
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Research Paper All in One Worksheet Packet

As usual, Click on the image to download the packet for the research paper. There are many more pages here than what I handed out - they will help you organize if you're stuck.

Blog 22 - Education

If we are afraid to reveal our lack of knowledge we will not be able to learn. In order to make progress we must admit where we are now. Such an admission of ignorance is not easy. As Thoreau says, “How can we remember our ignorance which our growth requires, when we are using our knowledge all the time?"

Does the present system of education encourage us to admit our lack of knowledge, or is there too much pressure to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge? Plan your response, and then write a two paragraph response (without repeating anyone else's points). You may also take the cartoon into your evaluation and discuss what it's trying to convey about the education system as the artist perceives it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blog 21 - Forgiveness

DUE TUESDAY April 23rd, 2013
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”-M.K.Gandhi

Assignment: Do you agree or disagree with the quote above? Is it true that only weak can never forgive? Or in this modern world, forgiveness is attributed to the ones who are weak? Plan your outlook on the issue and then formulate the essay with substantial evidence from your daily observation or experiences. Support your argument with examples from literature, film, history, or science for at least one of the two body paragraphs required. Make sure to read other responses so that you DO NOT repeat examples that were already mentioned.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Blog 20 - What Law/Rule Would You Change?

All communities, rather large or small, have laws and expectations when it comes to the behavior of the members. Rules and laws are meant to keep order and peace in the community, and to ensure the safety of as many members as possible. Some countries have laws that promote equality of individuals while others purposely prefer a hierarchical structure where benefits depend on a person’s position and contribution to the community.

Think about the laws and rules we have in the United States and in Dunellen High School. If you could change or abolish a law/rule (either at the federal, state, or school level) what law/rule would it be? Make sure to provide an explanation of your choice (min of 2 paragraphs). How do you see the law/rule harming people? What would changing or abolishing this law/rule change about the community? How would we be better without this law/rule? What do you suggest as an alternative to this law/rule.
In addition to your own post, please reply to  someone else's in a few sentences. Remember, do not repeat a rule someone has already mentioned (unless you have something significant to add)

Primary vs. Secondary Sources