
Thursday, June 12, 2014

EXTRA CREDIT BLOG - So Long, Farewell

Dear Students  (of both the 3rd and the 9th period),

So, as the school year draws to an end, I would like to sincerely express my gratitude to you as a group for making the year a memorable one. We’ve had some good times, some bad times, and I’m not going to lie, some rather frustrating times during which I just wanted to cry and/or scream alternately for the lack of effort I witnessed. However, the delights far outweighed the vexations. Despite some of the trials and tribulations and the turbulent waters, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our conversations – both those related to the literature and writing and those about generalities and themes of life. I feel that we’ve created a classroom environment that fostered learning, sharing and honesty (yes, I know some of you didn’t read the assigned material and that some of your responses were not entirely your own – but I still hope you learned something of value from our time together). I appreciate that you’ve trusted me with your experiences and stories (your secrets are safe with me) and that you’ve listened to mine in return. I can say with sincerity that I appreciate the fact that both groups generally lifted my spirits when I was down, and I shared welcomed and much needed laughs with. I know school and life can sometimes be trying and stressful, but with the generally pleasant and friendly atmosphere created in our room I hope that all of you felt comfortbale enough to express yourself without judgment. I hope your summer is full of mirth and enchantment. I hope that you find some time to get lost in a book and imagine an alternate world. I hope that someday, sometime, you use something that you’ve learned in my class. I hope that you find adventure, and kindness and love. This is not a goodbye (since it is my truest wish that I see you sometime in the future, in a crowd, on television receiving an award), but it is a farewell…at least for now.

I love you all.

Mrs. Ell

For the final blog response, write me (and the class) a letter of farewell. Suggestions for things to include – your honest opinion of the experiences in the class, what you most enjoyed, what you disliked, what you think could be changed about the course. If you’d prefer not to post your opinions publicly, I understand. You may email me instead. Please, do not ignore this assignment - I would really like to hear from you. If you choose to be rude or inappropriate, I will instead deduct points instead of giving you extra credit.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Blog 24 - Awards and Movies


In honor of the Tony Awards this weekend:

The Academy Awards, and many other organizations like it, were created to honor achievements in film. To win an Oscar is considered the highest honor in the industry, especially for whoever takes the Best Picture Award, which was taken most recently by “12 Years a Slave”. Although this was a phenomenal movie by the standard of the Academy, what was your favorite movie released in 2013? What was it that you liked about it? Was it Oscar-worthy in your opinion? Also, what is your favorite movie of all-time? Why? Make sure to give enough detail, emotion and description to validate your choice. Complete one paragraph on the movie you enjoyed this year, and one for all time favorite.