
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blog 16: Is College Worth It?

DUE ON Monday FEBRUARY 17, 2014
A Sundance Film Festival documentary, Ivory Tower, delves into the topic of the value of college education, asking questions such as: "Is college worth it, when it comes with crushing debt?" Those interviewed fall on both sides of the issue.

"I think I understood that higher education was in a difficult place," says Rossi, "But once you start to grapple with the volume of data about tuition rates going up over 1,000% since 1978; state funding going down nationally since 1980 by 40%; and 68% of students in public colleges not graduating in four years -- those kind of numbers, when I saw them, I was shocked."

Some college presidents in the documentary argue that "those who discard higher learning and succeed wildly without a degree -- like college dropout and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg -- are exceptions to the rule. Meanwhile, Generation Y takes on a reputation as "entitled" even though millions face sharp increases in interest on student loans."

For your response, think about the pitfalls and benefits of a college education. Consider careers and future options with and without a degree. Also, consider how easy or difficult it is to be successful without an education. Are we entitled to a good career after high school? How about after college? Make sure to respond to the topic (either choose a side or discuss both) with specific examples - no hypothetical or made up situations, actual facts and experiences of real people - in at least 2 paragraphs. YOU MAY NOT USE THE SAME EXAMPLES AS OTHERS.


  1. Landin Morris
    Blog 16

    Education has always been important to have in modern and past society. The more educated you are, the more respect you get from people, and the more opportunities are given to you. Once students gradate from High School, they question themselves what to do with their lives. Do they go to college and improve more on their education, or do they risk it all and go out and try to find something without having a college education?
    After I gradate from high school, I do want to go to college. I want to go because I want to be a doctor later on in life, and for that type of job, it is mandatory to have a college degree. Sometimes I look at all the work I’m doing now in high school, and I think about what college is going to be like. I question my self and think, if I’m having issues now, then I’m going to have issues in college. What happens if I don’t get accepted? What happens if I don’t finish college? What happens if I waste all that money? What happens if I can’t handle living life and supporting myself by myself and doing schoolwork and maintaining a healthy and happy life? When questions like that pop up, I just tell myself that I wont know what will happen in the future, and that I cant jump to conclusions of worry about something I don’t know about. All I have to do is worry about what is going on here and now, and focus on that problem when the time comes to face it. Until then, I spend my time conquering problems that I’m having now so that when I face those problems in the future, I don’t have to many problems to face at once. I also want to go to college because I want to be the first person in my family to go to college and successfully finish it as well. Many people in my family like my father and Godmother went, but never finished. I wasn’t to go to college and finish it, to show and prove to myself that I accomplished something.

  2. “Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college.”
    -Kurt Vonnegut
    Even though I would like to go to college in a few years, I can understand why some people decide not to go. Firstly, student loans are very difficult to pay off. There are students that don’t get scholarships and need to take student loans. However, after four years of college they are stuck paying off a debt of about $26,000. That means people are stuck paying off a debt for a couple of years while trying to get by in life. It can be difficult trying to pay off a debt and pay for necessities in life such as food and a home to live in. Also, in today’s society there are several occupations that do not require a college degree. What is the point of paying all that money to get a college degree if some jobs don’t even require is the question racing through several people’s minds. With more people going to college and earning their degrees, the worth of a college degree decreases.
    On the other hand, there are several advantages of going to college. People who go to college are able to explore different career options and therefore, have the advantage of having an occupation they like. With a college degree, one can have more and better employment opportunities. Going to college also allows people to learn more and expose people to diverse ideas and people. There are always different people in colleges from different places and states which helps contribute to socializing with people from around the world. People also learn new things in college by interacting with all these people. There are always new things to learn and college is an opportunity to learn these things. Earning a college degree may boost people’s self esteem by being able to say “I earned my college degree.” This can make going to college worthwhile and one day I hope I will be able to go to college.

    1. What jobs were you thinking of for your first paragraph? Be specific. I like your quote, just make sure to tie it into your response.

  3. Edwin Unsihuay

    College being the topic of this blog seems quite interesting to me, considering the fact that college is just about three or four years away I believe. College is worth it in my opinion, as it will grant me the path to study what I want to become in the future. Those years of college are the coming of a new era in people’s lives as they start a new chapter in their lives as they strive for their dreams. After high school we are entitled to a good career because at this moment we are preparing ourselves for college and gaining vast knowledge of new things as we mature. After college I can assure you that we are definitely entitled to an excellent career because college is where we study what we want to be and focus on that subject throughout those college years. After college it will be easy to go get a terrific job with high paying salary providing enough money for us. Some people looking to become a doctor would require them to earn some sort of degree in college, which is important.

    Everyone has their own decision whether or not they want to go to college but I want to go to college to open a bright path to the future. After all, some jobs require going to colleges but it in the end, it’s all worth it. From us being the tiny seeds in kindergarten we have grown into blooming plants ready to grow even more to reach where our paths will take us. We all want to have an excellent education so that it will help us out in life. If we work hard and we are determined, we can accomplish a goal such as this (College). When I graduated last year it hit me that I will soon be entering high school and than college. I know everyone else thinks of “Will I get accepted?” as I also thought of that.

  4. College is just another step that you have to take in order to get ready for the real world. Growing up one is always taught that college will be the best option in life if you want to be successful in life. To an extent it is very true because graduating from college you are offered more jobs, more paid, and a lot of opportunities in the business world compare to a person who didn’t finish school. College brings a lot of wisdom from stress and hard work just the simple fact that being in school takes a lot of patience to understand what you’re in college for.
    Yes I agree going to college and increasing my knowledge but someone people find college school in general to be a waste of time. There are a lot of successful people in the world that dropped out of school or never even attended a college class and they’re are doing good for themselves. One would say that a person with the lack of knowledge would get nowhere in the business world or in the world in general but I disagree with that just because one of the riches man who was attending Harvard dropped because he felt that college had nothing to really teach him the he didn’t already know you can make great arguments on both side of the topic the question is are you willing to find your way of being successful in the world by going to college or even dropping out or not going to college at all.

    1. What is the name of the person in your second paragraph? Make sure to be specific and give details. What did the person end up doing with their life and how were they able to be successful without college?

  5. Graduating college is a goal for most high school students. Other who are not planning on going to college may have a more difficult time finding the career of their dreams or the salary of their dreams. After high school nobody is entitled to anything, people are in the real world now where you need to work harder and no employer is your friend. Some teenagers feel like they deserve something and it should be given to them on a silver platter, but after highschool everything is earned. Without a degree students will not have great jobs, fast food resturants, waitress or waiter jobs, or maybe retail jobs. These jobs aren't something that you may want to do forever especially if you want to start a family.
    After college graduates have a higher chance of getting a job, but only 27% receive offers. When college is said and done students are more prepared for the workplace and can take on harder tasks. "College is extremely challenging and draining but overall it is a eye opening experience that can prepare graduates for the job that they seek" Shela Kelly an student going for her doctorate degree. Nobody is entitled to a thing unless you are the rich child of a school owner.

    1. Nice examples. Especially strong first paragraph.

  6. The following video was used to write up the first paragraph. I suggest you watch it just for fun, though.

    After four years of high school, you finally graduated and are ready to go on to the next level: college. You’ve already submitted a few essays to some colleges you want to go to and are waiting for a response. It’s obvious that your family is capable of paying off the school loans that you will end up with once you finish college. I mean, think about, it's so worth spending hundreds of thousands of dollars just to go to school for four more years just to get a piece of paper “that makes you worth something to companies and corporations,” both of which are currently not hiring anyone new. Moving on, what’s the point of going to school for four more years to specialize in a certain subject when in reality you are going to spend the first two years getting a generalized education? Seriously, what the heck? Learning about world history is not going to help you get your mathematics degree in any way. And let’s not forget about that mindset that says that if you go to college you are automatically given a job! Most people don’t get a job right after college and are left to live with their parents playing video games all day. Don’t get me wrong, not everybody ends up like this, but it seems that more and more people have to deal with this. I just can’t wait to see how our generation of students ends up after college.
    Now, let’s talk about the pros of college. Contradicting the last reason in the paragraph before this, going to college does give you a better chance of getting a job. That’s because most jobs nowadays require a college degree. Also, college lets you explore career options. If you at least have an idea in what you are going to major in, you will probably be able to know what career you want once you finish college. This connects to my next point, which is college graduates attract higher-paying employers. These employers want hard working individuals who have a well-rounded education that can handle responsibility. Oh, would you look at that! Since you went to college, you have all the qualifications needed to be hired by that person. Assuming you get the job, voila! You just landed yourself a high paying job that you can sustain yourself with and have the ability to start a family that doesn’t end up in poverty! It seems those 17 years of school finally paid off, and you can live on with a job that you enjoy until you turn 60, when you retire peacefully with all your loans paid off. Perhaps the American Dream isn’t a total myth.

    1. Loved your response - you bring up some great points, and I thoroughly enjoyed the video link. Multi-media responses are a bonus.

  7. In today world education is amajor factor in determining the job you get. For example if two people go for the same job the company managers will choose the person with the more education. That is why it is important to go to college even though it is expensive it will pay off in the long run. For example if you want to become a nurse or doctor you have to do well in high school and do great and graduate college because if you don't after college you wont be succesful and you'l have to then get multiple jobs to get money to pay for your bills and taxes. For example you'll get a job as a mc donalds employe or apple bee's water. If you do well in college and follow your dream you have a 97% chance at getting your job.
    For example I want to become a civil engineer in the future and work on making america roads and infastructure better. So I will need to do great in high school and do great in college to become a civil engineer. I will face many late nights of studying and With out the next 3 and a half years of high school and 6-7 years of college it will be impossible to become my dream job of a civil engineer. After high school we are not entiteled to any job careeres unless its fast food. After college you have more opportunites but still not entitled to a job you have to work at it. So as you can tell educatio more specificly college education is important to getting a job in the future.

  8. College has always been one of the biggest decisions that everyone always ends up going through. Do they want to attend college or not. It's always a decision that people have to go through in order to determine their future in life. It has been said by many people that if an individual does not attend college, they are considered stupid. I believe that saying is wrong by a long shot. People can excel in life without going to college. College gives people an opportunity to get a job that requires some type of degree which mean a bit more pay. College can do a lot for someone but it can also be bad for someone's debt. College puts people through insane debt in order to attend unless you are an intelligent student with perfect grades which isn't everyone.
    There are several people that didn't go to college that are very successful. There are many people that own several businesses and hotels, most didn't go to college. Those people are much more successful than others that went to college to become nurses and teachers. There are many people that didn't go to college and own nice restaurants that make so much money that they are basically rich. It's incredible seeing people becoming very successful without doing anything school related after high school. College can also make people get the best jobs out there that they no longer have to worry about college debt because they can easily pay it off. It all depends what you plan to do with your life. It's all on the individual to become successful.

    1. While I agree with your point, try to include some details about what makes the restaurant owners successful. As in, what steps did they need to take in order to achieve their dream? Loans? Culinary school?

  9. Many people believe that going to college to achieve higher degrees is what they need in order to accomplish their highest goals, but in many cases; the idea of graduating from college could be just what we’re told to do to be successful. By going to college, we would be given more opportunities to work in better careers and gain more money; chances would not be given to those who don’t attend college or go to school. We all want to live easily without struggling every single day and working hard with not enough incomes. Because of the fear to face the difficulties, people usually want to take the easy way and be something of a higher rank to work in a nice, clean, or maybe even in a fancy environment. As you can observe from all around the world, there are many who’re able to live happily and easily without going to college. The secret to live happily and easily is to do or be something you love most. Many of us are blinded by the idea of living in a luxurious state without digging or diving in dirt. Because of that, society has started to believe, aim, teach, and told others the wrong thoughts of working for fortunes and not happiness.
    It’s not easy for many others who have never graduated to find a nice career to live with that pays more. That’s only because they’re working and doing what they can to “survive” and not “live”. The secret to live the life you want is to discover your talent and your interest. If you know you want to be something that doesn’t need a diploma or a degree, then there’s no doubt that you won’t need it if you know you’re talented or is highly motivated by what you love. Tiger Woods, one of the most successful athletes had never graduated from college. But he was the highest-paid athlete in the world, according to Forbes. He was able to live happily from doing what he loves to accomplish his goals. College wouldn’t always be important once people know that their interest doesn’t need a diploma and that they’re highly talented and motivated to proceed their lives to achieve their main goals.

    1. Good example - some people have a natural talent they can monopolize on, but they have to get lucky enough to be discovered, which takes time, effort and chance (think musicians and artists - there are so many talented individuals out there who have not made it big for one reason or another -- and some who have, who probably only did due to connections).

    2. A college degree is not worth what most people believe it to be. A college degree is not a guarantee to a future job. There are multiple people in America who have majored in a field of study and got a job in the completely opposite field. There is no guarantee for a job for any person. There could be two people who graduated from the same high school, same college, and have the same amount of experience. For two people with similar records who apply for the same job, it’s a coin flip for one or the other. For the person who did get the job debt is another story that is a pain to pay off. How do colleges think someone can pay off a $50,000 debt living off $30,000 a year? Some people get jobs that will make it near to impossible to pay off their debts.

      What about the people who dropped out of college or didn’t even go? Bill Gates had a perfect G.P.A. and a perfect score on his SAT, he ended up making Microsoft. Paul Allen is the co-founder of Microsoft and owner of the Seattle Seahawks. Steve Jobs dropped out of Reeds College and founded Apple. Walt Disney didn’t even go to college; he dropped out of high school at 16. Abraham Lincoln left school at the age of 12 to help his family on a farm and then became the president. I’m not saying that dropping out will increase your chance of success, but people have done it. If we really look at it college is not worth it if you have a great idea, it works, and you make money off of it.

    3. Inventors and innovators are a rare exception -- most of the time these people do not make money. But I agree in that if you can focus your energies into a passion that is successful, education is not necessary -- however, I believe that no amount of education can ever be harmful, I just wish it weren't so expensive.


  10. I believe college is worth the trouble and years. I say this because first of all one would feel complete for being able to complete school. Second of all one will get a good job because one is educated more than the drop outs. I have had many teachers tell me that we are in school to learn and get a good job later and that when a person is making all the money is when it pays off.
    Yeah there are some exceptions of drop outs that have succeeded more in life than those who did not drop out. But the chances of that happening to you are highly unlikely. Also those exceptions that the people have had great ideas they are not just like every other drop out. I know many drop outs that always tell me to stay in school because that is the better choice. Yeah in the beginning it looks good like no school and stuff but in the long run it is worse. Those people tell me that they want to go back to school to finish off what they started.

    1. Remember to use specific examples for both paragraphs - the types of job and school required? A bit too short and generic.

  11. Education is a big thing in our life. Without education we wouldn't know what to do with our life. when we enter to high school we should know what do we want to be when we grow up. Also what colleges do I want to go so I can accomplish my goal. We have many thoughts in our mind. The biggest things in our life is " should I go to college or no ?" Many people think collage is a lot and it is. Many people would have to pay a thousand dollars to try to get into college, but others have scholarships and they can go in for free. I have a friend of my that goes to a university in Trenton and he got a scholarship. He doesn't have to pay shelter, food, or the classes. The. College pays all of that for him because he takes his education serious. He's a really smart guy and I think we all should take education serious because that can lead us to success and really think about college. If someone wants to be a doctor, soldier, lawyer, banker, entrepreneur, or whatever they want to be they should go to college because you never know what if your dream doesn't come true? many people will be lost and don't really know what to do with their live and thats why people should go to college because in college we are preparing ourselves to the real world and with bachelor degrees, master degrees you will get a good job. But in the other hand many people are successful in life without collage because they know what to do with their life and how they been taught.

    When I grow I always wanted to be a
    professional soccer player and I'm still chasing my dream today but if I don't make it pro, my second dream job is serving In the military. I have colleges that I want to go and they are Rider, Rowan, and Penn state. To be a higher rank in the military I have to go to college for 4 years and I am willing to do that because college is a big thing I'm our life and I suggest everybody should go.

    1. Good point - sometimes dreams do not pan out and you have to go to plan B; options and education are always a plus in life since they allow for more opportunities if some of the plans do not work out.

  12. I believe college is worth it. To be honest though college isn't for everyone. I know people who haven't gone to college and have a good job and can still maintain a family. College is a good thing to go for if you want different choices for careers. Some people go to college for 2 years and then work for 1-2 years and go back to college. This is a good idea to me. I would do the same thing.
    For example when i am older i want to be a professional soccer player and become a doctor or a surgeon. I understand that in order to achieve this i need to go to college, join a professional soccer league and i will achieve my goals. Making your way to college may be hard but it is also worth it. When you are in high school that is when you should be thinking of what you want to do and be when you are older. I know what i want to be and i know what i have to do. So if college is worth it i will do my best to finish high school,go to college, and become what i want to be. Education should be taught to everyone and everyone should value you it and use it to its fullest.

    1. Give examples of the people who have good jobs without a college - please be specific. What do you think you have to do in order to become a soccer player or doctor? Is it guaranteed to happen if you follow certain steps? What are those steps?

  13. College is important but it’s all a matter of what you want to be when you’re older. There are many careers in the world in which you don’t need a college degree. The problem with society now is that you need a college degree to show you are smart and eligible to have a good career, but what they don’t realize is that a piece of paper doesn’t make who you are and doesn’t show what you really are capable of doing. Take for example, DJing. There are a lot of DJs who didn’t go to college to be a successful DJ. The profession for example is one reason why there might not be a reason to go to college. I think you should go to college based on what you what to be in this world.
    I believe college shouldn’t really be what makes you successful, but so much as what you do and go out of your way to be successful. Sure college gets you to the right path of being a business manage, engineer, or even becoming a doctor, but it’s the hard work you put in to be the best of what you want to do. I think that the best are always unknown. By this for example I mean that there most likely is a doctor better than any other in this world, but we will never know who he is because this person didn’t attend college. Maybe he doesn’t have enough money to go to college. Maybe even he lives in such a bad/ poor town that there is no college around. Just because they didn’t go to college we will never know who the best is. The ones without a college degree are probably the ones we need.

    1. What does it take to be a successful DJ? Where does a DJ get their education, if not in music school? I am curious. I don't understand how a person can be a doctor without attending college. Do you mean in potential?

  14. Is college education worth it? Well it depends all on what you want to do in your life. If you are willing to spend and borrow tens or hundred thousands then you better have a career that will pay off those debts and leave you some money for retirement. According to American Student Assistance, about 5.4 million students (out of 37 million) owe money from loans after their college education. Most Americans spent years trying to repay their money. Depending on the field of their education most can not pay their college education right away. A surgeon or an orthodontist can make close to 200,000 a year and can afford to pay of debts in the years following their education. Some careers don’t make close to that much and stay in debt for years and years to come.
    On the other side college can be worth it. Most well paying jobs require a college education. Without a college education it is very difficult to to be successful, but not impossible. My uncle currently owns a landscaping and tree service company. He started the company with a pickup truck and a lawnmower. The company is now hundred times bigger and very successful and received an A+ in customer satisfaction. He only received minimal college education after the company was already successful. So its not impossible to be successful without a college education, but not easy, its very difficult. We are not entitled to a good career after high school and after college. We are not entitled to anything we all must work for it and with help from high school education and college education we can have good successful careers. College has high rewards for those who deserve it and work hard to pay off loans and debts and save enough money for their children and their retirement.

    1. Good reasoning and support in the first paragraph. I also like the personal example of your uncle - self employment can be very successful if a person is skilled, personable and willing to work hard.

  15. Anthony Cifuentes
    Period 9

    College education is something that I believe to be really valuable. It is especially valuable in today’s world. Job finding has been very hard to do in recent years, so it would be better to have a college degree for a certain profession. I personally believe that a college education is worth the extreme amounts of money. It could help you find jobs easier, considering the fact that you would officially be certified to do a certain career. It also helps you be very successful and help you be proud of your accomplishments. But, in the end, it depends on what kind of job you want to work in for the rest of your life. For example, if you want to be a mechanic, you won’t have to go to college. It is recommended that you go to college or, at least, you could take some type of training programs or Vo-Tech school. But it is not mandatory to go to college to be a mechanic. You just have to have the right mind set. You have to work even harder to find a mentor, then a job, then you could possibly open your own business as a mechanic. You just have to have a good mindset throughput the process. You will have to want to strive to keep learning personally.
    Life with a college education, in my opinion, is easier. You will have worked hard to learn as much as you need to learn about a certain profession to go out into the real world and make a living off of it. It may cause many years of debt and mind tearing work, but it’ll be worth it. You can ultimately live life in peace doing what you love or doing what you know most about. For example, if you want to be a doctor you will have to go to college. I don’t know how many exact years that it requires to be a doctor but I’m pretty sure that it takes a pretty decent amount of years. Many years of college means that it will cost a lot of money. But ultimately, you will learn valuable information to help you have a good life financially. If you work hard enough in college to try to become a doctor, you could ultimately reach your dream and also get a really good pay while doing so.

    1. Good example in your first paragraph - I like how specific you got. You can easily research how many years it take to be a doctor, by the way.

  16. Blog 16
    Tyler Medina

    I think that college is an important decision that young adults are faced with. I think this because college isn't for everybody, some people may want to go and some people may not want to. I am asked what I want to do once I finish high school, and I literally have no idea as to what I'm going to do, I have no clue what I like to do now that I can apply when I'm older in a job. That would be one of the pitfalls of college, not knowing what you're going to study if you go there. Another pitfall about college is that if you want to study a certain subject, you may have to be in college for quite a few years.

    A benefit of college is being able to continue studying your passion for whatever subject you enjoy. College is more than just an option, it's an opportunity for many people who are trying to make something of themselves. A person who loves to help people may want to become a doctor, being able to go to college and proceed to study medicines and everything is perfect for someone who would like that profession. For example, my friend Landin Morris is a good friend and he enjoys helping others, he's helped me in the past and he continues to help others everyday by doing what he calls "tests". He has a passion for helping others, and him and I were talking one day about him becoming a doctor because of his love for helping people.

    1. Give examples for your first paragraph - what subjects do you mean? What are Landin's "tests"? Explain. Connect the story of Landin here to the topic -- would it be worth it for him to go to college?


  17. At our current age, college is still perceived as a far off subject. However, it is actually much closer than we think, only four years! I can't speak for other students, but whenever college is brought up in my house, my parents tell me there is no question; I'm going. However, the question has surfaced: is college worth it? Hundreds of polls have been taken, and one by TIME magazine shows that 86% of college graduates say that it was a good investment, while 6% say that it wasn't. However, 55% of grads say that a degree prepares them for a job, 74% say that it gives them intellectual growth, and 69% say that college gave them maturity. Most graduates I've met have said that their education was essential in Theiler career, and is definitely required for jobs such as ones in the medical field. These polls show us that feelings towards college from the grads themselves is that it's worth it.

    In the case of my parents, their college education at Ryder University is what prepared them for the military, and God knows you need to be equipped to handle that duty. It’s true that Americans have a sense of entitlement, such as we’re the best, and therefore need the best things. However, it is a basic right for all peoples to be able to receive an education, and we should strive to geth the best one we can get. All in all, I’d say college is worth, even if you have to work harder to get more out of it, you’ll be able to compete in the world.

    1. Interesting statistics - what do you think the differences between "intellectual growth", "maturity" and "job preparation" are? Which of those are most valuable?

  18. When it comes to college education, there are good be pitfalls and benefits. Future careers need a college education but the some don’t. For instance, being a cashier doesn’t require any more education besides elementary, middle, and high school. It doesn’t take a genius to take that job. But, a career that you will most definitely need a college education would be a doctor or CSI. To become a doctor you need to prove that you have a certain degree of knowledge of the human body. When it comes to being a CSI, you need to study different kinds of sciences, most likely forensics. As you can see, the jobs I’ve named are way different to each other whereas being a CSI or Doctor will make a ton more of money than being a cashier. The jobs that contain college experience will lead to higher succession rather than a job without education.
    We are allowed to have a good career after high school and college. But, the chances of having a beneficial career will be a lot greater with a college education than just coming out of high school and picking a job. The important and good paying jobs will be available to those who put the effort in and work for their future. The people that contribute to a big part our lives without thinking about it are those who save and help lives of the citizens. For instance, a police officer helps us by protecting us. (that career requires certain knowledge) They are known to be high in authority and people to look up to. The police are in that position because they did what they had to do; went to school after high school to be successful. It is also unfortunate to those who can’t afford a further education and have screwed up their chances. From analyzing and comparing whether college is important or not, it seems like staying on the side of education will come in handy will lead to better outcomes.

    1. Ideally, everyone would be able to get an education if they wanted one -- too bad money has to be a factor.

  19. Jonathan Meyer
    Blog 16
    College. The highest goal in a child’s educational life. From preschool one is being prepared to get to college. In high school people always say that they are preparing you (the students) for college, because it will be a lot of hard work. But the question is, is college worth it? I truthfully think it is, and I have been doing my best since letter grades were given out on report cards. This said I can understand if people don’t think college is worth it. There are many different reasons why college is a great place to go and to strive to go to, but also a place that really isn’t as important as it’s made out to be and causes complications.
    In college, a person usually majors in a certain area and minors in another area. All throughout schooling (preschool, elementary school, middle school, and high school) children and teens a variety of subjects, such as math, history, science, English, writing, and several Fine Arts courses. The problem is not every student likes every subject. I personally don’t care for history but I like math. In school students are forced to learn every subject that bureaucrats have considered the most important, math, history, language arts, and science and some students really hate some of these subjects are bored to death by them. When someone goes to college they get to choose what they learn and study. For example, my sister really wasn’t into math but she loved English sop when she went to college she majored in English and got to learn about English and enjoyed herself. Also, a college degree does go places. My sister wants to be a publisher. Now that she has a college degree and is going to grad school, she is much more likely to get the job. In a company’s mindset, they would want to hire a person who has done 4 years of schooling past high school over a person who stopped school right after high school, because they know the college graduate has been exposed to and has performed a lot of work and has is hard working.
    College is also an enormous economic problem nowadays. My sister went to Emerson College for 3 and a half year (the last year she did classes over summer so she graduated early in winter). The cost of each year of schooling was between 50,000 and 60,000 dollars. Emerson isn’t even a “big name college”. I’m sure if I asked some people in my grade what Emerson is they wouldn’t know. So if a less known and acclaimed school costs over $50,000 a year Harvard, Princeton, Yale and other well known colleges must cost in the hundreds of thousands. Not everyone can afford to pay tens of thousands of dollars a year for 4 years. My family is made up of 4 children, and all of us are going to college, by the time I finish college (I’m the youngest) my parents will be in an incredible debt that will also be each of my siblings and my debt. That isn't even a short term cost, that debt will last years and decades for each of my siblings and me. So even though a college degree will get us better jobs that pay well, the debt will cost more than we make for a long time. So the cost of college is an incredible downfall for most families, and some may say college isn't worth the money.

    1. *remember to capitalize the subjects -- Yikes, that's expensive. I know Princeton is in the $40,000 a year, though many students who go there are admitted with a scholarship which offsets the costs by a decent amount.

  20. Blog #16

    Is college necessary ? Is an extra four years and student loans necessary? It is estimated that about 15 to 25% of students in college drop out, having then to pay tremendous amounts of student loans that could take them a life time to pay out. But then again, those who do succeed in college, get the career they wanted to, and began a life of their own, which is about 75% of all college graduates. There are many view points and facts that can be stated out to see whether a college degree is worth it. But for me, I truly believe, the person who had a college degree, has a higher percentage of going out to the world prepared and mature and face the working life. I believe that with a college education, many doors of opportunities are opened to this person.
    A teacher of mine once told me "Those without a college degree, will most likely suffer from a lack of income, and regret not going to college to go for the career they want." Personally, half of me agree with this teacher, and the other half doesn't. This is because, a recent surfy showed that 53 percent of those who have a college degree, we're able to get a job they truly love and enjoy, and in addition, it also said that 51% of those without a college degree found a job they love to go to everyday. But then again, I lean more to the side the a college degree is worth it. All In all, college is worth it, because not only does the average college graduate make about $55,000 a year, which is 20,000 more than the average income of someone without a college degree, but they get to have more options to a job they are suitable and want for. There are roughly at least only 20 jobs that can compare to the amount a college graduate makes yearly, that only requires a high school diploma.Unless you are Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Mark Zukerberg, the possibility of getting an income more than a college graduate is very low. So remember kids, stay in school!

    1. I think it is entirely possible to not have a college degree and get a job you love, however, in most cases, you just have to come to terms that you will most likely not earn as much. As long as money isn't the thing that makes you most happy, than that is a perfectly logical choice.

  21. College is an expensive way but an obtainable way to stabilize your future. Colleges vary and it depends on your field of study for where you decide to go and where you are accepted. Without a college degree, people’s futures usually don’t look bright, as in jobs at McDonalds, or other basic jobs. McDonalds today is considered a job for the less-fortunate people in most circumstances. For teenagers or for people who can’t find any other jobs is usually what McDonald workers consist of. Many jobs that offer potential and growth with good pay, requires some type of college degree. There are many different fields of doctors that one can pick from. To get higher degrees would mean more schooling. A college degree is the selling point in getting a good, stable job. An employer would rather hire an individual with a college degree over someone without one. College is a time of commitment and determination to make a degree a reality. A college degree allows for the opportunity to get you a job of your interest and furthers your education. It’s so important during the high school years to have good grades, join clubs, and get involved with community service. When it’s time to apply for a college, each college will look at all those things to accept you or not. College is not mandatory; it’s a commitment to your future in being the best you can be at something. I often say, “love what you do and do what you love.”
    People can make very good money and become successful without the college degree. If a person inherits a wealthy business they can be set up for life with just something passed down to them. A teenager, even in rare cases, can create a smart invention that can spread wealthy amounts to the inventor. Ancestors, grand-parents parents, all may pass down the family business. There are many people who can’t afford to go to a college or even get accepted at one. College isn’t for everyone, as many people become successful within a trade. Vocational schools will allow for a bright future without college. Electricians, plumbers, beauticians, etc., can become very successful and even start their own businesses. Not everyone is cut out for college.

    1. Good example of the vocational schools and pointing out that those who start companies generally have investors and inheritance money.

  22. College can either be a good thing or a bad thing. As Clark Kerr, the former president of the University of California once said, "The job of a college is to provide parking for the faculty, sex for the students, and athletics for the alumni." Nowhere in there does it actually mention education. This is because college is not necessarily about learning everything you need to know about your future profession, it is about a piece of paper that says you have paid your money and now you can do that job. There are some people though who have gone on to become billionaires who never finished college, such as Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg. These types of success stories are very limited though, and for most jobs, especially now, degrees are required or at least recommended.
    While college can be very expensive, most high paying jobs require them such as being a lawyer or doctor. Sometimes in order to make money you have to spend money. It is far harder to find a well paying job without a degree rather than with one. The availability of jobs is limited as well as the salary range. Sometimes it is hard to afford college and student loans must be taken out, but with a higher paying job than those who do not go to college, it usually works out in your favor. Its like the Game of Life, the first choice you make is college or career, if you pick career, you will have more money in the beginning, but as the game goes on you'll fall behind and lose to those who spent the money and went to college.

    1. You have to remember that the two individuals you mentioned were highly educated without college and had original, marketable ideas. Inventors who are successful are rare.

  23. Nowadays, some college education is required for many jobs/careers. The importance of college education is needed especially with today’s economy. College is needed because with it, you are more likely to succeed in life. I believe that people drop out of college or simply do not go because they are lazy. They think that they can make a living just working at jobs such as “McDonalds”. A person with a college education has a better chance of getting a better paying job than someone who does not have one. Medical jobs that require no degree pay $20,000-40,000 annually, on average. Careers such as nursing requires a master degree and pay $60,000-90,000+ annually, on average.
    As you can see, the job that requires the degree pays more than the one that doesn’t. College may be expensive but it is necessary to be successful. There is also financial aid that helps pay the college. Even if you plan to be a mechanic or something similar, there are technical institutes made for that. It is convenient to have some sort of information on that.

    1. Good research in your first paragraph. You need specific examples in both paragraphs though - don't treat the second paragraph as a conclusion to the first, but elaborate and add to your arguments.


  24. A good education is a terrible thing to waste and or to miss out on. Life with a high school degree shows that you probably did the bare minimum of the ability granted to you. With a college degree that shows that there is greater determination and a brighter and usually easier future for the graduate. Nobody in my opinion is entitled to a successful future or a good career unless it was handed to them. Although, a degree can;t hurt the possibility of obtaining work. A college degree is more reliable to lean back on and is more impressive to the business that is hiring.

    There are high paying jobs that require a college education to participate in, jobs in which a high school diploma just isn’t enough. A college graduate is more likely to get a higher paying job than one with a high school education. There are some jobs however that have immense salaries that don’t require a college degree. I find these jobs to be the highest paying ones possibly in the world. They include acting, singing, and playing sports all for a career. Most famous people today fall under one of these descriptions and live fulfilled and easy lifes. However, those few individuals beat the odds of one in a million and most people won’t reach that point of utter luck.

    1. Give examples for each category you mention. Which actors don't have a college degree? It is very difficult to get an acting job without a theater or fine arts degree. You need specific examples.

  25. I know this by experience saying that I'm probably the only person that still is undecided ion what to do after graduation. I know that this is my last year to make a decision but its a bit hard when it comes down the final answer. In one way college does seem worth for the reason being that it gets the degree and certification In the field that you are trying to pursue in. It allows you to get that position that you studied your hiney off for.
    But when it comes down to the idea of me not going to college, its a bit difficult. This is because I can just imagine myself, 5 years from with my parents, and still being employed at a minimum wage paying job. In reality it all depends on how we do in school, our work ethic. Do we meet the standards that we wanted to achieve on the SAT scores? And then from their we weight out or options for the future; if I have decent grade, hen I wouldn't apply to Harvard or Stanford for the reason being that there is a high risk that I won't meet their standards that they are looking for.

  26. Adam Diaz

    College education in todays world is viewed as very important while it all matters on what field of work you are going into. I do believe a college education is very important with our job opportunities just dropping and dropping and soon you won't be able to get some jobs without a college degree. I know a certain person that does not have a college degree yet he is doing very well in life, in fact he is doing better then most and that certain person just happens to be my father. I will talk about him in the second paragraph but for now I have another example which just happens to be one of my dads best friends. He is an electrician that has three kids and just bought a new house, which is pretty nice. You don't need to have to have a college education to become a electrician yet they make a good amount of money; this type of job takes a lot more hours and manual work but it pays and it pays good.
    My father does not have a college degree yet he makes it pretty good. Just to give an example on how much he makes, he has both a 90,000 and a 70,000 dollar car. My dad is a very nice person and that is kind of how he runs his business; He owns a delivery business and his clients like him a lot because of him being so kind and that is something that you do not learn in college. I know that jobs are becoming rarer and rarer, because of that I will probably inherit my dad's business. I know I don't need to have to have a college experience to inherit my father's business but I would like to get a degree in business so that I could run the business even better. Overall I believe it is a good idea to get a college degree for most people. I still am undecided on what I am going to do but if I go with the choice to inherit my father's business I don't need a college degree but I would prefer one.

  27. In my opinion, we are entitled to do whatever we want with our lives. We can go to college stay at home and do nothing or even go to a trade. So, in other words we are entitled to have a good carrer after high school (if we want to). This is that same after college as well (if some people decide to go to college. Let’s say if someone were not to go to college that is all on them. If they don’t amount up to any of this it doesn’t mean that they are failures. For example, that are tons of brilliant and rich people that haven’t gone to college and they are really successful. This is why I get angry when everyone says you have to go to college because you don’t have to be successful.

    With the economy now a days, it is hard to find a job. Even with a college diploma it isn’t really promising. So in a since it’s worthless to have a diploma. In addition the one thing I hate the most is when people think that they are better than everyone else just because they went to school for above and beyond. There are millions of people that would love to go to school and college but they simply can’t afford it. If this is so, no one should have to get put down and no one should be little them and think that they are stupid when they aren’t. Everyone is entitled to have a right to go to college and have a successful life. But at the same time, it doesn’t mean that you won’t amount up to anything if you don’t.
