
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cultural Experience Expository Essay Guidelines

Ever since its founding in 1776, and even before then, the United States has attracted immigrants from around the world. For well over two centuries, people have flocked to this nation as opportunists, sojourners, missionaries, and refugees. Over time, millions around the world have found emigrating to the U.S. as the only alternative to starvation, death, or a life full of hardships and suffering. With thousands from nations spanning the globe, American has become a mosaic of people, culture, and hope.

Researching: Research the concerns and life experiences of one particular cultural group. There are a number of excellent immigrant life stories found on the internet that may provide insight into their experiences. Consider the following questions as you research:
  1. What were conditions like in the homeland that caused people to emigrate? (intro)
  2. What type of jobs were available to them (once they got here)? What kind of work did they do? (conclusion)
  3. What were the struggles they faced when they arrived? (conclusion)
  4. What are some cultural specific traditions of the group? (body)
    1. Holiday traditions
    2. food
    3. music/art
    4. folklore/legends
    5. religions
    6. behavior/norms
    7. values
    8. clothing

CLICK HERE for the expository essay outline.

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