
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blog 14 - Midterm Thoughts

Now that you have persevered through at least a section of high school midterms, write a detailed account of the experience. As usual, your response should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs. Things to ponder:
·         How much study/prep time did you allow per subject? Did you spread your time out evenly? Explain your rationale.
·         While taking the test, what were your thoughts and feelings? Did you realize that you forgot elements afterward? Did you study the “wrong” material?
·         Specific to THIS class, what were your strategies? Did you research facts/examples beforehand? How much time, honestly, did you spend on preparation? How did you use the 2 class periods (when I was out)? Please be honest.
·         Overall, evaluate the midterm week thus far – including the actual tests, studying, papers, as well as the remaining classes that are going on.


  1. I was able to my belief do very well on all of the midterms so far. I feel as though the preparation I took into studying was enough. Although I only studied for the subject that I had the next day I wanted to only focus on the current subject at a time. I studied on each subject for about an hour and a half. The only subject I got nervous about was English because when I was taking that test I had trouble finding what the best answer could be. During the rest of my subjects though I just focused on each question one by one and mentally referred back to my notes and chose which answer I thought was the best.
    For taking this class midterm my main goal was to just finish the essay. I knew it would be hard to be able to write five paragraphs in a 40 minute time period so I needed a lot of preparation. During the two days Ms. Ell was out I took my time to find all the research I needed so I did not have to research during the midterm. I also worked on my outline and once all of that was complete I studied for math which was the midterm subject that day. For thoughts on the midterm it does not really feel like midterm week. It is just like having my normal everyday schedule but just having a test every day. Most of the studying papers were helpful and most of my other classes are very laid back because the teachers know we are putting a lot of effort into our midterms.


  2. Midterms were definitely a different type of experience for me. When I look back at them, I think of stress and anxiety. For each subject, I tried to study for two nights for about 4 hours. Managing time was difficult because every night, there was another class to study for. Some nights studying three different subjects was pressuring and overwhelming. To add on, I felt like review time in class was cut down, and was very little. Instead, many teachers gave out bulky packets that became homework. This was one of the worst parts of midterms because these packets and assignments only added to the workload.

    During all of the midterms, I was very nervous. Once I began to go through them, it got a little easier. I feel pretty confident that I did well in most subjects. I planned out a lot of information for the Understanding Writing essay, so I was confident that I had all the necessary elements. In the two class periods, I researched and read about my persuasive topic. This gave me a lot of background information and allowed me to understand my task better. I am proud of my persuasive essay and the research that I have done for it.

    The actual exams were slightly easier than I imagined. However, I am nervous for finals, as they will not be the same length or the same type of test as they were for midterms. The take home segments from the beginning of the midterm weeks were rough, considering four teachers assigned them simultaneously. They were a lot of work but, I'm glad that we did get the chance to do them because if they were part of the actual midterm I would have been lost. Teachers have done a good job with keeping the classes relaxed but, I think it would be even more effective if we had a few free periods throughout the day to study for that day's midterm. Overall, I am not looking forward to finals in the spring but I am glad midterms are almost completed.

  3. `````Midterms are seen as a bad time of the year. I find them relieving to know that I am done with half of the year. I am able to clear out my notebooks and start fresh. My studying is not as much as it should be because I believe that in midterms, I should show my knowledge that I have from the current half of the year. If I do not know a question, I know that I need to learn that particular topic. However, I knew most everything I have needed to know for my midterms. I feel somewhat overloaded because most of the things I took time to learn this year I ended up not even needing on the midterm.
    ``````` I knew that the midterm for this class was approaching and I felt very ready. The two days that Ms. Ell was out, I didn’t feel as if enough was done and that I had too much filler in my organizer. I didn’t work too hard on preparing for any class really, but the reason I didn’t for this class was because I felt determined I would do good, which I didn’t. The reason I did not was because of some of the pressure I was feeling from the time.
    ``````` Finally, I believe that the midterm prep could have been more hands on by the teachers end business. It was too much relied on the students in my opinion. I think that actually study guides with questions would have been very useful instead of students having to study on their own.

  4. Midterm week has not exactly been the best experience, but it also hasn’t been horrible. When it came to studying, i’d say i managed my time pretty wisely. Rather than studying an even amount of time for each subject, i focused more on the things that i found more difficult. For example, i took more time studying for history, because that’s my most challenging subject. I studied less for science, because it’s very easy and straightforward, to me. The only thing i regret is not giving up more time to study for english, because i was told that the whole grade did not do so well on that midterm. While taking these tests, i felt confidence, because i was prepared, with the exception of english. On that test, i ended up forgetting quite a few important things that i needed to know in order to get a good grade. Otherwise, i felt calm, and relaxed. I was very relieved when each test was finally over.

    In this class specifically, i was a little bit more nervous than i was for the other tests, but nothing too serious. I hadn’t done enough research, so my strategy was to use my common knowledge and give more examples since i didn’t have the facts. I tried my best to make my writing sound creative, so that would also help make up for the lack of research. Preparing for this, at first i didn’t think i spent enough time. However, when i got my grade back, i was very pleased. Writing is something that comes more natural to me, and i feel like if i tried to prepare myself more i would have ended up over-thinking it, since i seem to be very good at that. I wasn’t in this period on Friday, so i didn’t research then, and i came in late on monday, so i barely got any computer time. But in the end, not having facts wasn’t such a problem, because i found other ways to support my opinion in the essay.
    Overall, midterms so far have not been so fun, but they’re something that must be done. It has been stressful trying to prepare for them, but after the actual test is completed, everything seems okay again. On the bright side, we don’t have actual written out homework assignments, so we are given more time to prepare for the midterms. Hopefully next year will be a better experience, because we won’t have full school days.

  5. High school midterms. I am approaching the last few days of midterms and i couldn't have been happier that they're almost over. Over all, midterms were not as bad as i thought they would be. It was a lot of studying that I had to do which often stressed me out because it was so much information. During the tests I often thought that I remembered it or I didn't. I tried to study the areas that I knew I wouldn't do my best in. Depending on the subject, my amount of study time differed. I believe that i prepped well enough to pass my exams.

    For this class I spent time researching my topic. I did this because I was hoping it would help me back up my reasoning in my exam. Unfortunately, i misunderstood my exam question which threw me off. I wish that I actually understood the essay question the right way instead of misinterpreting it. Over all, my classes are not too hard with the midterms. It's something I prepared for and hopefully my results will pay off all of my study time I have spent.

  6. Midterms were one of the things I was never going to look forward to when I entered high school. Just the thought of having to remember two marking periods worth of knowledge is overwhelming. I am naturally not the best test taker so midterms weren’t any better. I didn’t study as much as I could. I tend to do better when I don’t focus on it as much, not getting myself too nervous. The only studying I did was completing the review packets some teachers gave out. Then, the night before the midterm, I would look through the packet, trying to remember key terms. I probably should've given myself more time to study and really focus on each subject because I know for a fact that finals will be even more of a challenge.
    Some midterms, surprisingly, were quite easy. Our math and understanding writing midterm were the easiest in my opinion. Math is a very easy subject for me and I comprehend it very well, so I didn’t have to study too much for that test. The midterm for understanding writing seemed overwhelming at first because we had to write an essay in 42 minutes. However, to get myself prepared ahead of time, I did some research and got my ideas together over the weekend and in class. Then I wrote my introduction and conclusion paragraph at home. This eliminated some of the stress I had and it ended up paying off. However, my English and biology midterm weren’t as great. Some questions really made me think hard and try to determine what the best answer was. My overall midterm experience wasn’t anything great, I just really do not look forward to future midterms and finals.

  7. This week for midterms was not a completely new experience. Last year the honors class took a math midterm which was exactly how it was this year. Honestly I didn’t study a lot for any of them I have a system where I quickly look over the things I didn’t understand and then look them over again about 2 minutes before the actual test. If I study to much I sike myself out and I find it harder to retain the information. Once the test came it really was just a test it was the average amount of material in the average amount of time, although it is worth 10% of our grade for the end of the year I kept that out of my mind so I could focus on answering correctly. There were of course two questions on each test that I didn’t understand but it’s natural not to know everything so I’m fine with the fact that I didn’t get that material.
    Honestly I didn’t take full advantage of both full class periods I only picked my topic and researched my three reasons to save them to my research files. I didn’t use the graphic organize because it’s never been a source I have been fond of. I find them tedious and I much rather type out my ideas or have a website saved so I can look at a bunch of information that I choose. This week has been a bit stressful with classes still going on but I think that it came a lot easier since we could do a lot of half of them at home and ensure a better grade on that part. Although next year will involve a lot more studying I’m looking forward to those days off.

  8. The only word to truly describe the feeling throughout midterm week; stressful. Although I couldn’t study as deeply as I wanted to for each and every subject, I sent a good several hours each night to try and cover as much material as possible. In classes specifically like math, it was necessary to cover each unit over again, cutting out time for other studying. While studying you get to the point where you feel like you have everything covered to the point where you know it better than the back of your hand, but come test time, it seems to all just disappear. You sit there staring at your test thinking “I should’ve studied more...” and the panic and fear of failing causes you to become anxious to just finish as best as you can. There’s a constant stress all the time after it wondering if you’ve reached an acceptable grade, then all you can do is try and study and focus on the next exam. The stress just seems to never end during midterm week.
    Specifically for this class, the couple days given beforehand I used to my advantage. I gathered as many facts as I could and had every paragraph planned out to the point where I knew almost everything I needed to write before I even stepped foot into the classroom; writing in class was a breeze. Although I didn’t have enough time to hit all the specific techniques for writing, I was satisfied with my grade considering the time we were given in class. Moreover, the worst of the tests are over; luckily all I have left is Spanish and Art which I am both very comfortable with. Midterm week is finally coming to an end and the stress is slowly winding down; however, the constant thought of finals being much harder than what the freshman have experienced during midterms is terrifying. I will definitely come a lot better prepared having been through the actual exam rather than simply what other people say to describe it.

  9. With the time of having midterms, a ton preparation was required in order to pass. In my personal situation, I studied during the week of midterms itself. If I were to study every subject before the first day, I would not be able to retain the information needed for the first exam. Therefore, I reviewed for each subject on one specific day of the week. Throughout studying, I could have prepared for this week more than I did. More preparation was needed because while taking the tests, it was easy for me to forget little aspects of the topics. What could have helped me more was to study information other than what was on the review packets. I thought that the work that we did in class would have the only topics on the midterm. That was one mistake I made because of how most of the tests had other information on them.

    Specific to this understanding writing class, I prepared more than I needed to. What I did for the preparation for this midterm was complete the outline that was given to all students. At first I was just going to brainstorm my main ideas for each paragraph. Instead of just doing this, I wrote out every detail on the examples and support. In addition, I looked up a statistic that was able to be used as my hook. I did this preparation all in one class period because of my absence during the other. Besides taking just this class’s midterm, the others have been more difficult than I expected them to be. Also, the other classes taking place on the same day is unfortunate because of the learning of new lessons. This confuses students, including myself, when the midterm for that class is taken. More information that is not needed would have been learned and studied when it was not included on the test. Overall, this experience of having midterms for the first time could have some improvement.

  10. I'm very excited to say that midterms will be officially over on Monday. This week has been extremely stressful, from all the studying and pressure. I also did not prepare myself very well for any of these tests. The night before each midterm I would study the material I thought I would need for about an hour. While I studied I thought I really understood it and would be good. But once I had the test in front of me I blanked out in a few subjects. Math, biology, and history were all pretty hard for me, since there is so much information to know. Next year I will definitely spread out my time more evenly and take my time for each subject.
    For this class specifically I felt confident about my midterm. I spent my time wisely for each period, and the night before we would writing the midterm in class I did some extra research at home. Doing all of this really prepared me, so that when I was actually writing my essay I felt confident and satisfied with my work. Overall I spent about 10-15 minutes at home looking up research. I know I could have done better on some of my midterms this year, so next year I am definitely changing my studying habits. This week was very stressful and I am glad it’s coming to and end.

  11. Midterm week has been honestly the most stressful things I have ever been put through before. From studying every single night for a couples hours really puts a drain on you. For me, I have basketball practice everyday from either 3 to 5, or 5 to 7. Nevertheless, I usually get around to studying at about 8 o'clock at night and study until midnight, maybe even one in the morning. All in all studying iat those late hours really is not worth it because in the morning, you're not ready or awake to take the test and finish it to your best potential. Midterms has taught me a very valuable lesson though- never leave all your studying for the night before.
    In this class in particular, I researched and found valuable information on the topic I was writing about. When it came down to write the actual essay, I feel that we did not have enough time to finsih our essay, and unfortunetly I had to leave a lot of information out of my work. I think I could have used better strategies, as to planning out the structure of my paragraphs and what material were used in them, but overall I think my work could have been just a little bit better. For finals, I'll be sure to spread my time out more evenly and work more productivly.

  12. Throughout the week I had days were I was nervous about certain exams that I was taking because honestly I wasn’t prepare for 2 of them. I tried preparing myself overnight but distraction would get in the way and make me stop for an amount period of time. Eventually I would get done what I had to get done the night before. Although the review packets and take home assignments that the teachers gave me the week before the exams helped and made me feel confident that I was ready for the exam. I hope I passed all my midterms since I don’t think I did so well.
    For this class I wasn’t prepared enough since I didn’t have the right quotation, facts and the incident was incorrect as well. I can honestly say that from what I wrote it was just common sense but not real facts. I didn’t do much research as I should have done that is why my grade wasn’t as pleasant as my other grades have been for other essays but at least my grade in this class isn’t bad so hopefully it won’t affect me much. Writing isn’t my strongest area since my first language isn’t English but Spanish, it’s a struggle each year to try to learn more about another language that isn’t your native language but I manage to continue on learning. Midterms are just another test in my way that I will get through in order for me to keep approaching my goal; to graduate.

  13. Midterms for my first year were obviously not expected. In my opinion it was not a good experience for my high school career. I believe that midterm this year, especially due to hurricane Sandy, were not as effective as they should have been. One of the main problems I had with midterms was the fact that every class we had gave at home essay portions for every day of the week. Although the take home were time consuming, they were not too much of a challenge. Also because they were time consuming, it gave me less time to study for the in class portions of the midterms. It was difficult for me juggling at home portions, studying for class portions, teacher’s homework during the week, and extracurricular activities.

    During actual midterms I focused and remained calm. I thought over and over again to not overthink the work like usual and answer in the approved manner. Specifically, for writing I kept my studying basic and followed directions in class researching information for my essay every class period. I think that really helped me for when the actual essay came. I was prepared for whatever was coming my way during the midterm week.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. ¶ Midterms are going fairly well so far. For my subjects I am testing in, I did not study. I spread a total of zero minutes per subject.
    ¶ When I got to the testing site, I was fairly surprised at how easy each exam was! I know that when it seems easy, I’m doing it wrong. Surprisingly, that didn’t happen! For my biology midterm, I walked in expecting to fail. As the test went on, I was flying through and finished in about 15 minutes. I thought I had basically failed until we came in the next day and our teacher said that no one failed! My in-class midterm came out to a 47/50. I was ecstatic! My history midterm seemed somewhat easy, but I was very fearful in the outcome. My math midterm was very simple and I walked in, sat down, and started writing without fear. None of my other midterms have been graded, except for this class. I didn’t study the “wrong” material because I didn’t study at all.
    ¶ I will be very honest, I did not study for this class. I did not research any facts, but I used common knowledge for facts. For the 2 class periods, I went to The Challenge on Friday and on Monday, I spent the whole 42 minutes trying to decide on a topic. When I took the exam, I had no problem getting my thoughts onto paper. Actually, a five paragraph writing assignment is fairly simple to me. I felt excited that I accomplished the essay in such a short amount of time and still got an A. I think this class’ midterm was good and though I did not research, I believe my essay still came out well.
    ¶ Overall, midterm week had been an awkward struggle. The tests have been quite simple, and studying is very easy. The remaining classes are a bother. I feel that we should not do intense work/notes (but with this class, the assignments are fun and not tedious). If the assignments were light and the work was at a minimum, the tests might be easier while the other thoughts and ideas floating in our minds. Teachers attempted to give us tests this week, but came to a conclusions of not. That made the week even better, not having to study for two tests a day. Overall, I hope midterms and finals will be back to normal soon.

  16. The midterms where not how I expected them. They were way harder, I studied for like an hour each and when I took the test I notice I should have studied for more time. There were a lot of questions and so little time in most of my classes most of the students fail. I think I only did badly on one midterm. Over all I don’t hate the midterms I just have to study more. When I was taking the test I kind of panic because I forgot a lot of stuff I studied then I had to pay a lot of attention and kind of remember it, but if I had to study for longer I wouldn’t of forgot .
    I believe it wasn’t a bad experience for the first time. What I didn’t like is that we had not a lot of time. When you were out on Monday I did not research I was kind of lost because I wasn’t on school on Friday either. Also I was thinking of the midterm I had that day so I slack on the research and did other stuff. But overall I did not do that bad in this midterm. But if I had research and plan how I was going to do I I would have got a better grade.

  17. This week has been a hard and very stressing week. I probably spent about one or two hours studying every night for each mid-term. While I was taking the mid-term I was stressing out inside my head thinking about, "What if I fail this and don't do well enough on my final and end up failing both my mid-term and my final". I was also thinking about how bad I would look making teachers look at me like I did not study nor cared about their class. This happened mostly in my math class because I couldn’t really remember what we had gone over before the test. What I didn’t know is that the mi-term for math wasn’t all that hard. When I started to do the test everything came back to me and I finish the test without anything I didn’t know how to do. Although they might have seemed easy they were pretty hard.

    The strategies I use in my Writing Lab are very efficient. The strategy I used was to use the organizer that Ms. Ell gave me and copy what I wrote on it and fix it up into my own words as I wrote my essay. Although it was pretty nerve racking thinking about weather I could finish everything on time and did it the way my teacher wanted me too. This whole week I studied about ten to twelve hours overall. Studying for each class help me pass most of them but I had a class I thought I did well and I ended up coming short of a passing grade. Reviewing and going over notes was very helpful especially in History. When I did the History mid-term I was the first one done although in my head I thought and was sure that I wasn’t going to do good at all.

  18. My midterm experience was overall a whirlwind. At the beginning of the year, my peerleaders stressed the importance of midterms and finals due to their past experiences. I took their advice and tucked it into my mind until midterms were starting to be prepared for and hoped for the best. One of the best pieces of advice I was given about studying and preparing for the tests was to pace myself. For example, with take home midterms in history and biology, it was crucial that I exercised time management skills. By splitting my time wisely, I was able to study adequately and feel mostly comfortable during the tests and still have time to relax or socialize with friends. The week of midterms, with another midterm in succession of each other, studying was bit more difficult but still a possible task. As I was taking the test, I felt like I could have done more to prepare. I do believe that the fact that almost all of the tests were multiple choice did play a role in my success.

    To prepare for this class’ midterm, I was focused on completing the essay in the time given. It is a daunting task to write a five paragraph essay and be proud of it in 44 minutes. Others had different methods of preparing or gathering their thoughts, but I solely used the planning worksheet given in class. I researched points to support my opinion but could not find facts that were specific enough to fit my paper. The midterm experience was something that I could not take in until it was over. With having finished my last midterm today, I am proud of my performance on most of the tests. Overall, my experience with midterm week was positive.

  19. I'm a junior so this is my third year taking midterms and i hate them so much because I'm not a good test taker. The hurricane made them much easier this year because all the teachers had to shorten them and not put a lot of stuff from the year just the easy things. I am more confident about taking a math, english, and elective midterm because those are easier classes. I love English its my favorite subject and my least favorite is foreign languages like spanish because no matter how hard I could never understand anything.

    To prepare for the midterm I only go over the things I don't know and sometimes that's not a good idea because you may think you know info about something but you don't know everything about it. Take math for example when you know how to start a problem and the process is real easy then you get to the final step and don't remember what you were supposed to do. English is usually things that you read over the year or basic writing comprehension, for some it may be hard but for others it's really easy.

  20. According to teachers and upperclassmen, my freshmen midterm experience was very different than the previous years. Due to the disaster that struck in October our school year has been turned upside down. Hurricane Sandy messed with school and midterm schedules. For most subjects I allowed at least four to five hours of studying and preparing for the midterm. However, in my harder subjects like math, history and biology I gave myself more time to study. I feel those are my three weakest subjects and I needed more time to obtain the knowledge. In the end I feel I spread out my time evenly. During the test for all classes I was surprisingly calm. I kept reminding myself that I knew the information and I could do it. I took my time and completed the midterms in the 45 minutes given. Sadly, on every test I discovered I made stupid mistakes and studied the wrong material or something that wasn’t necessary for the midterm.

    For the Understanding Writing midterm, I reviewed my notes on writing persuasive letters and grammar reviews. I kept looking over how to write a citation in the text. I researched two of the facts prior to that Tuesday. All I had to do in class was look up one more fact and write the essay. I also wrote my hook, thesis and final punch at home. I always have difficulty writing those aspects of essays. I spent at least an hour at home looking up information and planning my essay. I admit to not using the class periods to plan my essay the best that I could. If I used my time in class more wisely I wouldn’t have needed to plan at home and look up facts. Overall my grades, my studying and the whole midterm process seemed really simple and easy. The teachers in my other classes didn’t give assignments or homework. They gave us a break. All in all, I have discovered that when you study, the test is always easier to take.

  21. My past midterm experience was very stressful. I studied so much that I didn't know if I could ever look at another textbook again. I took the week before to study and studied the day before each subject. The hardest test for me was the math test. I studied a lot of math because it really isn't my best subject. On the other hand, the easiest test I had was history because we fit like peanut butter and jelly. I was kind of confident while taking my midterms because I relied in all the studying I did. Afterward, the only thing I realized was I forgot some vocabulary and conjugations for Spanish. As far as I know, I studied all the right material and completed all the assignments that were given to me.

    In this class, the information I found earlier didn't really help me. I couldn't quite concentrate while writing. My goal was just to finish the essay on time, I wasn't really thinking about the details involved in writing. During the two days I did as much research as possible to help myself with my essay. But obviously it didn't help too much. Overall, this midterm week was extremely stressful and I didn't like it too much. The study papers helped a lot even though I didn't get to finish some of them. Also, the remaining classes weren't that hard because we weren't allowed to get homework and most of the teachers didn't give us work.

  22. The midterms were somewhat easy for some subjects. Other subjects were difficult. How I planned out my studying was by studying each day a little, but if I had an exam the next day I would focus on that subject more than the others. I read all my notes and I looked over all my tests and quizzes. I also did all the work and studied off the study guides the teachers gave us. But I know I could have done better by reviewing for more time and I could of re-read the section that was needed.
    In the midterm for writing I could done better. I just had to do more research and I had to understand the question first. I didn’t really understand it how the format was supposed to be and I was off topic. Also I didn’t really do research. I didn’t really use my time wisely those two days in class. And I had to put my ideas in order because as I was typing I didn’t have an organizer and I was really confused. So I should have used my time wisely in researching and organized my thoughts.

  23. My first real experience with midterms in high school in my opinion had gone very well for me. Every day was a different subject and it really gave us a chance to show what we knew in that subject on that day. Although, there was much material that we needed to know in order to take these series of tests. The only way we could possibly do well on them is to study our notes or at least review our notes to get a general idea on what will be on the tests for each subject. For my studying I didn’t want to spend all my time on one subject and over study therefore I had only skimmed through and reviewed important parts of my notes. This insured that I would have a general idea of what will be on the test and I wouldn’t go into taking the test not knowing anything and not do well at all. While taking the tests I realized that I knew basically all the questions and I had reviewed all the correct material and I knew I did well on all of my midterms.
    In Mrs. Ell’s writing class my strategies for studying and preparing for the midterm included me planning out what exactly I will be talking about when it was time to write my essay for the midterm. I spent the two days when she was out to find what my main topic will be about, my thesis, and my examples. I was able to finish planning my essay and was very confident that I would be able to do well on my essay when it came time to write it. When it was time to write the essay in class I was able to finish within the time given and it was all thanks due to my planning sheet and I was very thankful I used my time wisely in class. In all, the midterms were very interesting to go through and even though they were stressing it was something different than usually and it allowed the students to see what we truly remembered from the year thus far.

  24. This past week of midterms was a very stressful week. In order to prepare myself for my exams, I studied for every subject the night before the day I was supposed to take the exam. I spent the bulk of my time studying for biology, since I felt that this class had the most information to be retained. I spent about an hour studying for biology; including the time I spent on a ten page review packet. Although geometry was also full of many difficult sections/lessons, the fact that we were able to use an index card relieved a huge load of stress I had been carrying. After reading over my geometry notes briefly and loading the index card with theorems and postulates, I felt pretty prepared for the exam. I barely studied for my History and English exams, for I felt I had a firm grasp on all the key concepts involved with each of these classes.

    Most of the time during the school day, teachers spent class time reviewing for our exams. This was very beneficial to me because I was able to ask a lot of questions. The only bothersome aspect of the actual school days was when some teachers continued to teach after their midterm was given. This only made it harder to focus on my upcoming exams. Other than that, I did not have too many problems with my classes going on during the school day.

    The fact that I did not study adequately for the English exam definitely came back to haunt me on exam day. I had forgotten a few of the minor details of some of the short stories. Of course the stories that I knew well were barely on the exam, whereas the stories I vaguely knew appeared the most. As for my other classes, my studying techniques proved to be very helpful because I was finished with each test with nearly ten minutes to spare each time. As for this class, I do not feel I spent my time researching the right things. Though some of my statistics were helpful, I did not have enough evidence, or the correct supporting details to make my essay as strong as it could have been. Overall, my first experience with midterms was not the greatest; however, I was able to discover which studying techniques worked well and which techniques I should improve upon. Hopefully I have gotten a taste of what the finals will be like.

  25. For studing for the mid-term I took about an hour to study on each subject. I spread out my time wisely although I didn't study for math because, to me there isn't a way to study, it more like you either know, or you don't. During taking the mid-term especially Understanding Writing was hard, because I switch my topic at the last 20mintues of the test because, I kept going on; on something that I had no experience with.Thats things got hard to writing five paragraphs in 20minutes. I was overflowing with anxiety. Until I actually finish, luckly.
    To be honest I did research but, my class is hilarious so I was doomed. I did some research at home on my topic, but then again i change my topic at the last minute, which wasn't so clever but i guess, due to all the stress trying to finish in 45minutes got to me, and I panicked and picked something earser to write about. Luckly I changed my topic beacause later to find out, a lot of people in my class did the topic wrong. Over all it was a mess in my opinion. The mid-term should of been rescheduled to a more appropriate date, so we would have regular time; 90 minutes in each section.Overall my mid-terms went well was suprised actually, overall I think I did decent. Theres always the final, we still got 50 percent of our grade left, the two marking period, and our finals. Which obviously totals out to 50%. So good luck everyone.

  26. Now that midterms are officially over, I can say I did pretty well. I spent on average about an hour give or take studying for each midterm. I was fairly busy throughout the week of midterms, so I had no choice accept to spread out my time easily. Between basketball, studying, homework, and free-time, I learned to manage my time and get everything done. I studied for as long as I could every night for the subject I would be tested in the next day. The most stressful part for me was actually taking the exams in class. While taking the tests, I blanked out a couple of times, forgetting obvious information, but remembered it in time to finish the exam before the period ended. Even though I studied efficiently, I did end up studying some of the “wrong material.” For instance, I studied everything in my notes for my history and bio midterms, when a lot of it wasn’t even on the test.

    My midterm results for this class ended up being decent. I used many helpful strategies that aided me to write the in-class essay. For instance, I spent the given days researching and brainstorming facts and ideas for the paper. This is what I did on the two days we were given prior to the in class exam. To prepare my notes and outline worksheet, I spent the two class periods we were given (90 minutes). To be honest, all I did at home was look over my work, since I managed to do it all in class. Overall, midterm week was stressful. There was a lot to worry about, between sports, homework, studying, papers, and the classes still going on. There was a lot to do in a little amount of time. Even though it was stressful, I managed to get decent grades on all of my midterms, and I’m glad that midterm week is over.

  27. In order to prepare for midterms, I unfortunately did not have a lot of time or nearly enough time to be totally ready for midterms. We were pounded the week before with homework along with the take-home midterms that were given to us due to the new schedule because of Hurricane Sandy. I was not happy with the new schedule, and we did not have ample enough of time to be prepared for the midterms. I did not study the wrong material, but I did not understand all of the material fully enough to do as well as I had hoped to.

    In this class, I did well. I was prepared to write the essay, as I had already planed out what I was going to write beforehand. The topic was fairly simple, so it was not too difficult to finish in the time period that was given. Overall, the whole week was not very good. The new system did not help us. We will now not be prepared for finals and midterms in the future. This new system was supposed to be a onetime thing, and the system was a little bit flawed in the sense that it will be so much different in the future and we will have no idea what to do because of it. I think that staying the whole day did not make any significant difference in catching up on schoolwork, so overall, it was a stressful week, and I am glad it is over.


  28. Per subject I studied about an hour and a half. I don’t think I had enough time to type my essay because it took me a little while and what I was going to write about. While I was taking the test I was nervous that I wasn’t going finish on time. I also thought everything is out of order but it wasn’t. While I was typing I was doing everything out of order for example I would write a sentence in the third paragraph and then I would remember about the transitions and then I would put them in.
    In all of my other midterms i had a feeling I did good on the rest but understanding writing. I spent no time on preparation because I was focused on getting it done. I remember the fear hit me and I was like I got to get this done. The fear of missing almost all the elements but after all I finish without the grade I wanted but it’s all on me. But for all my other midterms I was happy most of the test other test because of multiple choice.

  29. Midterms were not what i expected at all, i thought they were going to be horrible but they weren't that bad at all. When it came to studying for the midterms, it was not fun at all because i had to look back to my old notes and try to find everything. I spend most of my week at my home trying to study because my parents would let me out and i need to prepare for the midterms, because i wasn't ready. The week of the midterms i already knew all the things need to know , and i wasn't that busy anymore , but i was worry anyway. When the midterms were over i realized that i didn't study a lot on the right subject, I was surprised when i took the history test because i was lost , but the other classes were fine and i was disappointed.
    While i was taking the midterms i was really scare of how they were going to be , because this was my first year as a freshman and i didn't know how they were going to be. At the end of everything i felt really relieved because i knew that i had tried my best. Even though it was hard to keep all my stuff together , it work and it really help me out. At the end of everything , i felt fine because during the whole week of midterms we didn't have any homework and we just needed to be ready for the midterm.

  30. It definitely felt different to have midterms this year. It is something I have never experienced before in the previous years so I had a lot of anxiety and worriedness. It also felt overwhelming with each subject you had to study for and the amount of time it took. I could have spread out my time more wisely but it was hard since everything around me felt like chacos. For finals and next upcoming big tests, I now understand how much i should study and how much I spend my time.

    Taking each test was very never racking but overall, I did just fine. It was not great nor fabulous but i now learned my lesson when it comes to midterms. I regret not being able to spread out my time wisely, but all i can do now is more forward and open for the best. For your class it actually made me kind of happy i was able to get an A knowing I only had one class period to write in it. I took advantage of those two class periods because I knew I was going to get as much information as I possibly could for the essay. I planned accordingly better for this class and it took me two class periods and some at home work to get all of my information together. Although it did take some time, it was worth getting a better grade rather then a lower grade that would have done no good.
    All in all, I can finally say I am happy that midterms are over and done with. It definitely taught me some things as well as prepared me of what upcoming tests might be like. I am not a fan of taking big tests at all but sometimes it is quite helpful because you might just get something out of it.

  31. High school midterms are something big its just a test. if you did your home work, paid attention in class, studied for test you will be fine. people get all worked up about them but whats their to get worked about. Honestly people go crazy over this for know reason is a test get over it study for like 2hr the night before and you will be fine.

    all in all midterms didnt bother me. i wasn't mostly relaxed and calm. i handle presser well and i got though it easily. i got think students take this midterms hard.

  32. In my opinion the mid-term was fun and kind of easy. Its was fun because we were able to write about an interesting topic. We had to right Five Paragraphs on what we wanted to write about. so I wrote about friendship. I said why is it good to have a friendship and how it could affect you.

    I didn't really have to study because I had amazing teachers that taught me everything! needed to know!
