Stories about actual happenings and events without a personal bias or opinion are considered to be news articles. They strictly outline the who, what, where, when and why of an event. These appear in the news section of the periodical, on the front page of a newspaper. For example, a news story about 9/11 would explain the people involved, the number of casualties and the circumstances of the tragedy. There is little to no emotion in these articles, and if there is it is always from a third party via an interview. Articles are researched and fact based; they use support and analysis.
An opinion based piece such as a review, advice column or
rant, written using strong language, persuasion and emotionally charged
Fact – something that can be proven true
Opinion-thoughts on a subject, not necessarily informed by fact,
often informed by emotion; a belief, judgment, or way of thinking about
something.Informed Opinion-thoughts on a subject by someone who is familiar with facts, studies, trends or firsthand experience
Directions: In the scenarios below
decide which are “facts”, “opinions” or “informed opinions” and then write down
your answer in the space next to the sentence giving it an “F”, “O” or “IO”.
¾ Michael Phelps won more Olympic medals for swimming than anyone else in history.
¾ There is no way to really tell if Michael Phelps is the greatest swimmer in the history of the world, but he is definitely very good at swimming and the argument could be made that he was the greatest competitive swimmer in the world at one time.
¾ Pizza is the best food, ever.
¾ There isn’t a way to really find out for certain what the most popular food in the U.S. is.
3. Animals
¾ Mudpuppies spend their entire lives underwater and are distinguished as the only salamanders that make sound—a dog-like barking.
¾ The Hammerhead Shark is the most dangerous sharks…just look at it!
¾ The Bird of Paradise is one of the best known dancers in the animal kingdom. See the article here.
¾ Twilight
is the best movie of all time.___ Avatar used a new form of 3D technology that proved more impressive than earlier methods.
¾ Gravity is the highest grossing film of all time.
___ Leonardo DiCaprio's performance in The Great Gatsby was received favorably by some critics.
Examples: Identify if the piece posted is an article or an editorial. Give reasons and specific examples that inform your opinion.