
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Blog 12: Entertainment vs. Necessity

Due Tuesday January 15, 2013
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? People should sometimes do things that they DO NOT enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer in a minimum of 2 well constructed and creative paragraphs. Make sure to include specific scenarios or details. Think about the answers to the following in formulating your response?
  • Can the things we do not enjoy sometimes teach a valuable lesson?
  • Is it merely a waste of time when you have to do something you don't like?
  • In life, are there specific situations that you may not enjoy but that you have to participate in anyway? Why?
  • How would you deal with a situation that you do not enjoy?


  1. Doing things that you don't want to do in life is common. Manny people hate work and school and never want to go but if you don't go then you cant get paid or get a good education. When there are things that others what you to do for them but you get no reward from it you many people just say no. Its a waste of time to just go out of your way when it doesn't benefit you.

    Being a part of a sports team requires you to be at practice all the time no matter how the weather is. I hate going to practice but love playing in the games. If I miss practice then i wont be able to play in the games then I would be very upset. I would say the only time you should do something you don't like it should only benefit you.

    1. I can relate to your second paragraph, especially when you write that you hate practice but love playing in a game. I also agree that you should only do something if it benefits you! Great points, Rae.

  2. Everything in life isn't going to be sugar coated and clear cut, so of course it seems that people do participate in things they don't want to- merely by choice or by force. In general, most people don't love to go to work EVERY single day, to study for tests and quizzes or even simply go grocery shopping. One way to look at it is, if everyone decided to not participate in things they didn't want to do nothing would get done. For example, if President Barack Obama felt compelled to sit around for an entire day and not do any paperwork just because he didn't desire to, many things could go wrong. Certain bills would take even longer to get passed and urgent calls might not even be answered. Not everything will be fair and fun, but after all the lessons learned and the tasks taken on that no one wanted to do, it will pay off.

    Some things can't really be taught, they have to be learned; in essence, learning a lesson "the hard way". When I was first signed up as a girl scout I was hesitant and I didn't understand why my mother had put me on the list. Still as a girl scout, it seems to almost be the last thing I wish to take part in. Meetings, awards and projects are very time consuming and I dread them as I do them. However, throughout these projects I've learned the importance of community service, the emotional aspect of giving and receiving and I've picked up minor skills on the way. Through 9 years of scouting almost against my will, I have been taught so many important lessons and the organization is entirely beneficial to my future. I learned to keep myself motivated and remind myself of the prize at the end of the rainbow. This has become my common method for helping me stay focused and participate in the things that I must. A quote that reminds me that not everything will be simple and inspires me to keep going, is stated, "No one ever said life would be easy, they said it'd be worth it."

  3. Life throws many things at you you might not appreciate nor enjoy doing. Sometimes doing something you don't yearn can teach you how to do something in the future. For example, in school sometimes you have to do what teachers say. Like learning goods you might think are a waist and don't need to learn for the future. you need it most when watching a movie like 300. the human brain wants to learn and know about many thing. Such us, wanting to know who character's and what they did in their life time. Also, you want to know who the 300 Spartan's were and their background.
    People that are out in situations in which they are stuck doing something against their will, hate it. For instants, slaves revolted in Haiti when they realized they were being treated equally. They dealt their situation by fighting for revolution and freedom from France. This happened around 1793-ish when young Napoleon, was at the thrown. Even though Napoleon sent his Army their the Haitian slaves won their Revolution and freedom. Even though they won their revolution they still speak the french language. All in all, new experiences help you in the future in ways you might bot think they will.

    1. the second paragraph start at "People that are..."

  4. In life, we’re not always going to enjoy everything we do; sometimes it is something that needs to be done. In order to achieve success, you have to give up the things you do enjoy, and make sacrifices for your own good. For example, you can ask any student, from any age, and the majority if not all would say they didn’t enjoy all the school work. However, they did/continue to do the work because they knew it was something they needed to do in order to succeed and keep moving up in life. From a young child, to a young adult, completing this work can be a time consuming, thought provoking task, but in order to learn all the things they need to keep expanding their knowledge, it must be done.
    In addition, another example of this could be the countless practices for a sport. Every athlete looks forward to the game where they finally get to perform in front of people and face a real opponent, but everyone can agree they wouldn’t be able to do the things they do in games if they didn’t do them at practice. Although practice is where all the hard work is, the game is just the reward at the end of it all, without the practice, the game wouldn’t even matter. The things you do in games don’t just come to you; it requires lots of practice and hard work. In most cases it’s not always the most enjoyable thing to attend every day, but it will all pay off when your team finally succeeds and can say that all the hard work was worth it after a big win.

  5. There are many tasks or other time consuming events that we sometimes just don’t feel like doing. This is a normal feeling for everyone however; one shouldn’t view these tasks as useless or unnecessary. Even though one might not have interest in this task or just don’t want to complete a time consuming assignment, there is usually a reason as to why we are forced to do these certain things. One may not see it a first, but the outcome of doing certain tasks could benefit us in ways we never imagined.

    A very good example of this is school and the work that comes along with it. Almost every student would say they hate homework and would never want to do it. In the end, however, they end up doing it because they know it will injure their grade if they don’t complete their assignment. This also applies to studying for tests and quizzes; this is extremely time consuming and tiring. In the long run, the preparation will give that individual a better chance of getting a good grade, increasing their average for the class. Then, when we apply for colleges and they look at our averages for each year, they determine whether or not we will be accepted. So, even though studying and homework can be very annoying tasks, completing them and getting the good grade will do nothing but benefit us later on in life.

  6. In life, we are all going to have to do something that we would rather not do. However, just because we don't want to do it, it does not mean that we shouldn't get it done. For example, from being a student, one can expect endless amounts of projects, lab reports and essays. Most students would rather hang out with their friends, or participate in their extra curricular activities then work on these time consuming school assignments. However, if we, as students, do not complete any of our projects, lab reports, and essays, we will not be able to excel in high school. This could lead to not even graduating high school. If we do graduate, we will not have a great enough work ethic to become successful in either college, or whatever career we choose to spend the rest of our lives in.

    The most important concept to remember when knowing you have assignments due soon that you do not want to complete, is to not procrastinate. Most students do not want to even look at their assignment that they know is going to be challenging. Instead of waiting until the last minute to complete a lab report that takes five hours, one should do a little bit of this lab report everyday for the rest of the week. That way, when it is the night before the lab is due, one only has a little, if not any work to do. So, instead of having to stay up all night doing homework, we as students can get a good night's sleep. Procrastination is not a healthy habit. This is something every student can learn from doing things they do not want to. It is important to face challenges head on, especially when it is something you prefer to not do.

  7. You can’t always do the things you want to do; sometimes you have to do things that are forced upon by somebody else. Life isn’t just a joy ride of fun and games, it’s a roller coaster with twists and turns and sometimes when you’re in that completely happy spot, you go up hill for a change. Most of the time when someone does something they don’t want to do it involves school or work. When we do things we don’t like the majority of the time in benefits us. Most children or teenagers don’t like going to school, they want to participate in other fun activities, but going to school is the only way they can get a good education and go on to have a successful life. In this situation, school is beneficial to their life.
    To deal with a situation that is not enjoyable, most people just fight through the agony of being there and think of other things like going home, they don’t think about what the benefits the situation they’re in are providing. Many adults do not like their jobs but in reality most of the jobs they do give them life skills. No matter where you are, even if you don’t like it, you are learning something just by being there. Overall, sometimes we have to do things we don’t like so we can learn and be able to do the things we want.

  8. Sometimes, people have to do things that they don’t necessarily enjoy doing. This can be a positive thing, however it can also be negative, depending on the situation. If doing something you don’t want to will pay off in the long run, then yes, it should have to be done. For example, going to school. Many people can agree that school is not their favorite thing ever. However, our parents/guardians push us to finish school because it will help us find a job later in life. If school wasn’t beneficial in any way, i’m sure nobody would show up. We go through school for the benefit of being successful later on in life. Also, the benefit could be short term as well. For example, making dinner. Maybe cooking isn’t everyone’s favorite thing to do, but after you get it over with, you get to enjoy a fresh, home made meal. Doing things you don’t want to can sometimes bring better things after you’re finished.
    Even though doing things we don’t want to can be good for us, they can also be bad. A person shouldn’t be forced into doing something that they don’t want to, especially if it’s not going to help them in the future. For example, if your friend asked you to do all of their homework for them, would you do it? Most likely not, because doing homework isn’t enjoyable, and doing theirs wouldn’t benefit you in any way. In this case, doing the homework would be nothing but a waste of time, because it’s not making things any better for you. If anything, it’s making things worse by taking up time that you could be using doing other things. A person should only things that they don’t enjoy if it will benefit them later on.
    Doing things that we don’t like to can also teach us valuable lessons. For example, those who went to Faber Elementary School know very well that if you didn’t do your homework, you didn’t get to go to recess. No one wanted to sit there and do nothing while everyone else got to go outside, however, it would teach you not to skip a homework assignment again. Also, getting back on the school subject, no one necessarily wants to be in school for five days a week, but every day we learn something new in class. These lessons can help a person later in life, when they will need this knowledge. While doing something they don’t want to (that will benefit them), a person should have a positive attitude. They should be aware that the experience is only going to bring good things after it’s over. All in all, we will have to do these things anyways, so we might as well just get them over with.

    1. Great job doing the blog, Keri!! I agree with your points, depending on the situation makes a difference. Getting them over with is great advice! Nicely done :)

  9. The things that we do not enjoy can teach us a valuable lesson. For example, many of us students do not enjoy school. Though we have to go and do our homework to have an education and to be successful in life. Many students want to be lawyers and doctors, but to become that you have to go to school and do all the work that is given to you. Also, its good doing things non-school relating. For example, if you don't like a food you haven't tried, how would you know if you like it if you never try it? Many kids now a days say they don't like this or that when they never tried it. Like in my experienced, i didn't want to learn how to ride my bike when i was little but my dad kept on saying to ride my bike. But i just ignored and said that i didn't like it. Then my dad said to try it because how would i know that i don't like if it i never tried it. I thought about it and told my dad that ill try it. As i kept on trying and trying, i began to like it and till now i still like riding my bike.

    I would deal with a situation that i didn't like is that i would keep saying to try it, because no one knows if you would like it or not. But if it's something that i really don't like i would try it but not really enjoy it. One thing that my dad thought me was to try something new everyday, either if it's in school or outside of school. Another thing that i do is see the positive side of the situation. If there's a negative side i ignore it and just keep thinking of the positive side. Others may have other strategies but these are some strategies that i use to try something new that i don't like.

  10. Everybody always has to do certain things that they don’t enjoy doing we all have been in this situation. Whether it is family, friend, school, or work related everybody has been in a situation where they had to do something that they didn’t want to do. For instance, students all the time never want to do any of their homework because they don’t enjoy doing it at all they would rather much do something else with friends instead. Although we can’t not do our homework because if we weren’t to do our homework there would be consequences when we were to go back to school the next day. Another situation is with family, the majority of kids all have chores at home and all children without a doubt they all do not like them at all. They would all rather do something else instead of them, yet we have to because our parents want us to do them and we can’t just say, “No” to our parents that’s not the right thing to do.
    Although, we feel the things we don’t want to do in life but forced too are pointless some may teach us life lessons such as being on time with certain things when it comes to school and homework or things that will help you in life when it comes to chores with your family. If I am ever in a situation that I do not enjoy but it is forced upon me I find ways to make it more exciting for myself rather than saying that it’s a waste of time and pointless. I’d rather make the best of it than complain about. Therefore, doing certain things that we really don’t want to do, but we must can teach us very important things in life and if you don’t think you won’t have fun doing so try to make the best out of it.

  11. At some point in our lives there will be a time when we have to do something we do not enjoy. This is a part of life. Doing things you are not positive you like is very important because it can actually lead people to find things they do enjoy. For example, if someone was forced to go skydiving even though they were positive they would hate it, in the end they might come to the conclusion that they would love to become a pilot. Although these are not the same things, they are similar. Without taking risks on things we are not sure about, our lives would be boring and predictable.
    Doing something you do not like is definitely not a waste. Getting out of your comfort zone can bring you closer to people, whether it be by bonding with others who hate this certain activity too, or simply learning unusual things about others. This can also lead to meeting new people, who might make what you're doing enjoyable, even if you are not crazy about the activity itself. I think doing things you do not enjoy should be strongly encouraged.

    1. NICE. I really enjoyed reading your paragraphs. They're both well constructed and you include bright idea in them . Keep up the good work Em! :)

  12. Some things that we may not enjoy can definitely teach us a lesson. Things such as sitting down as a family eating dinner can be a very important lesson to people. If a family does not eat as a family at least once a week, there could possibly be tensions between the members of the family. We may not enjoy sitting down at the table and eating with every member of the family all the time, but it teaches us a lesson of tradition and the importance of family. Family is important in the big scheme of things in life. Family is important because in the end, family is the only ones that will be there for you.
    Another situation that we may not enjoy is doing homework. We may not enjoy doing homework, but it is a valuable lesson for us to learn in order to be able to do work in the future, after our shift is over. However, we do homework just to get it over with, but it can be helpful to us in the future. I deal with those situations by just doing them. I know it could help me in the long run, so I do it anyway, even though I may not enjoy it.

  13. (Part I of II)
    ¶ Indeed people need to do some things that they do not enjoy! Imagine a life when one does not do something they are asked to do. No one would find their true calling in life. For example, without learning the history basics, one could go through life up until a certain point. Once they realize that nothing is working out, they could go back to their history that they despise. After a while, they could realize that history is their true passion.
    ¶ One may also not enjoy learning math as an example. If every five year old gave up math before learning 2+2, they wouldn't stand a chance in the world. In grocery shopping, they would over spend or under spend and have no idea. They could be thrown in jail for speeding when they don’t know that they’re going 50 mph while the sign says 25 mph. Over all, almost every five year old doesn't like math and wants to give it up as soon as they start it; without it, they would ultimately fail at life.
    ¶ Though one may not enjoy everything they do, it can still teach a valuable lesson. For example, is someone doesn't like listening to people, they may end up somewhere they do not want to be. Sometimes, people don’t enjoy listening. Without learning the valuable lesson of listening, someone could be thrown in the slammer or end up dead. Usually, common sense and other’s words would influence one to not jump off a bridge. Without learning common sense or listening skills, they may jump off the bridge just to see what it is like and end up dead. Skills are taught and learned for a lesson, not just for fun, and some skills will teach a valuable lesson and save lives overall.
    ¶ It is not a waste of time to do something one may not like. Like the above examples, it can save a life! Learning can help lives, save lives, and save more lives. One may be thrown out on the streets due to their poor skills in school because they do not like to do things. They could grow poor and have no clothes to wear, food to eat, or a house to live in, all because they decided that since they don’t like something (school; for example), that they simply won’t do it. It can save lives due to common sense skills; when one does not have common sense, they could kill themselves some how. It can save even more lives due to the fact that some people will kill others by accident because of poor learning and thoughts about doing things they do not like. For example, if someone does not like going to driving school and likes to just hop in a vehicle and drive because the driving school was not entertaining, they could be thoughtless and crash and kill more people in traffic. All in all, a waste of time for necessities is just plain wrong; time is just a number, lessons save lives.

  14. (Part II of II)
    ¶ Though school is a big example of things one may do that they don’t want to do, everyone should and has to participate. Almost everyone who is given the chance to enroll in school who has never gone before is more than likely going to flat out say no. People may not like to participate in school because it seems boring and a waste of life. One spends x amount of hours (usually 8) locked in a building with annoying people that they see x amount of hours 5 days a week for 9 months. It doesn't seem appealing to many, which is why the drop out rate is approximately 8% for 16-24 year olds as of 2010. Participating in school is a great example of what some people do not want to participate in but do anyway.
    ¶ On a personal level, I have a very important way and in my opinion, wise way of dealing with things I do not want to do. When something occurs, such as doing homework, going to work, cleaning the house, or anything else I may not want to do, I think to myself, “In the long run, this will impact me positively, though not now, just wait and see. The future matters, not the present right now”. I know if I go to work now, the money will add up and I will a) have money and b) not need to work as much later. I know when I clean the house, it will not be dirty and work will be saved for the future. Though I don’t feel like doing my homework right now, it will impact my grade and I will look back and ask, “Why didn't I just do it and get it over with?”. The future matters, not present opinions and feelings. More rather than less, ass up and make your later life fit into a whole. Missing that home work assignment could be the grade between all A’s and all A’s and a B. It could also mean the difference between a D and a F average, making one re-do their whole subject career as a result. Over all, it is very important to do things one may not want to do.

  15. Doing things that you don't want to do in life is something good. Everything in life is not always going to be easy, there is always going to be a bad thing in your way that might make you want to stop but at the end you are going to have to get through them. In your life you have to take risk, for you to be able to learn from them and find things that you never thought you would find. Doing thing like this make you realize what the real world is about and help you grow up and be a better person in life.

    Trying something new in life is not a waste of time ,at all. It teach us to be better and helps us to learn from our mistakes and things we don't like. If people don't trie on doing things they don't like, they might lose something good out there for them. At the end they won't know it, because they didn't take the risk, to find out what was there for them. Therefore, doing certain things that we really don’t want to do,may change our lives and change the way we are in so many different ways

  16. I agree with this statement. People should do thing that they do not enjoy doing. Doing things out of ones element can push them to learning a valuable lesson. Life is not all about doing things that you only like to do, certain things could benefit you later on in life. For example, as a girl scout I am required to take a CPR class. Although I do not want to pursue in any career that is relevant to health and aid, it will always be helpful to have a CPR certification for any future career. Doing thing that one may not enjoy could benefit in many ways.

    Experience is a true benefit from doing thing one does not want to. Rather than being taught everything people have to learn by experience of how certain things in the world work. It is never a waste to time to get a good learning experience in life. People have to do things they do not want to do sometimes because they take on responsibilities and we might also learn about something new that can enhance our lives.

    1. I enjoyed reading your comment! You are very right when you mentioned that doing things out of someones element can be a valuable lesson. You brought out really good points to back up your opinion about this topic. Great job, Sydney!

  17. Everyone will experience doing something that they may not enjoy. It does not seem fair to encounter such a thing, but that is life. It is not always necessarily a waste of time when doing something one may not like. By doing something undesirable, often a valuable lesson is learned. For example, many students hate going to school. The work, projects, homework, and sometimes the people can cause negative feelings or interests. In the long run, school is a valuable thing because it basically is the beginning of each student’s adult life. Meeting up with all the requirements that school brings is very much non-enjoyable, yet it must be done to create a future.
    One thing I despise doing is my chores. I doubt any teenage enjoys doing chores. Dusting, vacuuming, laundry, and organization are the weekly chores I dread to do. My motivation to do such things is the money I receive at the end of the week. Although so many people find chores to be a pain, they are actually preparing teenagers and young kids for when they grow to be adults. By doing chores, we will be aware of what to do when we must clean our own houses, and how to do these things. By the time we all grow to be adults, cleaning, dusting, vacuuming and things like that will become the norm and will not be such a big deal when we are able to own our own houses.

  18. Sometimes in life, we are forced to do things we don’t want to do. Unfortunately, that is just the way life is; you are not always going to get or do what you want in life. For instance, not many people actually enjoy going to school and work. However, even though they dislike going, it is worth it in the end since it leads to positive things and success in life. For instance, you may not like going to school, but without it, you would have a bad, unsuccessful future.

    There are many examples of how things you dislike doing can teach a valuable lesson. For instance, going to school/work can teach a person manners and educational skills, even though they dislike going. Also, it is definitely not a waste of time doing things you don’t like, for the same exact reason. Even though you don’t like doing something, all of the time spent doing it will pay off in the end when it leads to success. In addition, everyone must go to school, even if they don’t enjoy it, by law. The purpose of this is because the government and associations realize that most people wouldn’t go to school if they weren’t forced, since most people dislike it. However, they force kids to go to school and get an education since they know it will be worth it in the end, and lead to a better, smarter society. The intelligent way to deal with having to do things you dislike is to think about what positive things will come when it’s over. For instance, when someone is doing something they don’t enjoy, they should think about how it will all be worth it in the end. This is how I cope in situations I don’t enjoy. All in all, doing things you dislike can teach important lessons and can lead to positive things in the end, even though you may dislike doing them.

    1. Great examples! Your response was really thought out and well written. Awesome job, Nicole!

  19. A person cannot go through life without experiencing something that they do not enjoy; it’s simply a fact. Doing something one does not like doesn’t mean it’s a waste of time. Most things people do not enjoy doing require effort and a reward that is not tangible. However, the prize for making it through the task is a lesson or a new understanding of something. For example, people who volunteer to pick up trash from beaches are not paid. They are rather rewarded with knowing that they did something to help the environment they live in.

    Something I do not enjoy completing is homework. Most teenagers would rather scroll through Tumblr or practice sport skills, than sit down with a Geometry textbook and complete proofs. However, every night that homework is assigned, I take the time to do it. Although there is a bit of frustration involved, I realize that the extra practice will only benefit my test grade. The best way to deal with situations such as homework is to grin and bear it. Homework will never be a task that someone is happy to complete, though it is a necessity for later in life. By learning work ethics in high school, a person has a slightly brighter future for their adult years.

    1. I think you did a really good job with the second paragraph because its so relatable to many and true! Your first paragraph was nice too because many people all over the world do good works for different things. Great job Rachel :)

  20. I strongly agree with this statement. People should definitely take some of their time to take part in doing the things that they have no interest in. One reason is because of how beneficial certain activities could be. For instance, several students have no interest in reading on a daily basis. If they started to thoroughly read several books, they may start to retain the knowledge that is needed for them to become successful in life. Some things that could be learned are the style of grammar, the proper way to act, and several other things included in a specific book. Reading a book is one of the many disliked activities that could be valuable to people of all ages.

    In addition, some activities that are admired and are strongly liked usually have a cost to them. For example, if someone wanted to go ice skating, it would cost money to take part in the activity. While doing other things that are not liked and that have no cost, people may start to appreciate how they are capable and wealthy enough to do the things that they do regularly. Tons of people do “boring” things throughout their lifetime because they have no choice but to do it. These people are the ones who have difficulties financially and that cannot afford what most people can. When both boys and girls realized what they are able to do, there could be a possibility for them to start doing the activities that they would not find themselves doing normally. Everyone should do the things that they do not enjoy sometime in their life.

  21. I very much agree with the statement that individuals should do things even if they do not like it. Not all life lessons are learned through fun ways like watching the latest episode of Barney or Elmo, two shows that have ingrained moral lessons in every show. I have learn through two personal encounters that an individual must persevere through unpleasant experiences in order to learn important lessons. Moving and attending school are two experiences that most dislike, but both teach very important lessons and skills.

    The summer before 7th grade was challenging time for me as I had to cope with moving from my beloved East Brunswick to a new foreign town called Dunellen. I reluctantly packed my bags and said good bye to my beautiful house. Although I did not realize it yet, moving would teach me very important lessons. Moving has taught me to understand that not everything is permanent. You can suddenly move, because it is easier for your sister to commute to school. I have learned to become more open to change and even embrace it, because I never know what may happen in the future. Moving to Dunellen turned out to be a great change as I have met many wonderful new people who have became not only my friends, but my family as well.

    Face it, most children dislike going to school. Early mornings, constant homework, and short weekends would make anyone find school an unpleasant experience. What most people do not realize is that school teaches many important skills and lessons aside from textbooks and homework. School requires interaction among other students and teachers which allows a student to develop effective communication skills. Students must learn how to be a team player and cooperate in group projects. Listening to directions is another important skill taught in school. All these learned skills will help an individual succeed in college and the workforce.

  22. I agree with the statement, that people should do things that they don't enjoy doing. If we don't try things, then it is impossible to learn valuable lessons in life. Necessity is greater than pleasure, and that is just ,how life is. You can't always take things easy and think that things are just going to come to you, you have to work hard to gain. Like the famous saying "No pain, no gain" which not only refers to sports but this too. even if you don't like to something have to do it and if you don't then you will obviously not gain.

    I don't think that doing disliked things are a waste of time, as I said before "How will you learn valuable lessons?" Using your time on trying these things will teach lessons, and maybe even you will start liking it. In life. there's many situations that we don't enjoy, I can relate to this everyday when we get homework from teachers, I'm pretty sure no one likes to have homework but it helps you become smarter, and get a more better practice and understanding of things. Some of these situations I usually don't like to deal with, but to encourage myself to keep trying hard and doing things is to just do it because I remember that it will all pay off and I will end up with a finishing reward.

  23. I agree with the statement that people should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. In life we always have to do things we don't want to but as time passes they can become life lessons. For example: not many teens like going to school, some are forced to go or some just go because they have nothing else to do at home. What they don't realize in time is that school becomes the key in making friends, getting an education, and probably in meeting the person your going to be with for the rest of your life. Even though teens complain about going to school, they still try to make the best out of it so it's not a waste of time.

    Just how teens have an everyday activity: to go to school, parents have their jobs in which they may not like doing it but do it either way. Parents are sometimes forced to work in jobs that don't pay well enough or isn't the field that they studied for, they do this because of their kids. They work so that they can supply their kids with what they need, even if their own job makes them weak time by time. We all have to make sacrifices wether we like it or not, which includes doing things that we don't want to do.

  24. I very much agree with the statement that people should sometimes do things that they do not want to do. One of the obvious examples is schooling. For the majority of us, we go to school from the time we are 5 in kindergartedn, to the time we're 18 and seniors in highschool(which is requireed.)Aside from book knowelege you learn at school, just being in the academic environment, you can also learn vaulable lessons on how to deal with relationships and it can also help you develope proper communication skills. Being around the same people for an extended amount of time can really help you learn valuable lessons about life.

    Being forced to do things in all honesty really insn't that bad. If you're being forced to do something then it has to be for some type of reason that will benefit school. Homework, for one example, increasing your knoweleg of the subject you're learning at that period and gives you a better understanding. It benefits you in the long run and helps boost your grades up. Being in school also helps you realize who you should and shouldn't associate with. With tons of homework, 7 hours in a building with people you don't like, and short weekends, anybody could say they don't like school. But in the end, it really does make a difference.

  25. In life not always you're going to do something that's always fun. There's always something that's important to do but it's not fun, for example for little kids they don't like showering they hate it. The defiantly prefer playing but u always have to shower in life it's a important. You always have to be clean for every reason. So when little kids are older they would learn that when there parents told them to take a shower when they were young they meant it for a reason.
    In life not everything is gonna be fun. If some stuff is fun it's good but if there's something important you need to do for example is learn how to wash the dishes is not fun but its one of the stuff you need to know for when you're older. So when you live by you're self and you have to do the dishes or the laundry you would know already.

  26. I agree with this statement that sometimes an individual has to do something they simply do not want to do. It's just part of life. It isn't always fun doing the things you don't like, but they have to get done sooner or later. Some say it is a waste of time doing something that you don't like, but it's really not. Maybe if you do something so much you will soon learn to like it. Or it can be the exact oppsite, you can grow to hate it.It can also teach a lesson that sometimes everything doesn't go our way.

    One thing i hate doing is cleaning my room. I can't stand it. Every Saturday after basketball practice I;m stuck cleaning my room before I do anything. I'd really just relax instead, but it has to be done. For a while i'll mope around because i don't want to clean. After I clean i sometimes think to myself that if i simply kept my room clean, I wouldn't have to do this every weekend, maybe just once in a while.So doing things you do not want to do can teach lessons.

  27. You will always have to do something you would not like, suppose you get a job you dont want. Obviously your going to have to go stuff you dont like. Another example could be is, when your parents tell you do something you dont like, you have to do it because they're the poeple who supply with food abnd shelter. Sometimes you have to do stuff you don't like out of respect.
    In sports this helps alot, because suppose you need to get better in soccer. Tennis can help out with your reflexes, and track with your stamina and speed, another that helps you in soccer is baseball, because it help with your timing when to hit the ball. If you love soccer, but don't like any of these sports this can help you out, get better at it physcially and mentally.

  28. In life you have to do things that may not like, such as go to school or go to work. But to matter what you still have to do these things. yo have to go to school because it helps you get smarter and helps you have a better future. Schools help in a way that other people can't. schools show you how to write, read, and math. this can help you get a job.

    You need a job to servive in the world. it feed you and your family. it also helps you live a good life. with money you can buy a house, car, and go on trips. with money you'll live a comfortable life

  29. In life you have choices. Not all the choices you make are going to make you happy. But even though they don't make you happy they are still the right choice. Some of these choices are going to school and work. Even though you don't like going to these its the right thing to do.

    Not a lot of people like going to school or work but its a thing a lot of people have to do. If you don't go to school and don't get a education if could mess up your whole life. School is something have to do to be something in life. Also not a lot of people like going to work. But they have to do it to support there family. With out a income of money from a job a lot of thing could go wrong. Such as staving to death and homelessness.
