
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blog 16 - Imagination and Fact

In The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard, French writer Anatole France writes, “To know isnothing at all; to imagine is everything.” Why might one argue that imagination is more valuable than facts? Using an example from literature, history, science, film, or your own experience or observation, write an essay analyzing the worth of imagination. Please remember to use two different types of examples in your paragraphs as well as elaboration and specific details. Also, respond to another person in a few sentences.


  1. Imagination is an amazing quality that humans have. Going by the book is normally a good thing to do but people recognize and appreciate more when you think outside the box. Thinking outside the box could come in into use in a lot of separate places. An example of this could easily be movies, books, songs, essays or even the way someone’s personality is. I learned how important imagination is from SpongeBob. There is an episode where SpongeBob uses his imagination to make unbelievable sound effects. Squid ward hears this and goes to investigate. He discovers that they were not doing anything except using their imagination, where anything is possible. He, however, was unable to use this symbolizing that he didn’t have a good imagination.

    Imagination is very powerful. Depending on the way that it is used it can even be moving. An example of this could be a music artist by the name of Eric Johnson. Eric has very eccentric unbelievable guitar playing. In most of all of his songs, he plays a unique for or style. Many people were moved by his playing and he also is very different because he uses his imagination while playing, which is what makes a good guitar player.

    1. I agree with what you said about how in music imagination could be used to form a new style. Also, your SpongeBob reference was very interesting to read about.

    2. The SpongeBob example was creative. Props for that. Great details.

    3. i like how you use spongebob as an example because he is a great example. like he time spongebob and pratric were playing inside the box and making sound affects and imagining that they were going camping climbing a wall, and many other things.

  2. Anatole France once stated, “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” This quote explains that someone’s imagination is more important than their knowledge. This is the case for several reasons. In a person’s everyday life, they use their imagination in order to think about actions to take as their day goes by. An imagination leads to the creativity withing people’s minds. When they are just filled with facts, they would have no capability in thinking of actions, scenarios, explaining stories, etc. although most people may feel like retaining factual information is more beneficial than using their imagination, they should take into consideration what their imagination has the ability to do.

    There are several examples that demonstrate how a person’s imagination is more valuable than having knowledge. For instance, several students are required to write different types of stories throughout their educational experience. Common types of stories that are well enjoyed to write are fictional. This is an example of when someone would use their imagination. For fictional stories, no factual information is required to be known. Therefore, creativity is key. When someone uses more of their imagination while writing a fictional story, it would help improve the plot and outline of the events that were to occur. In this situation, like several others, imagination is more valuable than facts.

    1. I agree with how imagination helps with creativity in your first paragraph. Also, i agree with how imagination can help with writing a fictional story more than facts can. Good job Sabrina.

  3. French writer, Anatole France writes, “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” Having knowledge and facts is very important in life. Imagination, however, is what gives someone a mental image. This mental image allows that individual to think deeper about something, and even have a better understanding about something as well. I know from personal experience that I learn much more efficiently when I have a picture or illustration shown to me. Having a picture or illustration shown to me allows me to use my imagination and, most of the time, helps me fully comprehend that new material.
    Another example on how imagination is very useful is in biology. In order to figure out how DNA really works, scientists had to understand what makes up DNA. After many tests and trials, scientists concluded that DNA is made up of bases, two types of bonds, a sugar and phosphate, and is a double helix. Now, all these terms may sound very confusing, but after a model of the structure of DNA was made, this allowed everyone to really understand what makes up the DNA and where everything is located. This model can be looked at using imagination. DNA may not look exactly like that model, but it provides a general outline of what DNA is made up of.

    1. I liked your examples on how imagination is very useful in biology. Scientists always need imagination to figure out how DNA works.

    2. Bella's response:
      We are just learning about this in Biology, that’s awesome that you related it! I too need an illustration or photo to help my imagination to flow.

  4. French writer Anatole France writes in The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard, “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” Imagination is more valuable than facts. Someone’s thoughts and imagination is more valuable than their knowledge. Imagination is very important because it allows the thinker to think outside the box. These thoughts may develop into facts. Imagination is the first step in discovery or facts. For example, the scientific method consists of seven steps. The first one is ask a question. The question being asked is thought of because of imagination. The imagination of a scientist allows a scientific process to go underway. The imagination of one person may always leads to facts and knowledge.

    Another example of why imagination is important has to do with authors and artists. The author of fairy tales and pieces of fictional work used imagination to create them. The writers of Snow White or Harry Potter used loads of imagination to create stories about seven dwarfs or young wizards and witches. Imagination is used by all authors and artists. An artist will get inspiration from their dreams and imagination. Michelangelo used imagination to create the world famous David that lives in Florence, Italy. He used his thoughts and dreams and created this masterpiece. These are a couple examples of imagination.

    1. You had a lot of good ideas and reasons for why imagination is more important and I sgree completely with your point of that scientists need imagination to move foward. Good Job!

  5. A French writer, by the name of Anatole France, once wrote “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” This adage implies that imagination is more important and valuable than knowing facts. An example where this is used is in inventions. For instance, in order to invent computers, both imagination and facts must have been used. The inventor needs to picture and imagine what the computer will look like and do, and then come in the facts that help build it. Therefore, without imagination, facts wouldn’t get you anywhere since you wouldn’t know what to do with them.

    In addition, imagination is more important than facts in creativity. For example, in the movie Les Miserables, imagination is extremely important. This movie is about the time and life during the French Revolution, which facts are needed as well as imagination. Again, the first step to make the movie is imagination; the director must imagine the events and images that the movie will have, and then uses facts from the French Revolution to match up with his imagination of the film. Also, in order to have a successful movie, it must be interesting, which imagination helps to accomplish. With only facts, the film would be boring and unsuccessful. Therefore, imagination is more valuable than facts in terms of new inventions, movies, and many other things as well.

    1. I completely agree with your response. Imagination is definitely very important and you use good examples to support this. Good job Nico.

  6. Imagination is the one thing that pushes everybody to do things that they dream of. People dream about doing great things in life and becoming someone important to all and the only way that could be done is through imagination and believing in yourself. Some may have a vivid imagination, others may have a weak imagination, but in the end having the smallest amount of imagination is always better than the facts of life. For example, when I was younger and even now, I had a very vivid imagination and I was always thinking of creative ideas and things to get me past the low parts in life. Therefore, when we are dealt the facts of life we can resort to our imaginations to get us through them even though they may be bad or good.

    Imagination in our lives can push us to do things we may have never done before. Many famous music artists for example use their imagination when writing music to use ideas that are new and maybe never heard of before. Many rap artists and alternative rock bands use new ideas when writing music to appeal to new fans and it all comes from their imaginations. Using our imaginations in life can make us pursue the one thing we truly want in life and we never know, we may even be able to accomplish that one goal through our imaginations.

    1. I strongly agree with your statements. There are some things that might have never been invented before without the use of imagination.

  7. As Anatole France says, “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” I completely agree with this quote from France, too. Without imagination, our lives would be dull and boring. Imagining gives your mind freedom and makes you think of happy, calming thoughts. Without our imagination, nothing would be as unique and different as it is today.
    Music, art, literature, and style are only several examples of why imagination is so important. These things are made up from people thinking and seeing different ideas in their mind. If we all did not imagine things, everything would be the same and dreary. When authors are creating fictional books, they don’t rely on facts to continue writing. They speak from what they personally believe, and these ideas often come from their mind. These are just several reason why imagination is more important than facts, as Anatole France says.

    1. You provided very good reasons and examples in your response, Emily. I really liked how you mentioned imagination and how uniqueness and diversity all ties into that. Very good job, Emily!

    2. We had similar ideas of why imagination is important. I also completely agree with the ideas in your first paragraph. Good job, Em!

  8. French writer, Anatole France stated “to know is nothing at all: to imagine is everything.” It is very important for a person to have a strong imagination. Imagination is a key factor that a person needs to have to be successful in life. For example, unthinkable inventions cannot be made without imagination. When the computer was made from facts so many people said that it would be impossible to make such a machine, however, they put their mind to it and imagined such a great machine and that is why we have computers today. Also just knowing facts and not having an imagination can ruin someone's creativity. Someone can be the smartest person in the world and have a boring life because they are not creative and cannot imagine themselves to have to items that make them happy.
    Something else on why imagination is important is because of the criteria in comic books and movies used today. For example, Superman is a character that is imagined by a group of writers and that allows him to fly, be from the planet Krypton, and have unthinkable strength. Also creatures such as unicorns would never be so popular if it were not for imagination. There is no such creature that is a horse with a horn on top of its head. However, even though it is not a real animal everyone knows what a unicorn is because of imagination.

  9. Imigination is a secial thing that makes each of us different and no one can change. Imangination is definetly more important then fact because it allows ideas to flourish. Without imagination there wouldn't be many songs that exist today. Imigination is what allows humans to move foward. Without it we would not have television, computers, toilets, refrigerators, washers, dryers, and the other thousand things that make the world go round day after day. Without imagination we would still be in the stone age, and even at that point without being creative we wouldnt know how to make fire, the wheel, or hunt the food we need to eat.

    One thing that I can relate imagination with is milk. It must have taken someone with a lot of creativity to think to squeeze the utters under a cow and then drink what came out. If it was not for them though we would not have ice cream, cheese, and yogurt. Although imagination seems like such a small part of life it has influenced evolution of man-kind tremendously and is simply a key part to moving foward.

    1. I completely agree with your opinion. Imagination is a very important aspect of life. Your examples supported your opinion well. Great response!

  10. In my opinion imagination is way better then facts, for several reasons. One of them is that you can for example close your eyes and imagine you’re in the setting of the place that you’re reading. Imagination can make a book so much better to read. You will think and imagine how a character looks so you will get more in to it. With imagination you can make anything really exiting or fun to do.
    Almost everyone uses imagination, without imagination authors wouldn’t be able to write, singers wouldn’t be able to write songs. The world would be boring if imagination wouldn’t be used. A lot of stuff wouldn’t be have invited because most of the stuff is created by imagination.

  11. French writer, Anatole France writes, “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” This is an extremely true statement. Imagination is an extremely valuable aspect of life. Without an imagination, not only would life be dull and boring, but we wouldn’t have the many different forms of entertainment and such that adds excitement and emotion to our everyday lives. In addition, in some cases imagination can be a more useful tool than facts simply because it is better retained and can be used in many different areas of a person’s life.
    Some examples of important uses of imagination in our society are music, art, and literature. Without uses of imagination in these three different things in life, they wouldn’t even exist. Every work of art, song/beat, story, novel, TV show, and movie is made up of different pieces of people’s imagination and input. These are things we look at for not only entertainment but education as well; just as facts are used to teach us things, so can the use of imagination in different ways. All in all, imagination can be just as useful if not more as any fact.

    1. I completely agree with your opinion. Some of the greatest innovations of the world would not be here today without someones imagination. Imagination is the key to entertainment. (:

  12. In The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard, French writer Anatole France writes, “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” One may argue that imagination is better than facts because imagination can focus on more than one idea. If one is unable to "think outside the box" and imagine all that factual intelligence has the potential to be wasted. Anyone can obtain knowledge and facts, but having a imagination is unique and give all acceptable perspectives of a situation.

    On the other hand, the more knowledge one has, the more flexible ones imagination can be. I have often heard people say they never imagined something, but that was because they had no prior knowledge of it until it was made known to them. For example, Albert Einstein once said "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Based on modern context, I personally believe this is true. Imagination is more basic than knowledge. Babies demonstrate that imagination precedes knowledge. Without imagination knowledge is dead. Without correct knowledge imagination is clueless but might lead you to correct knowledge.

    1. I agree completely with your opinion on the quote. The quote by Albert Einstein drastically helped to support your point of view on this topic. Great job Sydney!

  13. Anatole France once stated, "To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything." This quote states that imagination can be more useful than knowledge one possesses. This quote is proved true through many situations. In everyday life a person must use their resources and brainstorm ideas. An imagination is needed to think outside of the box and create something that can be successful. A person can have a head full of facts, but without imagination they wouldn't be able to use the facts as effectively as they could. Imagination would allow the person to create scenarios and actions people do that would relate to the fact and support it. At first retaining statistics may seem like the most beneficial option from the quote but when it is thought through, imagination offers more options for everyday life.

    There are many examples of how a person's imagination is needed more than having knowledge. One of them is benefiting a student through their schooling. To create fiction stories, one must use their imagination to create the characters and plot. Another way imagination could be more useful than knowledge is in the creation of music. Every song must sound different than others created. In order for this to occur, imagination must be used to create something with a different sound and feeling to it. In these situations, like several others, imagination could be proven more useful than facts.

    1. I completely agree. Your examples were really fascinating, such as that imagination can help people write music.

  14. Imagination can be very much more important than facts. They say that, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. This is because people can tell a story from the painting in their own words. This example shows that what the person who is observing the painting is doing is using their imagination, and they can interpret what the painting is saying in so many words. However, if someone told you specifically what the painting was, you could not imagine anything else, because the information about the painting was already given to you.

    This aspect of imagination can be very helpful. Facts can get very boring, but a book of fiction can be so much more invigorating. The stories implant different images into people’s minds, and it helps them to enjoy the book. It is a natural instinct. We imagine things in our own ways as human nature. A lot of people can know that 2+2=4. It is common knowledge, and nothing can come out of it. People will not look at the person and tell them how brilliant they are. However, when a person uses their imagination to express their thoughts such as a painting or a book, amazing things happen and they are original. The imagination is what makes it so unique and fascinating.

    1. I like your response and how you incorporated another famous quote in to use as an example. This was very well constructed, nice job!

  15. In The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard, French writer Anatole France once wrote, “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” I agree with what the writer means by his statement. Imagination is a very key aspect of society. Without imagination, men would not have invented all of the different things we have today. For instance, if man did not imagine a more efficient way of getting themselves to different destinations, machines such as the car would have never been invented. Man would never have been able to invent the car, strictly based off of facts. There weren’t any facts during that time period that would give engineers the ability to design a car. Our society would still be using horse drawn carriages to get to their destination without imagination. Without imagination, our society would not be as technologically advanced in transportation.

    In addition to historical imagination benefiting our society, imagination has also served to be useful in literature. Fictional stories would not be half as interesting without imagination. For instance, who would want to read a story about the theorems and postulates of geometry? However, many readers would be interested in topics about future societies, or made up worlds. Without imagination, everything in literature would be flat out boring. Since writers such as J.K Rowling had enough imagination to write about Wizards in an alternate world, people of all age groups were able to spend time being entertained by great books. Without imagination in Literature, people would not be entertained by reading.

    1. Nice response! I like how you wrote about JK Rowling, because I definitely used a lot of imagination while reading her books!

  16. Imagination is by far one of the few things us humans have in common. Even though not many of us use it we have it in us. While a few of us pursue it, others have yet to discover it in them. If it wasn't for imagination movies wouldn't have been made, books wouldn't have been written and inventions wouldn't have been invented. Sure it also takes knowledge for those things but imagination is what makes it creative and astonishing.

    For example, fictional books wouldn't have been written if writers didn't go outside their box. They also get their ideas based on what they see but they connect it to their imagination and create an intriguing book. Also, tv-shows require creativity so that they can get ratings. It also has to be unique, and that is why they have to use their imagination to make it seem as different as possible from any other tv-shows.

    1. Bella's response:
      I did not think about this factor, many things would not be created without imagination. Good job :)

  17. French writer Anatole France once wrote, "To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything." This quote means that imagination has a greater value than knowledge. It is arguable that imagination is more important that facts. Imagination gives a person the ability to use their own mind to think up of something rather than basing something upon a fact or example that is from someone else; ;acts are only able to open up a person's mind so far. Imagination creates a world of opportunities for one to imagine while facts only provide a basic thought.
    In many different aspects, imagination does have more value than the value of facts. For example, the ability of visual viewing. It's often difficult for a student to learn something when given facts or notes about the topic. Things such as models or physical learning objects help one to obtain the knowledge that was difficult before hand. In addition, imagination can provide information for one idea to branch off into many different ideas. For example, having a picture of something in your mind and then adding on to it to make it even better than before hand. Facts don't always spark as quick learning or ideas that imagination does.

  18. As French writer Anatole France says, “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” She tries to explain this quote that knowing everything is not really important, but imagination is. I agree with this statement for the reasons that it is very true. For example, as a child we aren't born knowing things and so we start using our brains to create imaginations; and this often leads to new findings and learnigs that we never knew we had. Imagining is a great thing that helps us throughout our lives. As a child, we might make imagenary friends, and as teenagers and adults, imagination is used as a getaway stress-releiving path. A good example for this is in the commercials, when a hard worker just sits back on their seat and finds themselve sittingo on the beaches of Hawaii. This person will most likely feel more stress-releived.

    It is not just an opinion anymore but it has been proven that imagination makes the brain flourish and it actually makes you smarter. A study showed that, it improves your creativity, learning, and increases your chances of success. This is always why imagination is everything, if you onpy stick to the facts and don't wander daydreaming into your imagination, once in a while, than your life will just be plain and boring. It is what helps base the fine arts such as music, fashion, art, and books. Imagination is what helps us express ourselves and shape us.

  19. Bella's Blog:

    Anatole France once stated, “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” Often, reality is much harsher than imagination. Imagination opens the gates to many things whether it is in one's dreams or a scenario that one thinks of to get away from the world. Imagination often leads to insight about certain things allowing room for more knowledge. Knowledge can be obtained by almost anyone, as using the imagination is much more complex and creative. Facts are always concrete meaning they are simple, but imagination often leads to these facts and is a variety of thoughts and feelings. Imagination allows many to express the way they feel through thinking about what is pleasant or what is desired rather than knowledge which doesn’t hold much volume.

    Daily, I imagine different things. For starters, whenever I make a mistake and feel like I could have done something better, I imagine a different scenario to give myself closure. Often, my dreams are full of my imagination, bringing about things I have thought about throughout the day or things that please me. When I do not want to hear or feel a certain way, I imagine the opposite. Scientists such as Leonardo Da Vinci envisioned car like machines, and helicopters without these names being used, of course. He imagined future like designs and drew his plans out. Soon, people put his imagination into play and created just these things. Several scientists imagine new things daily as they work together to discover how to create the inventions. Imagination almost always leads to great ideas, inventions and empowering thoughts.

  20. Kayla's:
    Imagination is more valuable than facts because new facts can emerge from imagination. When one does not imagine, nothing can be learned, such as history class. When one learns about, for example, the Dreyfus Case, he or she needs to imagine the scene in order to absorb the fact. With no imagination in a historic story, facts are pointless.

    In addition, when a new design or invention comes out, it is from pure imagination. For example, the computer. Someone had to imagine it, or else there would be no design! Sure, the fact that technology advanced and ideas had come out about it helped, but someone build the model from imagination. The model we use daily was once a thought. Then, it was on paper. Later, it was used for war and now it is an everyday life essential. Overall, imagination is more powerful than facts.

  21. Writing something about only facts gets really boring as you read. When someone writs about an imagination its fun to read because not everything is true. For example, in this recent movie that came out called “Beautiful Creatures” none of it is true. It’s just fictional. In the movie, there’s this girl that is about to be queen of the good and dark side. And the girl has magical powers. Now relating to our world. No one has magical powers and there is no good or bad side.

    Also, in many books there is always something that could never be true. Like in the harry potter books. All of the characters in there are wizards or goblins. In our world we don’t have any goblins or wizards that use wands or eat mysterious things. All in all, my movies and books are better to be told be their imagination because many facts just get to boring but sometimes are fun to watch or read.

  22. Facts are the true statements that some people like to read mainly in news or sports like how many people were killed or how good was the players stats. That's the only time where people care about facts. Most people like fake things like gossip to keep stories going so they can add their own spice to it. If its a lie people will feed into it more than if its real facts because its not interesting.

    Like many people I sit and daydream and think about a better life and all the things that I could accomplish but it's very unlikely that I would. When teachers tell students they have a free write paper and write about whatever they want its fun because you reach deep into your thoughts and pull out anything and make it amazing. If the teacher gives a paper on a war or something then it's less likely for the students to do it because its not something that excites them.

  23. French writer, Anatole France writes, “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.” This statement is very accurate. Without imagination, we as people wouldn't be anything. Imagination gives us the ability to think of our own ideas which eventually can lead into big things. For example, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Word, started his inventions in his basement for the first five years of his career. Blue print, after blue print, after blue print, he used his imagination to think of new possible ways to further improve our latest technologies and computer apps. Without his imagination, the corporate world could possibly not be as evolved as it is today without his invention of Microsoft Word.(A computer app used in handling business related issues.)
    Personally there are many times in school where I often times find myself having to use my imagination to help me figure out a math or English questions. Using your imagination in math especially can help you better understand the subject. In some open ended questions on a math test, it's sometimes better to use your imagination and think of a similar life situation that goes with the same math problem you're dealing with. In English, sometimes the class period can basically be based off of your imagination. When reading a story, or book you have to be constantly using your imagination to try and figure out what the people look like and how other things look. Generally, without our imagination we would not be able to understand most things.


  24. This french writer says, "To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything." I agree with what she is saying. For example, when you have a problem and you have to innovate you use your imagination to think about what you how you are going to solve your problem. your car could be stock in a ditch and you imagine how you are going to get your car out of the ditch by using you imagination. also there is people out there that used their imagination to create Cartoon and give them life or personification. Cartoonist first have to imagine a Cartoon in their head in order for them to create a Cartoon figure like Spongebob, Peter Griffin from Family Guy, and all Cartoon's you see on T.V.

    when reading we all you our imagination to create an image and voice of the character in the story. For instants, when we give these characters an image and voice we tend to judge them by the way they talk. Imagination is also Humans most precious tool. We use our brain to imagine things that we have never seen. For example, when a person tells you about where they are from. Like transfer student tell you about their country and the way they live and how their house looks. Without an actual picture of a place we use our imagination to create an image of how the place might look like or be like according to what they have told you.

    1. i forgot to capitalize the first letters of the sentences. My BAD!!!

  25. Imagination is very important to the world. It is important because it made the world!!!! When I say this I mean that everything was created with imagination. Houses, cars, electronics were created with imagination. God even used imagination to make this world. Imagination is the creator of all things.

    Imagination also lets you draw pictures when you read. when you read a great book, you would want to be in it. so you would use imagination to put your self inside the book.
