to learn how to surf because it seems really cool and I really want to try it.
      20. I want to learn how to make a five stranded braid because they’re really pretty.
      21. I want to read the whole Twilight and Harry Potter stories because I love the movies and my family keeps telling me that the books are great.
      22. I want to go the Caribbean because I heard that it’s beautiful place to go and just relax with family.
      23. Learn how to do a cartwheel because it seems so easy and I just want to try it.
      24. Pet a zebra because it’s one of my favorite animals.
      25. Visit the Washington Monument because I never got to the last time.
      26. Climb monkey bars and succeed this time because every time I end up falling off of them.
      27. I want to try a jaw breaker because everyone tells me that they are amazing.
      28. Hold a pig because I just like them because they’re so cute.

    2. 29. Eat a candy covered apple because I love sweets and apples.
      30. Shop in the largest store/mall in the world, just because.
      31. Go to Columbia because my in laws are from there and it’s a beautiful country.
      32. Go to India because I love the culture and style of clothing.
      33. I would like to see artifacts of the Titanic because the whole story is extremely interesting to me.
      34. See the Thanksgiving and Christmas Parade live in New York City personally because I want to see what it feels like to see a large parade like these in person.
      35. I would like to swim with dolphins because that would be so cool to do.
      36. I want to touch a stingray because that would also be cool.
      37. Ride the Kingo Da Ka rollercoaster in Six Flags because that would be awesome!
      38. Go see a Seal show because they are really cool animals.

    3. 39. Go see a dolphin show because I love them.
      40. Ride the biggest water slide because I love water slides.
      41. Go to the Great Wall of China.
      42. Win 1 million dollars.
      43. Save a person’s life.
      44. Feed a starving child/adult because no one should starve.
      45. Eat the largest chocolate bar because I love chocolate.
      46. Go to Hershey Park because I want chocolate.
      47. Eat a hug Hershey’s chocolate kiss.
      48. Own a Mustang because I want to prove to my sister that she can’t have ALL the Mustangs in the world.
      49. Go to the Criminal Minds set because I want to see what happens behind the scenes and I would like to see how everything is put together.
      50. Eat the biggest steak ever, just because.
      51. Accomplish all of the things on the list.

    4. When you learn to sew come teach me - I have a sewing machine that is barely used (so far, I've made a costume cloak and some curtains; that's about the extent of my skills). I highly recommend that "Harry Potter" books (not such a fan of the other series). No. 32 - India is towards the top of my list too, mainly because of the elephants. No. 36 - I've fed stingrays; they're squirmy and slimy and suction-cup-ey.

  29. Bucket List
    1. Learn to play the piano.
    2. Learn to play the guitar.
    3. Meet Antonio Valencia.
    4. Practice soccer with Manchester United
    5. Meet Alex Ferguson, retired manager of Manchester United, known as the best of his time.
    6. Meet Robin Van Persie.
    7. Meet Adam Sandler
    8. Go skydiving
    9. Go to Milan, Italy to see AC Milan play at their homefield.
    10. Go watch a Manchester game at Old Trafford
    11. Go watch FC Barcelona in Camp Nou
    12. Meet Drake
    13. Meet Ariana Grande
    14. Go on a date with Melanie Iglesias
    15. Go on a no budge shopping spree
    16. Smash an Iphone 5
    17. Jump off a clip with a car, jump off the car and parachute to safety.
    18. Be in a heist and steal about 2 million dolars.
    19. Buy a Nissan Skyline GTR and go on a highway with it over 120 mph.
    20. Steal an Audi R8 from a selfish rich person.
    21. Get a Duccati and pop a wheelie on it.
    22. Drive a Porsche away from a police chase.
    23. Go undercover and get a Drug Lord caught by the FBI.
    24. Go on a date with Beyonce.
    25. Rap with J. cole and make a song with him.
    26. Meet Justin Timberlake.
    27. Complete an exercise program.
    28. Run a marathon
    29. Get in shape.
    30. Have coffee with Vin Diesel
    31. Meet Paul Walker before he died, and test-drive an exotic car with him.
    32. Drive a jet
    33. Complete any project before hand and not last minute.
    34. Go on a romantic date with Jennifer Lawrence.
    35. Build a Monarch, and rule with and Iron Fist.
    36. Get a beach house.
    37. Make a documentary on my life.
    38. Find a cure for Cancer
    39. Find a cure for HIV.
    40. Become a billionaire wall street.
    41. Bank Rob any selfish businessman who got all his money by scheming the common people.
    42. Find Love.
    43. Become a professional Sniper.
    44. Take over the world, and stop world hunger.
    45. Go through Marine Training.
    46. Hold the Barclay Trophy.
    47. Meet Lionel Messi
    48. Own a Beach Mansion.
    49. Make a family.
    50. Accomplish at least 10 to 15 things on this list.

    1. Some of your items could use more of an explanation - I'm always interested in the reasons that people want to do certain things. For example: why coffee, of all things, with Vin Diesel? Quirky. No. 44 - at least you have a good reason for taking over the world; good luck with that.

  30. Bucket List
    1. Graduate college
    2. Make a lot of money
    3. Buy a huge house
    4. Have a couple kids
    5. Get married
    6. Own a beach house in Miami
    7. Go to the Bahamas for vacation
    8. Go to Africa to help people
    9. Go bungee jumping off a bridge
    10. Jump out of a plane: skydiving
    11. Jump off a cliff (into water)
    12. Go to Spain to visit the pretty beaches
    13. Get a nice car
    14. Have a in ground pool
    15. Have a hot tub
    16. Get distinguished honor roll one year in high school
    17. Go snorkeling in coral reefs
    18. Snorkeling with sharks
    19. Go parasailing
    20. Swim with dolphins
    21. Go to the Eiffel tower with my boyfriend or husband
    22. Go to a tropical rainforest
    23. Fly a personal plane just once
    24. Go to time square on New Years Eve
    25. Go to las Vegas
    26. Go white water rafting
    27. Kayak over a waterfall
    28. See the people blow up the huge balloons for the Thanksgiving parade
    29. Ride in a hot air balloon
    30. See a volcano in person
    31. Go to Greece
    32. Swim in the dead sea
    33. Free dive in the Dean’s Blue Hole
    34. Ride the steepest roller coaster in Japan
    35. Ride an elephant and Giraffe
    36. Meet a celebrity
    37. Walk on the top of the statue of liberty
    38. Go to a superbowl where the giants are playing in
    39. Go to a World Cup final
    40. Run a marathon
    41. Go ice swimming
    42. Ride the worlds longest zip line in South Africa
    43. Do the death drop in Zambia
    44. Drive a racecar
    45. Hike down the Grand Canyon
    46. Learn to surf
    47. Rescue a hostage
    48. Go skiing
    49. Go to a Drake concert
    50. Walk on the Great Wall

    1. This is a pretty adventurous list: I would love to know some of your reasons for these. Many of the travel ones are also on my list. I've fed a giraffe once, but have never ridden one.

  31. Jonathan Meyer
    Blog 12
    1. Compete in a hamburger eating contest, because food is amazing.
    2. Stay on Earth, because I don’t want to have to fly in Space, it’s too frightening.
    3. Attack Justin Beiber, because his “swag” and “talent” need to end. Also, he is becoming a conceited jerk who has no respect for anything.
    4. Climb successfully through a chimney, because I want to see how Santa did it.
    5. Watch every Will Smith movie back to back in a row, because Will Smith is an amazing actor and his movies are awesome.
    6. Beat a certain two people in grades and become Valedictorian, because I take pride in my achievements and want to be the very best (that no one ever was [Pokémon theme reference]).
    7. Go to Princeton, because it is an excellent college and I want to get the best education possible.
    8. Become an engineer, lawyer, or accountant because they are all jobs I would enjoy and be good at and that pay decently well.
    9. Have a family. Kids seem like a handful, but they must be worth it and are most likely one of the best parts of life.
    10. Buy a compound bow. At summer camp for boy scouts I used a compound bow every day, and it was awesome. I want one for myself because it will be fun to use.
    11. Move to Canada. I think that Canada is awesome. The just sit back and kick their feet up while watching everyone else fight and die, while they relax. I don’t think Canada has any enemies (plus free health care, I’ve heard).
    12. Invent something. It would be awesome to create something of my own and maybe have everyone use it.
    13. Get a red Ferrari with white strips. Ferraris look so amazing and it would be awesome to own one.
    14. Create a national kickball league. I love kickball and I think it needs to be made into a professional league, such as baseball and the MLB.
    15. See someone and after a bus passes, they disappear. I want that to happen, it always happens in movies and if I happened in real life I’d be amazed.
    16. Kick Chris Christie out of government. I can’t actually do it but I want to take part in getting him out of New Jersey and power, because he is a horrible man that attacks teachers and lies about it. He is a grown man bully.
    17. Visit France. France is awesome and there is so much to see and do there.
    18. Visit England. The English accent is cool and I want to see Buckingham Palace and a living king/queen.
    19. Visit Alaska. I like the cold and I want to see how bad it really is in Alaska. Also, I could ride a dog sled.
    20. Pay off college. College is so expensive that by the time I die I want to be able to pay it off for pride.
    21. Not go to jail. Jail must suck and I never want to do anything so bad to get into it.
    22. Buy my own dog. I love dogs and want my own.
    23. By a cat. Cats are fun when they are around and I want one for my own to pet and mesmerize with a laser pointer.
    24. Eat snails. I want to know what they taste like.
    25. Get on a TV show. Being on a TV show would give me my 15 minutes of desired spotlight.

    1. 26. Be on a game show. I think I would be good on a game show and could win a lot of money.
      27. Win the lottery. If I win the lottery I will have plenty of money for a long time.
      28. Get all A+ s for one marking period. That would show me I am smart and It would be a great achievement.
      29. Get into all AP classes in 12th grade. I want to get into the best possible classes to bump a
      30. Beat my sister in academic grades. I want to prove I am smarter than her and it would mean my grades are very good.
      31. Build a very successful and large snowman. I want to actually build a decent snowman because it is a classic thing in winter.
      32. Buy a house. I want my own place to live and call home.
      33. Fall into radioactive sludge and gain the ability to shoot ice out of my hands and freeze anything I want be touch.
      34. Become good at oral presentations. I want to be calm confident and be good at speaking in front of a crowd.
      35. Create a good zombies story. Zombies is such a fun topic and I want to make a story that all can rea and enjoy
      36. Finish school. I just wants to finish school and move on with life and become an adult.
      37. Play Call of Duty 57. I want to be around to play it if Call of Duty makes up to 53 games.
      38. Not develop cancer. Cancer seems like the worst thing ever and when I die I don’t want to have ever had it.
      39. Save a life. Saving someone and allowing them to continue living is one of the most rewarding actions.
      40. Read a 1000 page book. If I can conquer a 1000 page book I would b amazed and would look upon life differently.
      41. Sleep an entire day. I love sleep and 24 straight hours of the best activity would be the best thing ever.
      42. Visit Japan. I want to go to the home of every good anime ever and see what it is like in Japan.
      43. Visit the Pokémon studios. I love Pokémon and want to see where the magic happens.
      44. Clean my room spotless. For once I want an entirely clean and organized room to look at with pride.
      45. Learn how to do a backflip. Back flips are so fun and I want to be able to conquer the fear of breaking my neck and actually do one.
      46. Meet the creators of Naruto. Naruto is my favorite show ever and I want to be able to talk to and listen to the geniuses that create it.
      47. Play in a game with a famous youtuber. To play against a skilled and well known youtuber and be featured in one of their videos would be incredible. YouTube is awesome.
      48. Learn how to play the drums. The drums are such incredible instruments and every time I see my brother play them I long to play that well too.
      49.Get over all of my fears. If I am not afraid of anything I can live life worry free.
      50.Finish a test first. I want to have the pride of being the fastest to do a test, where usually I’m one of the slowest.

    2. Just to let you know, you better finish that last one, because in college, finishing a test first is bad. Usually you want to finish last by then.

    3. Good advice Erick. I was always last to finish (no shame in that). Canada does sound amazing; however, I don't know if I can take the cold winters. I like the originality of no. 15. No. 16 - with yesterday's news about him, you probably don't have to worry about him anymore, since he ruined his career himself (hopefully). As far as 1000 page books go, my favorite is probably the Malazan series by Steven Erikson.

  32. 20. Learn to fence - saw it in a movie and looked fun
    21. Get lost in a foreign country - you never know where it may lead you
    22. Obtain a six pack - probably will never happen but can try
    23. Ride a hot air balloon - experience flying in a different way
    24. Visit Italy - eat real pizza and explore there sites
    25. Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia - i love fish
    26. Ride a cable car in San Francisco - different form of transportation
    27. Experience zero gravity - have a jest of what its like in space
    28. Get my pilots license - in case of a weird emergency
    29. Visit every state in the USA - to know my country a little bit more than heading out to the outside
    30. Place a piece of bubble gum on the Market Theater Gum Wall in Seattle - I'm a gum-a-wohlic
    31. Learn hot to shoot a gun - for my own protection
    32. Take a picture on platform 9 3/4 - huge Harry Potter book fan
    33. Own my very own Polaroid camera - an excuse to become a great photographer
    34. Buy a vespa - make it my first vehicle
    35. For 5 days wear only dresses - dresses are weird to me
    36. Learn to surf - conquer my slight fear of the ocean
    37. Attend an NFL game - GO BRONCOS!
    38. Bounce across trampoline bridge Paris - a friend told me that it was amazing
    39. See a baseball game in every ball park - second favorite sport
    40. Be a part of a flash mob - friends bonding

    1. Be careful which foreign country you get lost in, or which areas. I want to do no. 32 as well. Dresses are not weird, pants are weird...and unnatural, and restrictive.


    1. Graduate Highschool.
    2. Go to College.
    3. Graduate College.
    4. Get a Job.
    5. Move up in Job.
    6. Get money.
    7. Buy an Apartment.
    8. Move into Apartment.
    9. Save up Money.
    10. Buy a Garage less than 5 miles from Apartment.
    11. Quit first Job.
    12. Get new Job as a Writer or Journalist for a Newspaper.
    13. Become a well known Writer.
    14. Start to write a Book.
    15. Finish Writing Book.
    16. Publish Book.
    17. Get book to the Top 10 books of the year.
    18. Become a well known author.
    19. Leave people waiting for my next book for suspense.
    20. Publish the Book.
    21. Have it be not what people expected from me, but like it anyway.
    22. Publish some random books and short stories here and there.
    23. Continue to save up money.
    24. Buy a beat up 1963 or later Volkswagen Bus.
    25. Fix up Bus with many of my friends or even just my Father.
    26. Paint the entire exterior of the bus white; keep the accents and details chrome.
    27. Park bus in a poor neighborhood.
    28. Ask kids to paint whatever they want on the bus.
    29. Have the kids be amazing artists that are just misguided and paint on private property.
    30. Have the bus be a Masterpiece of amazing urban art.
    31. Thank all those that participated; have them thank me back (OPTIONAL)
    32. Drive away in the bus.
    33. Go to a professional car painter and have him put a clear protective coat over the art so it doesn’t get ruined.
    34. Drive that bus everywhere.
    35. Have people staring at my amazing art-filled bus as I drive home that same day.
    36. Go to my Home.
    37. Park bus in the Parking Lot of my Apartment.
    38. Go Inside.
    39. Have a week pass.
    40. Grab my wallet.
    41. Go outside and get back in car.
    42. Drive away to the garage.
    43. Call my Father; tell him to come here and help me.
    44. Have him agree (Forcefully or Not)
    45. Welcome him in the Garage.
    46. >[Basic Greeting Phase]
    47. Tell him my plan.
    48. Not write down plan in Bucket List just yet; For suspense.
    49. Me and him work together on plan.
    50. Pull out all the stuff inside of the bus, leaving only the driver and passenger seats (With controls, of course]

    1. 51. Paint inside of Bus white.
      52. >[Start to wonder if Reader understands what’s going on now.]
      53. >[Shrug off the breakage of the 4th wall, to preserve sanity.]
      54. >[Question sanity.]
      55. >[Ignore the voices in my head.]
      56. Hop in Bus.
      57. Motion Dad inside the passenger seat.
      58. Have him eagerly get in.
      59. Drive to the same poor area as before.
      60. Have the kids remember me.
      61. Have them smile as they see me driving the bus.
      62. Park in same place.
      63. Have kids cluster around me, saying ‘Hi,’ and >[Basic Greetings]
      64. Open the back of Bus.
      65. Kids see the pearly white interior walls.
      66. See paint on the floor of the Bus.
      67. I tell them to go ahead.
      68. They paint in perfect unison.
      69. They work together to make perfect masterpieces.
      70. Realize that ‘I Provide the Paint for the Picture Perfect Masterpiece That They Will Paint on the Inside of Your Bus.’
      71. >[Wonder if Reader got the Joke]
      72. >[Explain the Joke like such; There is a great song by Band ‘Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution’ called ‘They Provide the Paint for the Picture Perfect Masterpiece that (You Will) Paint on the Inside of Your Eyelids.’]
      73. Become disappointed at Own’s dry humor.
      74. Continue.
      75. Have a while pass.
      76. Grow hungry.
      77. Sneak off to McDonalds.
      78. Buy a Big Mac.
      79. Eat Big Mac.
      80. Go back.
      81. See Kids finishing up.
      82. Look inside.
      83. See the scene.
      84. Beautiful.
      85. Congratulate Kids.
      86. They ‘Thank’ back.
      87. Grab Father.
      88. Drive home.
      89. Have years pass.
      90. Be visiting the neighborhood nearly every day.
      91. Have the kids grow fond of you.
      92. Play Basketball with these kids.
      93. Lose Basketball with these kids.
      94. Hold in anger.
      95. Ponder ‘How I could lose to these kids?’
      96. Realize I suck at Basketball.
      97. While at home, browse Ebay on Laptop.
      98. See other Volkswagen Bus.
      99. Buy Bus.
      100. >[Repeat Past Process.]

    2. 101. Give the neighborhood the bus.
      102. Feel happy.
      103. See they keep the bus nice and clean.
      104. Leave Neighborhood.
      105. Design a Tattoo.
      106. Get Tattooed.
      107. Get an amazing space scape on one arm.
      108. Get a realistic robotic sleeve tattooed on the other.
      109. Tattoo all over body.
      110. Meet a Beautiful girl at Tattoo Parlor.
      111. Date girl; Because she’s awesome.
      112. Marry Girl; To never lose her.
      113. Move away from city; to start a family.
      114. Start a family.
      115. Have a Boy.
      116. Name him Anon.
      117. Take him everywhere.
      118. Raise him with mother.
      119. Have him play Hockey and Football.
      120. Have him go Pro in any of those sports.
      121. Go to every game of his.
      122. Grow old with wife.
      123. See son succeed in life.
      124. Remember past.
      125. Smile.
      126. Lay in bed.
      127. Grasp Wife's and Son’s Hand; So you won’t be alone.
      128. Take one final, deep breath.
      129. Die.

    3. I love no. 28 (is that influenced by those pictures of the building you showed me?). Creative style of the list, especially when describing gestures and self-reflection on the list, as well as when anticipating reader response (51-55). Your writing style certainly comes through in this piece. I like your tattoo design ideas and the fact that you want to design them yourself - definitely the way to go. Why Anon?

  34. 1. Go to college and live in a campus or apartment so I can be away from my family.
    2. Finish school so nobody in my family can bug me.
    3. Get to have a career that makes me happy and yet pays me a lot, so that I don't have to struggle much each week.
    5. Have a personal cat, it would be my sidekick.
    6. Drive a nice car; I'm tired of catching buses.
    7. Go to the Caribbean with my best friends, we all need to have fun to the extreme.
    8. Cook, watch a movie, plant trees, play sports with a spouse at home without spending money, would seem like best ways to build a better relationship.
    9. Have a 3-months-break without working or anything, we all want that.
    10. Donate money, clothes, and necessities to the needy. I would love to see their reaction after receiving my gifts. I can't imagine myself struggling to the extreme.
    11. I would love to join or work in a nursing home as a part time job. If I don't want to be alone when I get old, nobody should be left alone at all.
    12. Go a carnival or a fun park with your friends and spouse all together.
    13. Feed dolphins or seals, not much people have the privilege to do that.
    14. Saving a helpless animal and get to bond with, it is something beyond beautiful to me.
    15. Raise a cub bear or any young wild animals. They’re harmless and adorable.
    16. Have a house of my own, where I can decorate it however. I want to express my creativity through my creations and designs.
    17. Bring my family to eat and I pay for everything, especially for my mom. I’ve wanted to be “the adult” for the family, since I’m the eldest.
    18. Have my parents spend a day at my working place to see how well I do work.
    19. Be one of the most important people in history, by being able to stop racism or the inhuman activities out in the world. I’m dying to see peace everywhere.
    20. Visit a haunted place without having anything follow me. I want to experience the paranormal.
    21. Get married next to a beach, where you can look as far as you can above the sea water and feel the salty breeze hitting your face. It’s romantic.
    22. Eat without getting full. I don’t want to just taste, I want to eat!
    23. Do well in life. I want to be successful.
    24. Be a mother, kids are one of the most wanted gift I’ve ever thought about.
    25. Show my responsibilities by discipline and lead my kids in the right path.

    1. I really like no.8 and the fact that it points to your ability to have fun without money. And the fact that you want a cat as a sidekick - you realize cats don't listen to anyone? I have swam with both dolphins and seals, fed the seals and a manatee. Total approval of no. 14 - so rewarding for both parties. Well done on your list.

  35. 26. Win somebody in an argument or a fight. I barely won.
    27. Visit Japan or Korea. There, you can shop so many items, and they have delicious food.
    28. Build a camp fire next to a beach with your best friends. We’ll sing, dance, party and do all the crazy stuff.
    29. Be a part in a dancing mob after a couple just got proposed, it’s a hard-to-find experience.
    30. Work in Disneyland as a part time job. I want to live in my dream.
    31. Make my parents, teachers, and my manager happy by giving them gifts, because I appreciate the life that I have so much, somewhat sarcastically.
    32. Owe a cake shop that sells cheap but delicious cake for the poor. They don’t get to taste delicious deserts because they couldn’t afford any.
    33. Take pictures in many parts of Europe, especially France, Italy, England, etc. My life would not seem such a waste having the experience of traveling around the world.
    34. Anger anybody who had torture children, animals, or anybody on purpose. They deserve it.
    35. Visit the holocaust; it would give me one of the most memorable, odd, but yet sorrow experience that I’ve wanted to have.
    36. Adopt an elephant. I know they’re harmless in a way.
    37. Prank my best friend and make him/her scared or surprised. I’m a horrible person.
    38. Prank my family making them believe that I’m dead, same reason as the one above.
    39. Gain weight to be average and somewhat chunky, I’m too skinny and fragile.
    40. Be a famous writer, maybe I could influence peoples’ way of thinking.
    41. Save children from abusive life-style. Lead people to the right path.
    42. Curse in my language at the people I hate. Making people confuse is fun.
    43. Win a lottery ticket of about more that is $1,000 for benefit use and some ridiculous activities/collections.
    44. Discover who my ancestors are, I believe my background has to be from more than just one area.
    45. Live the life I’ve wanted to live without having anyone controlling me.
    46. Joke around with my grandkids.
    47. Work with something fun while being an old lady.
    48. Continue to learn, discover, and teach others.
    49. Be memorized as the oddest yet special person.
    50. Have the last prank by emerging out of my coffin, point at the guests and laugh, saying “hahaaa gotcha.”

    1. I used to want to be Sleeping Beauty when I grew up (and when I realized she wasn't real, the actress at Disney who plays her).

  36. 41. Go to comic con - comic geek
    42. Got to tomorrowland - 3 day concert at Germany
    43. Get my black belt - to accomplish something
    44. Go to Egypt - to see the pyramids
    45. Attend a murder mystery dinner - sounds like fun and exciting
    46. Try all the top 10 exotic fruit in the world - gotta love fruit

  37. 47. Get a tattoo - my first one that will start my sleeve
    48. Win the lottery - use the money on good causes then use it for leisure
    49. Go to the Empire State Building - never been there
    50. Pay for somes coffe at starbuck - out of the kindess of my heart

  38. 1. Shut down majority of puppy mills
    2. Go sky diving
    3. Find a cure for cancer
    4. Concur my fear of heights
    5. Shave off my hair and sell it to people that have cancer
    6. Float in the Dead Sea
    7. Ride the tallest roller coaster
    8. Make the biggest snow man in the world!
    9. Ride on a bear
    10. Put as many lights on my house as I can
    11. Go Mud Bogging
    12. Kayak down a waterfall
    13. Go ice swimming in the middle of December in Canada
    14. Look at the northern lights with a loved one
    15. Watch the sun set in Cancun, Mexico
    16. Slow dance with Channing Tatum
    17. Sing with Beyoncé
    18. Help a child from starving
    19. Go without any electronics for 24 hours
    20. Dance in the snow in a bathing suit to 40s music
    21. Shower in a waterfall
    22. Swim with sharks
    23. Concur my fear of heights
    24. Go indoor skydiving
    25. Ride the top 5 coasters in the world
    26. Release a paper lantern
    27. Tan on a yacht
    28. Get chocolate wasted
    29. Zip line over the ocean
    30. Try ever cheesecake at a Cheesecake Factory
    31. Meet Bethany Hamiltion
    32. Go on a no budget shopping spree
    33. Go on a road trip with a close friend
    34. Spend time volunteering
    35. Learn how to use chopsticks
    36. Travel the world
    37. Visit 9/11 memorial
    38. Have the perfect honeymoon
    39. Keep a promise forever
    40. Tell my grandchildren the story of my life
    41. To live to be 100
    42. Stop swearing
    43. Chase a tornado
    44. Have flawless skin
    45. Try food from all over the world
    46. Get a UV tattoo
    47. Say yes to everything for a day
    48. Learn fluent sign language
    49. Send a letter via owl
    50. Concur my fear of anything haunted

  39. 1. Visit the worlds largest waterpark in Wisconsin - I love waterparks.
    2. Visit Dubai - Dubai's awesome
    3. Go skiing indoors in Dubai - why wouldn't you want to go sledding indoors.
    4. Sled down this huge hill in Connecticut by where my mom lived - I went there when I was little and was to scared to go down
    5. Visit Ecuador - that's where my dad is from
    6. Visit Ireland - that's where my moms from
    7. Get a platinum trophy in any game on PlayStation - it is very hard to accomplish and I would feel successful.
    8. Learn German and buy a German Shepard teach it in German and when ever it does something wrong scream NEIN!!! - Because I feel like it.
    9. Become a very successful stock broker and make millions and millions, retire very early and live life rich with no responsibilities - because who wants to work
    10. Play airsoft in California - California has awesome airsoft fields
    11. Buy a airsoft minigun (price= $3,500) - it's the best gun
    12. Open a fifa pack and get Messi, Ronaldo or anyone rated over 90 - they are the best players in the game.
    13. Ride a hot wheels scooter down a big hill and off a ramp with a superman cape on, fly though a ring on fire and land in a kiddie pool with a wig based on Mr. Boyle's hair - no reason just swug.
    14. Play airsoft in Operation Irene - Operation Irene take place in an abandoned military base and they use real cars, pyrotechnics, and tall buildings.
    15. Shoot a fully automatic rifle - I take a pretty big interest in guns.
    16. Go into space on virgin galactic - it's space who doesn't want to go to space.
    17. Start varsity high school football - because it's my goal of playing football
    18. Go to the Superbowl - I love football and sporting events.
    19. Bench 350-400 by my senior year (currently bench 205) - I want to stay the best bencher in our grade.
    20. Squat over 500 by my senior year (currently squat 350) - I want to be strong for football.
    21. Run a mile in under 7 and a half minutes - I consider myself slow and I want to be faster.
    22. Meet Adam Sandler - he is one if not my favorite actor.
    23. Adopt multiple dogs - I love dogs and would want to make some have a better life
    24. Go to see a game in the world cup - I recently took an interest in soccer.

    1. 25. Get honor roll in high school - I want to do better in school so I could feel proud of my grades.
      26. Become fluent in speaking Spanish - I'm half Hispanic.
      27. Complete the cinnamon challenge - it is very difficult and only few people can do it.
      28. Drive a Bugatti - its an awesome car.
      29. Go mountain biking on a big mountain - I like biking.
      30. Buy a smart TV - smart TVs are awesome.
      31. ride dune buggies in a foreign country - I have done it before and would like to do it in another.
      32. Get a double triangle, 360 no scope off a building headshot in call of duty - because if you do you are a boss.
      33. Learn how to do awesome things with a butterfly knife - I think it looks awesome.
      34. Live in Manhattan - I like the city
      35. Visit Europe - I like to see new places.
      36. Visit the Galapagos islands - I think that all of the animals there are pretty.
      37. Enter a kangaroos pouch and jump around with it - it sounds like fun.
      38. Set a world record - it would be pretty awesome.
      39. Drive a speed boat - it seems to be pretty
      40. Complete a food eating challenge - sounds fun and delicious.
      41. Be able to complete a front flip - I could land so close to landing it on my trampoline but I never actually landed it.
      42. Become a beast at card games - I play them with friends and I'm pretty good but I'd like to be better.
      43. Finish a big project in woodshop - I'm pretty good in woodshop and I would like to make something that is awesome.
      44. Drive across 'murika - I like to go on road trips.
      45. Visit the pyramids in Egypt - I think it's truly fascinating how they built them
      46. Stay up for over two days - Because I feel like it
      47. Go to a rave - I don't know why it just seems kinda crazy.
      48. Beat Tyler in an arm wrestling completion - I have not beaten him for years.
      49. See the day Tyler is not obsessed with wolves - it's just weird that he is so obsessed with teen wolf.
      50. Drink two monsters, turn up and get a high score in dance dance revolution - because #YOLOSWAG
